Drone Strike facts
While investigating facts about Drone Strike Video and Drone Strike Iran, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In September 2000, US drones spotted a strikingly tall man believed to be Bin Laden but could not take any actions as the Predator drones back then were unarmed.
how drone strikes work?
The US killed 3398 foreign civilians in drone strikes between Oct 2014 - Jan 2017. 4,529 were killed between Feb 2017 - Sep 2017.
What does a drone strike look like?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a military drone strike. Here are 14 of the best facts about Drone Strike Saudi Arabia and Drone Strike Footage I managed to collect.
what drone was used in iran strike?
Polls indicate the majority of Americans support drone strikes in other countries and 41% approve of such strikes against US citizens in other countries.
An US drone strike in 2006 killed 69 children and only one possible target
Lightning strikes & drones aren't the best friends
At least 90 percent of those killed by drone strikes in Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen were not the intended targets.
Drone strikes are way less accurate than I was always thought to believe.
Up to 90% of US drone strike casualties in 2015 were not the intended targets. Around 49 out of every 50 victims were civilians, many whom were women or children.
More people have died in US Drone Strikes in Pakistan than in 9/11.
That, when reporting drone strike deaths, the US "considers as a 'militant' any military-age male in the strike target area"
The first drone strike happened in 1849 when the Austrians sent 150 unmanned bomb-filled balloons against the city of Venice
Nearly 9 in 10 people killed by U.S. drone strikes were not the intended target
Drone Strike data charts
For your convenience take a look at Drone Strike figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why drone strikes are necessary?
You can easily fact check why drone strikes are effective by examining the linked well-known sources.
The use of unmanned drone strikes have caused a significant decrease in civilian deaths across the board.
In 2013 a UK based independent journalism group launched the "Naming the Dead" project which set out to name the victims, both civilians and militants, of US drone strikes. Some of whom were/are listed as "unknown". - source