Terror Attacks facts
While investigating facts about Terror Attacks Spain and Terror Attacks In India, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The September 11 terror attacks on the WTC released a dust cloud of toxic asbestos fibers across Manhattan, with an estimated 410,000 people exposed. It is believed lung cancer and mesothelioma cases in the city will reach a peak in the year 2041 (four decades after 9/11)
how many terror attacks in london?
Henryk Siwiak was fatally shot on 9/11/2001 and because the deaths from the terror attacks are not included in the city's official crime statistics, Siwiak's death is the only homicide recorded in New York City on that date.
What percentage of terror attacks involve explosives?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what tactics have characterised recent terror attacks. Here are 50 of the best facts about Terror Attacks 2019 and Terror Attacks In The Us I managed to collect.
what's terror attacks?
The September 11 terror attacks on the WTC released a dust cloud of toxic asbestos fibers across Manhattan. An estimated 410,000 people have been exposed. It is believed lung cancer and mesothelioma cases in the city will reach a peak in the year 2041 (four decades after 9/11)
A Pakistani firm made a fertiliser that could not be used in the manufacture of IDE for terror attacks.
In 1985 the French President authorised a state-sponsored terror attack on New Zealand soil, killing a Dutch citizen.
When the Kurds revolted against British rule in the 1920's, Winston Churchill said; ''I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against the uncivilized tribes… it would spread a lively terror.'' Decades later, Saddam Hussein did what Churchill advocated (Poison Gas Attack on Halabja, 1988).
The copy of Charlie Hebdo magazine released after the terror attack, sold nearly 8 million copies, compared to their prior usual of 60,000 copies.
In 2007 the show Aqua Teen Hunger Force attempted the advertise their upcoming movie by planting Lite Brite devices of one of the shows characters all around Boston. The entire city or Boston went on lockdown thinking the devices were bombs in an attempted terror attack
The September 11 terror attacks on the WTC released a dust cloud of toxic asbestos fibers across Manhattan. An estimated 410,000 people have been exposed. It is believed lung cancer and mesothelioma cases in the city will reach a peak in the year 2041 (four decades after 9/11)
During the Attack on Pearl Harbor, a Japanese pilot crash-landed on the island of Ni'ihau and with the help of Japanese-speaking residents he terrorized the island before being killed.
Alexander Litvinenko, before his death as a result of mysterious poisoning, had accused the Russian government of perpetrating a false flag terror attack against Russian civilians, in order to justify an invasion of Chechnya.
In 2000, the destroyer USS The Sullivans was the target of a failed terror plot in the Port of Aden; the bombers' suicide boat was so overloaded with explosives that it sank. The culprits were able to salvage the explosives, and 9 months later, used them to attack the USS Cole in the same port.
Terror Attacks data charts
For your convenience take a look at Terror Attacks figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did the 2008 mumbai terror attacks happen?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Top US government officials proposed committing acts of terror against US citizens in false flag attacks as a pretext to invade Cuba, before being denied by President Kennedy.
The Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo perpetrated two terror attacks against the Japanese public using deadly sarin gas. When their compounds were raided, authorities found chemicals for creating enough sarin to kill up to 4 million people along with ebola and anthrax cultures. - source
In 2016 the Pew Research Center conducted a poll asking Americans to name the most historical event to happen within their lifetimes. Across all generations dating back to the Silent Generation (born 1928-1945), the #1 response was the Sept. 11th terror attacks. - source
Hamza, the son of Osama Bin Laden married the daughter of Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker in the 9/11 terror attacks
More than 3000 people died on September 11th, 2001 as a result of the terrorist attacks that spawned the War on Terror.
When were the mumbai terror attacks?
In the 80's a city was created in rural Oregon by followers of a Indian guru. It had 7K residents and all the systems and infrastructure of a typical city. They fought with the locals and overtook the nearby town of Antelope. They even carried out the largest bio-terror attack in US history.
How many terror attacks in india?
The last known rescue dog from the USA's 9/11/01 terror attack lived until 2016 and was euthanized at age 16.
On September 14th, 2001, the AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists) became law in the United States. This gave the President he ability to use any and all force necessary to go after terrorists involved in the September 11th attacks.
The Rajneeshee cult which had access to chemical poisons, a relatively untraceable biological weapon, tons of guns, planes, and an army, caused the second largest bio-terror attack in US and still failed to kill anyone.
Sean Penn is a political activist and once placed a $56,000 ad in the Washington Post to ask President George W. Bush to end the cycle of violence, in reference to the War on Terror and the planned attack in Iraq.
It is estimated that approximately 36% of Americans believe in the conspiracy theory that the United States government was actually involved in the 9/11 attacks or that they knew they were going to happen and did nothing to stop them.