Tennis Player facts
While investigating facts about Tennis Players and Tennis Player Stabbed, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Herbert Hoover was so fat that his doctor invented Hooverball, where "On a tennis-like court, two teams of three players throw a 6-pound medicine ball back and forth over an 8-foot net." Hoover lost 21 pounds in his term.
how tennis players are ranked?
Men's tennis players use a different type of tennis ball than women
What tennis player was stabbed?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tennis player got stabbed. Here are 50 of the best facts about Tennis Player Ranking and Tennis Players Male I managed to collect.
who is the 15 year old tennis player at wimbledon?
Serena and Venus Williams were 16 and 18 years old when they challenged any man outside the top 200 best tennis players in the world to beat them, Karsten Braasch the 203 player accepted the challenge and defeated them with 6-1 and 6-2, they later changed it to beating anyone outside of top 350.
Tennis player Vitas Gerulaitis lost 16 consecutive times to Jimmy Connors. When finally beating Connors on their 17th meeting, he said "And let that be a lesson to you all. Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row"
Serena and Venus Williams claimed they could beat any male tennis player ranked 200 or below. Karsten Braasch, ranked 203, beat each of them 6-1 and 6-2 respectively.
One of the current top US Tennis players is named Tennys, and is from Tennessee.
Harold Blauer, a professional tennis player who sought help for his depression and was unknowingly given experimental medication. His death was covered up by the CIA for 22 years.
The modern polo shirt was designed so the collar would intentionally be popped, preventing the sun from burning tennis players' necks.
Grunting in tennis is punishable by losing a point to the opponent. This is because some player's grunts, like Maria Sharapova's, whose grunt is nearly equal to that of a lion's roar, can affect how the opponent returns the ball.
A friendly exchange between an American and Chinese player in the 1971 World Ping-Pong Championship prompted Mao Zedong to invite the American table-tennis to China, helping re-open Sino-American relations for the first time since the cold war.
Edward Stuart Baker, a man who survived a panther attack by shoving his left arm down its throat. Despite losing his arm, he remained a formidable tennis player and even won a local tournament several years later.
Serena and Venus Williams claimed they could beat any male tennis player ranked 200 or below. Karsten Braasch, ranked 203, easily beat each of them 6-1 and 6-2 respectively; all after playing a round of golf, drinking a couple beers, and smoking several cigarettes.
Tennis Player data charts
For your convenience take a look at Tennis Player figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do tennis players grunt?
You can easily fact check why do tennis players wear white by examining the linked well-known sources.
American tennis player, Vitas Gerulaitis, after losing to Jimmy Connors in 16 consecutive matches and then winning in 17th, commented: "And let that be a lesson to you all. Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row!"
Female tennis player Esther Vergeer went on a decade long winning streak in wheelchair singles ended only by her retirement. Her streak lasted 470 matches and brought her 7 Paralympic gold medals and 21 grand slam singles titles. - source
Monica Seles, a woman on track to become one of the greatest tennis players of all time, who's career was shattered when she was stabbed mid-match by a deranged fan - source
During a tennis match in 1993, Monica Seles (the world number one women's tennis player of the time) was stabbed on-court by a member of the crowd.
Tennis player Stan Smith earns royalty, even after 40 years, for his shoe deal with Adidas. - source
When do tennis players get paid?
Comedian Johnny Carson was an avid tennis player. When he sold his house in Malibu to tennis starJohn McEnroe, the escrow terms required McEnroe to give Johnny six tennis lessons.
How much do tennis players make?
The first athlete to endorse Nike was Ilie Nastase, a Romanian tennis player, who signed a contract with Nike in 1972.
A tv show managed to get a 0.0 rating. Tennis player John McEnroe had a talk show that got a 0.0 rating on two separate occasions
In 1998 the young William's sisters stated they could beat any male tennis player ranked outside the world's top 200. German Karsten Braashch ranked 203 and a heavy smoker accepted the challenge. After playing a round of golf having some beers and beat them 6-1 and 6-2 respectively.
In the end of WW2, German soldiers allied to American soldiers so they could fight against SS soldiers to rescue French politicians and Tennis players in a medieval castle
In high school Jackie Robinson was an All-Star baseball player, accomplished tennis player, and his older brother Matthew (nicknamed Mack) won a silver medal in the 200 meter sprint in the 1936 summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany.