Ticket Sales facts
While investigating facts about Ticket Sales Online and Ticket Sales Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Zootopia is the only movie with no human characters to make $1 billion worldwide in ticket sales.
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When tickets went for sale for the first Comic Con in 1964, the first ticket was purchased by 15-year-old George R. R. Martin.
What percentage of ticket sales go to the artist?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what would the predicted ticket sales with the following data. Here are 47 of the best facts about Ticket Sales Avengers Endgame and Endgame Ticket Sales I managed to collect.
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In 1987 Steven Spielberg made a deal with Universal Studios Florida to licence his films for rides in return for 2% of the gross revenues in perpetuity (including tickets & concession sales). The annual payout exceeds $50M & will keep growing unless he agrees to a multi-billion dollar buyout.
Every receipt at every store in Taiwan is a ticket for a government lottery with top prizes worth over 300,000 USD. It was introduced in 1951 to combat sales tax dodging by businesses.
Keanu Reeves gave his share of ticket sales for the Matrix sequels (which was contractually his right and was around $38 million) to add to the special effects budget of the movies. He also gave each member of the stunt department for Matrix:Reloaded a Harley Davidson as a thank you.
Pearl Jam sued Ticketmaster for creating a monopoly on ticket sales. Pearl Jam wanted to charge no more than $18.50 for tickets in ’94, with service fees of no more than $1.80. Ticketmaster balked, saying that it needed at least $2 in fees simply to cover its own costs.
George Lucas traded 2.5% of "Star Wars" ticket sales with Steven Spielberg for 2.5 % of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" sales. Lucas did this because he was not sure that Star Wars would be profitable. Spielberg ended up making $40 Million from Star Wars.
Less than half of all tickets for major sport & music events go on sale to the general public
Disney has a bad reputation among theater owners for its strict/lofty terms regarding its films. For "The Last Jedi" as an example, Disney demanded a 65% cut of ticket sales (rather than the minimum 55%-60% cut), a 4 week hold in each venue, and a 5% penalty to any owner who breaks the contract.
Movie theaters make almost no money from ticket sales and profit almost solely on concessions
Movie theaters make 70% of their revenue from ticket sales, and only 25% from junk food
More than 50,000 season tickets were sold in only 14 days when they went up for sale in 1996.
Ticket Sales data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ticket Sales figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are nascar ticket sales down by examining the linked well-known sources.
Receipts in Taiwan are also tickets for a lottery run by the government. This system was created in the 1950's to prevent sale tax avoiding.
Joel Ifergan, who bought a lottery ticket with the winning numbers 13 tenths of a second before the sales deadline. Due to delays in the computer processing it was not registered for another 7 seconds. His numbers won, but he was denied his share of the jackpot. - source
Steven Speilberg receives 2% of all ticket sales for Universal Studios - source
From 2000-2010 The Dave Matthews Band was the most successful band in North America (based on ticket sales and monies earned)
In the face of widespread tax evasion by the 'cash economy' Slovakia passed a law to have every sales receipt double as a lottery ticket, and every 'on the record' purchase put citizens in the running for cash prizes. - source
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George Lucas wrote the story for a CGI film released earlier this year called "Strange Magic". It was a box office bomb, having the lowest ticket sales of any animated film ever released in over 3,000 theatres.
How to resolve slow ticket sales?
After Cinderella Man opened to low ticket sales AMC Theatres offered a money back guarantee to viewers that were dissatisfied.
A college in Texas coverted it's football stadium into a farm due to poor ticket sales.
With inflation adjusted, "Gone with the Wind" is the highest grossing film both in North America ($1.854 Billion) and in the world ($3.44 Billion). Within its four years of initial release in the US, it had sold 60 million tickets - sales equivalent to just under half the population at the time.
Burning Man has an annual budget of about $10 million, mostly from sale of tickets at $390 each.
When Nikolai Glushkov became a top manager of Aeroflot in 1996, he found that they worked as a "cash cow to support international spying operations". 1 in 5 working there were intelligence officers. Proceeds from ticket sales went to foreign banks that could not be controlled by the Aeroflot.