Lebron James facts
While investigating facts about Lebron James Net Worth and Lebron James Stats, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Lebron James rejected a $10 million offer from Reebok when he was just 18. When asked why, he said that Nike or Adidas might offer him a bit more. Less than a year later, he accepted a $90 million offer from Nike.
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Following LeBron James' decision to leave Cleveland and join the Miami Heat, the sports memorabilia company Fathead lowered the price of wall graphics depicting James from $99.99 to $17.41: the birth year of infamous American traitor Benedict Arnold
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's lebron james instagram. Here are 50 of the best facts about Lebron James Jr and Lebron James Wife I managed to collect.
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Lebron James was so hated back in 2012 that even a captured Al-Qaeda member wrote letters expressing his disgust at his decision to go to the Miami Heat. He told his lawyer that “LeBron James is a very bad man and should apologize to the city of Cleveland.”
Emporer penguins are over four feet tall, don't eat for almost two months during incubation, and can dive up to 1,500 feet in search of fish. But that's nothing compared to their ancestors who topped out at 6'8, nearly as large in height and weight to LeBron James.
After LeBron James left Cleveland for Miami in 2010, his posters were marked down and sold for $17.41 in reference to the year the American traitor Benedict Arnold was born.
Lebron James refuses to pay for apps or music and only uses his phone when he's on wifi
An extinct species of penguin that stood as tall as LeBron James (6'8")
LeBron James has already played more minutes in his pro career than Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, or Steve Nash (who played until he was 40).
Lebron James has a photographic memory and is able to remember exact in-game scenarios in basketball games he has played throughout his career over the years; growing up he was able to memorize moves in fighting games so well that his friends thought he was cheating.
During LeBron James's high school years, his team had to play home games at the University of Akron "to satisfy ticket demand from alumni, fans, and college and NBA scouts who wanted to see James play"
LeBron James has had to ask colleges to stop recruiting his 10 year old son.
Lebron James data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lebron James figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why lebron james taco tuesday by examining the linked well-known sources.
Guitar virtuoso Buckethead was fascinated with basketball. So much that he dedicated many tracks to famous basketball players, such as Michael Jordan, Blake Griffin, LeBron James and even the US's 2008 Olympic Men's Basketball team.
Warner Bros and Lebron James have signed a new deal for a "Space Jam" sequel. - source
Steph Curry and Lebron James, two of the biggest stars in the NBA, were both born on the same floor of the same hospital in the small city of Akron, Ohio. - source
Lebron James’ “The Decision” raised over $3 million that was all donated to Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
LeBron James will pay for more than 1,000 kids to go to college - source
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LeBron James received a 2% stake in Liverpool F.C. in 2011 for approximately $6.5 million
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Lebron James spends 50% of his time asleep.
After LeBron James switched teams, he moved the barber he met in Miami to Cleveland to be his personal barber
Lebron James was given a free Hummer in high school, which led to him being investigated by the Ohio High SchoolAthletic Association
HS basketball phenom Lenny Cooke who in 2001 was ranked ahead of LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, and Amar’e Stoudemire. In a tournament championship game Lebron drained a game winning 3 pointer against Cooke which sent his basketball career on a downward spiral.
A doctor once devastated a young Lebron James by telling him he would only grow to be 6'3
Lebron james infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Lebron James numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The East Goes Through LeBron: Eastern Conference Teams Defeated in a Playoff Series by James Throughout his Career