Box Office facts
While investigating facts about Box Office Collection and Box Office Mojo, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Test audiences hated 'Dirty Dancing' and the producer was so disappointed in the final product he said "Burn the negative, and collect the insurance." Expected to be a box office bomb, instead was a smash hit,was the #1 video rental of '88, and was first film to sell a million copies on video.
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The Emperor's New Groove was originally intended to be a musical epic similar to the Lion King titled Kingdom of the Sun, but after bad test screenings, the poor box office performance of Pocahontas, and creative differences between the directors, it was made into a light comedy
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what box office record. Here are 50 of the best facts about Box Office India and Box Office Results I managed to collect.
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Zoe Saldana is the only person to appear in 2 movies making $2 billion or more in the box office.
Sean Connery was offered was 15% of worldwide box office receipts to play Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, but turned it down for "not understanding the script." The deal would have been worth about $400 million.
The Shamwow guy, Vince Offer, wrote a comedy film which was considered to be one of the worst films of all time. With a $500,000 budget, it grossed $856 at the box office.
Blade Runner and The Thing both came out on the same day, received mixed critical reception, and were considered box office flops, and are both now considered masterclasses in their genres.
Despite bringing in just $462 million at the box office, the 2006 movie "Cars" earned $10 billion in merchandise sales over the next 5 years
The 1994 box office bomb Baby's Day Out was a huge hit in South Asia, beating Star Wars as the most successful American film. It was played for over a year at the largest theater in Calcutta and spawned two remakes
Although being a giant box office success, movie theater business was less enthused about the movie "A Quiet Place" because the ambiance of the movie was such that any type of loud eating was shamed leading to people not buying any food. Cinemas normally earn more from food than tickets.
For one week in 1994, Tim Allen had the #1 movie at the box office (The Santa Clause), The #1 rated TV show (Home Improvement), and the #1 NY Times bestselling book (Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man).
Alec Guiness was one of the few cast members who believed that Star Wars would be a box office hit; he negotiated a deal for 2.25% of the gross royalties paid to the director, George Lucas, who received one fifth of the box office takings. This made him very wealthy in his later life
For staring in the 1988 comedy film Twins, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito both agreed to take 20% of the film's box office take instead of their usual salaries. This resulted in them receiving the biggest paychecks of their movie careers.
Box Office data charts
For your convenience take a look at Box Office figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why get a post office box by examining the linked well-known sources.
The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie (1990) was a low-budget non-studio flick that blew away box office records and became the highest-grossing indie film of all time (at the time).
In 2014, Christopher Nolan's Interstellar is the only film in the top 10 worldwide box office to be completely original. - source
E.T., Blade Runner, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, Poltergeist, and The Thing were all released on the same month and competed with each other at the box office. - source
It's A Wonderful Life was a box office flop that caused the sale of its production company. It only became popular after the copyright holders forgot to file for a renewal and TV stations could play it all day and night without paying for it.
The film 'It's a Wonderful Life' was considered a box office failure upon release in 1946. A clerical error placed the film in the public domain in 1974 causing many local TV networks to play the film for free, popularising it as a Christmas classic. - source
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1986s Howard the Duck box office failure lead the films producer (George Lucas) to be so badly in debt that he had to sell he just-launched computer-animation division to his friend, Steve Jobs of Apple.That same year, Jobs renamed the company to Pixar.
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Since the movie "Beasts of No Nation" was released online the same time it was theatrically, AMC, Regal, Carmike, and Cinemark completely boycotted the movie, effectively downgrading the movie to a limited-release movie with a box office return of $90,777.
In 1999, Vince Offer (the ShamWow! guy) directed and starred in a film called The Underground Comedy Movie. Its budget was $170,000 and it grossed $856 at the box office.
Will Smith is the only actor to have eight consecutive films gross over $100 million in the domestic box office
Despite only making cameo appearance, Stan Lee has now moved up to the 3rd highest grossing US box office actor of all time
Box office infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Box Office numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Box Office gross over production budget for every official James Bond film