John Adams facts
While investigating facts about John Adams Hbo and John Adams Morgan, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During his Presidency, John Quincy Adams planned on funding an expedition to the center of the earth to establish a trade route with mythical “Mole People.”
how john adams died?
Teddy Roosevelt and John Quincy Adams are the only two US Presidents that did not use a Bible at their swearing-in ceremonies.
What did john adams die of?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was john adams foreign policy. Here are 50 of the best facts about John Adams Middle School and John Adams High School I managed to collect.
what john adams is famous for?
John Quincy Adams, the 6th US President, took the presidential oath of office not after placing his hand on a Bible but upon a book of law.
John Quincy Adams would go skinny dipping in the Potomac River every morning. Anne Royall, the first female journalist to ever score an interview with a president, discovered Adams skinny dipping one morning and hid his clothing until he agreed to talk to her.
President John Quincy Adams took the oath of office on a book of constitutional law, rather than a Bible.
Politicians mocked John Adams, nicknaming him "His Rotundity" after he had suggested that the president should be titled like royalty, suggesting titles such as, "His Majesty the President" and “His Highness, the President of the United States of America, and Protector of the Rights of the Same"
Samuel Colt, famous for producing the revolver,originally created underwater mines. They were highly effective, however John Quincy Adams scuttled the project as "not fair and honest warfare" and termed the Colt mine an "unchristian contraption." So Colt returned his attentions to guns.
Prior to British troops firing on civilians at the Boston Massacre in 1770, they were pelted with oyster shells, ice, stones, sticks, and beaten with clubs by an unruly mob. At the trial, the soldiers were successfully defended by none other than John Adams and all were acquitted of murder.
John Quincy Adams was sworn into Office by placing his hand on a law book rather than the Bible
Journalist Anne Royall refused to give John Quincy Adams his clothes while he was skinny-dipping unless she could interview him, and she became the first woman ever to interview a U.S. president.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935) lived long enough to shake hands with both John Quincy Adams and John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams was the first American president to grant a woman reporter an interview (Anne Royall) and did so because she sat on his clothes while he bathed nude in the Potomac River.
John Adams data charts
For your convenience take a look at John Adams figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why john adams was famous?
You can easily fact check why did john adams die by examining the linked well-known sources.
As John Adams lay dying, he remarked that Jefferson had outlived him, unaware that Jefferson had died hours earlier, on the 50th anniversary of the original Fourth of July
John Adams, the first vice president of the United States of America described vice presidency as "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived" - source
George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were Christian Deists and did not believe that Jesus Christ was divine. - source
John Quincy Adams took the oath of office using a law book instead of a bible. Adams was the sixth President of the United States from 1825-1829.
John Adams said “There is nothing I dread so much as a division of the Republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader and converting measures in opposition to each other.” Despite this, nothing was written in the Constitution about political parties - source
When john adams died?
The first public school in the United States is still open. The Boston Latin School was founded over 380 years ago; famous alumni include Sam Adams, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Hancock, and Leonard Bernstein.
How did john adams die?
Harriet Tubman (1823-1913) was alive at the same time as John Adams (1735-1826) and Ronald Reagan (1911-2004).
In 1825, John Quincy Adams was inaugurated on a book of law, not a Bible. The tradition of using a Bible was only documented for George Washington and presidents following Tyler.
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
John Adams, who would go on to become the second President, defended in court the soldiers who committed the Boston Massacre, earning acquittals for six of the eight.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both signers of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 both died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration.