Thomas Jefferson facts
While investigating facts about Thomas Jefferson High School and Thomas Jefferson University, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Thomas Jefferson studied the Quran (as well as many other religious texts) and criticized Islam much as he did Christianity and Judaism. Regardless, he believed each should have equal rights in America
how thomas jefferson died?
In one of Thomas Jefferson's letters to James Madison in 1789 he stated that the Constitution and laws should expire after 19 years. This was to allow the new generations to learn from the past and change accordingly, it was also to prevent older generations from "binding" subsequent ones.
What did thomas jefferson invent?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did thomas jefferson die of. Here are 50 of the best facts about Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Thomas Jefferson Middle School I managed to collect.
what's thomas jefferson famous for?
Thomas Jefferson was Deist, the belief that a God created the universe but hasn't interfered with it since.
The US may have adopted the metric system if pirates hadn’t kidnapped the French scientist sent to help Thomas Jefferson persuade Congress to adopt the system
C&P: Thomas Jefferson used a razor to cut passages from the New Testament and literally pasted them together into what is now known as the Jefferson Bible, currently on display at the Smithsonian. He felt the focus should be on Jesus’ life and moral teachings, not inexplicable miracles
Thomas Jefferson believed Jesus's teachings were "the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man," but that they had been appropriated by his followers, resulting in a Bible that contained both "diamonds of wisdom" and the "dung" of ancient political agendas.
Thomas Jefferson helped popularize mac and cheese in America by serving it to his dinner guests during his Presidency. He even had his own recipe
The first swivel chair was invented by Thomas Jefferson, and that he sat on it when he drafted the United States Deceleration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson thought the constitution should be rewritten every 20 years.
One of the reasons Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to map the American West was to find mastodons—a large, extinct, elephant-like mammal. Jefferson was interested in the fossils being discovered across North America and believed there were still mastodons roaming the unexplored West.
One of the most expensive wine bottles that was never to have been drunk was a 1787 Margaux from Thomas Jeffersons Collection, the owner brought it to a restaurant and a waiter knocked it over. Insurance payout was $225,000 in 1989
Thomas Jefferson data charts
For your convenience take a look at Thomas Jefferson figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why thomas jefferson is famous?
You can easily fact check why thomas jefferson university by examining the linked well-known sources.
Thomas Jefferson is credited with introducing macaroni and cheese to America, after encountering the pasta on a trip to Paris
Thomas Jefferson kept a shetland sheep at the White House. It attacked several people, killed a small boy, and was eventually called "this abominable animal". - source
In 1962 Pres. Kennedy invited 49 Nobel Laureates for dinner at the White House. Kennedy remarked, "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." - source
Thomas Jefferson argued that because no generation has a right to bind subsequent generations, the Constitution should expire every 19 years.
When thomas jefferson died?
Thomas Jefferson proposed in 1784 to end slavery in all the territories, but his bill lost in Congress by one vote.
How did thomas jefferson die?
Although we picture the Founding Fathers as old men, many were quite young. By July 4th, 1776, Aaron Burr was 20, Alexander Hamilton, 21; James Madison, 25; John Jay, 29; and Thomas Jefferson, 33.
The 1800 election for the US President was an exact tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, so the vote went to the House of Representatives. The House voted 35 times, all of them ties, until Jefferson won on the 36th vote.
Thomas Jefferson cut and pasted from a King James Bible in order to make a condensed version that included the philosophy of Christ the man, with no supernatural events included.
Thomas Jefferson purchased a thermometer a few days before signing The Declaration of Independence. He noted that it was 76 degrees on Signing Day in Philadelphia.
Thomas Jefferson tried for years to send a gigantic stuffed moose to a French count to counter claims that the North American climate made all animals (including people) weak and feeble