Regular Season facts
While investigating facts about Regular Season Nfl and Regular Season Nba, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Australia there is a season known as "Swooping Season" wherein Magpies will attack humans regularly. Steps must be take to prevent this such as wearing helmets with eyes painted on the, spikes, or using broad brimmed hats.
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Despite winning four Superbowls, Joe Montana holds virtually no regular season quarterback records
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best regular season record in the nba. Here are 42 of the best facts about Regular Season Mlb and Regular Season Nhl I managed to collect.
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Jim Henson's Muppets were regular "cast members" on the first season of Saturday Night Live, but the human cast members and writers weren't entirely fond of the furry folks because they took away screen time from them and seemed childish. Jim Belushi called them the "Mucking Fuppets".
Baseball has a Golden Ticket that gets the holder into any regular season game. Players get one after 8 years, it’s also been given to astronauts and former POWs.
The first shower of Gatorade at a sports game occurred during an NFL regular season game.
Tuatara has third eye (called parietal eye) that is visible on top of the head of hatchlings. After 4 to 6 months, this structure becomes covered with scales. Third eye contains elements of regular eye such as retina, cornea and nerve endings. Tuatara probably uses it to detect daily changes in light and seasonal changes.
An NFL season consist of four weeks of pre-season, seventeen weeks of regular season, and single elimination playoff season between 12 teams. The championship game is the Super Bowl.
MLB offers a card that gives any player manager, coach or umpire with at least eight years of service free admission for two seats to any regular-season game of their choice for life
The Cincinnati Bengals first regular season win was against the Denver Broncos with a final score of 24-10.
Female builds globe-shaped nest high in the trees. Nest is made of grass, roots, moss, spider webs and silk out of cocoons. Construction of the nest usually lasts 5 days, but it needs to be regularly maintained during the nesting season.
TV series Bonanza, starting from the fourth season, dressed all regular characters in the same outfit in nearly every episode. It made duplication of wardrobe easier for stunt doubles and saved them from re-filming horse riding action shots as previously shot stock footage could be reused
Bruce Bochy has managed the Padres and the Giants from 1995-2019. His regular season record over that time is 1995-2019.
Regular Season data charts
For your convenience take a look at Regular Season figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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According to ESPN's Stats: Shaquille O'Neal, Shaq made only one three-pointer out of 22 attempts in regular and post-season games over his entire career. The only three pointer he made was in a regular-season game during the 1995-1996 season with the Orlando Magic.
Activity of sulcata tortoise depends on the season. It is mostly active during the rainy season (from July to October) when food and water are available. It basks in the sun in the early morning to increase body temperature and provide energy required for regular daily activities.
The Cincinnati Reds once let a 15 year old pitch for them in a 1944 regular season game. Joe Nuxhall pitched 0.2 innings and gave up 5 earned runs in his MLB debut. He didn't play his second game until 8 years later. - source
Clayton Kershaw (pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers) made $9602.30 per pitch in the 2015 regular baseball season.
After eight years of service, most players, managers and umpires in the MLB receive a lifetime pass, literally a golden ticket, to all regular season games. - source
When regular season start for nfl?
The first regular season game played by the Cincinnati Bengals resulted in a loss to the San Diego Chargers of 29-13.
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The 2008 Detroit Lions are the only NFL team to go 0-16, and the second to have a winless season. The other team being the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who went 0-14 in 1976, before it was changed to 16 games a regular season.
Nfl quarterback russell wilson is still under a major league baseball contract despite not playing in a regular season game since 2011. the texas rangers traded him in february 2018 to the ny yankees
Ron Garretson, a 31-year NBA referee, who is also the son of also former NBA referee Darrell Garretson. He has refereed 1,845 regular season games, 234 playoff games, and 6 NBA Finals.
Adult Swim had an original series reach it's 7th season (Aqua Teen Hunger Force in 2009) before a Cartoon Network proper series (Regular Show in June 2015 (narrowly getting there before Adventure Time))
The character Urkel was originally supposed to be a one-time appearance and didn't appear until the 12 episode but he proved so popular he was written in as a regular by season 2 and became the main protagonist
Regular season infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Regular Season numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Warriors and Raptors 2018-19 Regular Season Shotcharts