Terrorist Organizations facts
While investigating facts about Terrorist Organizations List and Terrorist Organizations In India, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There was a terrorist organization in the late 1940s in Brazil, made up of Japanese immigrants that believed Japan had won WWII. They urged Japanese Brazilians who did not believe them to commit seppuku, and executed those who didn't.
how terrorist organizations are funded?
In 2009, scientists at India's Defense Research and Development Organization announced plans to use ghost peppers in hand grenades, as a non-lethal way to flush out terrorists from their hideouts. It would also be developed into pepper spray as a self-defense/anti-rape product.
What are the goals of terrorist organizations?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are some terrorist organizations. Here are 23 of the best facts about Terrorist Organizations In The Middle East and Terrorist Organizations In Africa I managed to collect.
what are terrorist organizations?
There was a Marxist terrorist organization in Quebec intent on making Quebec an independent, Marxist state
During the first Red Scare, leftist organizations, such as the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), embarked on domestic terrorist campaigns through bombings and assassinations of their perceived enemies.
The War on Terror had many objectives including defeating the terrorists Osama bin Laden, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi; finding and destroying terrorist organizations and their members; stopping all state sponsorship of foreign countries involved in violent terrorism; diminishing the situations that make it easy for terrorists to gain ground; and to defend the homeland.
Much of the communists" success in the Tet Offensive, and the entire Vietnam War for that matter, rested on the Americans" inability to understand the Viet Cong. Many in the military viewed the VC as little more than a loose collection of spies and terrorists working for the North Vietnamese, when in reality they were a well-developed organization with military, intelligence, and sabotage wings.
The Black Hand" In real life was a Serbian terrorist organization responsible for killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Bosnia and his wife. Which began the first Great War.
One of the founders of Greenpeace is Pro-GMO and accused the organization of Crimes against Humanity for their ideologica propaganda and terroristic attacks on GMO experiments.
After an Icelandic bank failed in the recession of 2008 the British government attempted to secure the public's assets in it by branding it a terrorist organization along with Al-Qaeda and Sudan.
The concept of "White-Privilege" was started by a radical left terrorist organization in the late 1960's.
Muammar Gaddafi called for Bin Laden's arrest and considered Al-Qaeda a terrorist organization.
The US Secretary of Defense admitted providing material support to the YPG, the armed wing of a 1997 US-State Department Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization
Terrorist Organizations data charts
For your convenience take a look at Terrorist Organizations figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is hamas a terrorist organization?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The NSA managed to stop exactly ONE terror plot with its surveillance, and it was an 8500USD donation to a terrorist organization.
Kodo-kai, a Yakuza group is considered not be a traditional yakuza organization, but to be more like a mafia-type organization or terrorist organization. They also manage a private intelligence organization which specializes in espionage including police-targeted intelligence. - source
There was a terrorist organization in France formed by radical wine producers against international competition - source
The Likud party currently ruling Israel began as a terrorist organization that murdered hundreds of civilians.
There's a 3,000 member US based Muslim organization with links to a Pakistani Islamic organization seeking to "purify Islam through violence," that it operates at least seven Islamic military training camps on US soil, and that neither organization is considered a terrorist group. - source
When was hezbollah declared a terrorist organization?
In 1985 the black liberation group Mobility Opportunities via Education (MOVE) was declared a terrorist organization by the Philadelphia Police. This ultimately led to a shootout with police and an aerial firebombing of MOVE headquarters. The bomb killed 11 people and destroyed 65 homes.
How terrorist organizations recruit?
The Terrorist Organization "Anti-Authority Erotic Cells" Bombed a Pfizer (Manufacturer of Viagra) Office on Valentine's Day 2000
France was unsupportive of the 2003 invasion of Iraq in part for fear of creating conditions that would allow terrorist organizations to proliferate and launch attacks similar to the attacks in France on November 13th.
The taliban isn't classified as a terrorist organization by the US
The German dub version of Die Hard portrays the terrorists completely different. The new background depicts them as some internationally organized terrorists having gone freelance and for profit rather than ideals.
Rumors of a powerful substance called "red mercury" that can supposedly aid in creating nuclear weapons have been circulated to terrorist organizations since the 1990's. They spend millions of dollars trying to obtain this fictional substance every year and the legend just keeps on growing.