Incredible and fun facts to explore

Targeted Ads facts

While investigating facts about Targeted Ads Facebook and Targeted Ads Instagram, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Axe advertising was targeted to work on insecure males. The ads were so succesful that the brand eventually backpedaled, as the brand was being too closely associated with their target group.

how targeted ads work?

Marvin Gaye’s real last name was “Gay”. His father was a crossdresser, making Marvin a target of bullying. It was because of this, added with rumors of Marvin's own homosexuality, that Marvin added an "e" to his last name when he became famous.

What are my targeted ads?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does targeted ads mean. Here are 26 of the best facts about Targeted Ads Listening and Targeted Ads Phone Listening I managed to collect.

what are targeted ads?

  1. Those making less than $10,000 a year spend $597 on the lottery meanwhile the average US household spends $162. States not only know this; they actually target the poor with lottery ads.

  2. In Quebec after banning ads for toys and fast food targeted at children under 13, the result was lower childhood obesity rates.

  3. The image of Subarus being cars for lesbians is a result of a 20-year long ad campaign targeted at the LGBT audience.

  4. Drugmakers and Internet companies link U.S. pharmacy records with online accounts to target ads to people based on their health conditions and the prescription drugs they buy.

  5. Subaru, struggling financially in the 90s, launched a subtle ad campaign targeting the lesbian community by including details like "P-Townie" (Provincetown) on license plates. This campaign likely saved the company.

  6. A Russian Gov't Newspaper takes out 8 page ads in major publications (including New York Times and Wall Stree Journal) to target "educated, socially active and wealthy people" with pro-Russia articles.

  7. A father complained to Target because they kept sending pregnancy product ads addressed to his teen daughter. As it happens, Target was able to determine she was pregnant based on her purchasing data which included unscented lotion, cotton swabs, & minerals; he later called to apologize.

  8. The US armed forces have added a load of propeller driven aircraft to their ranks (think WWII style). They can still bomb targets, shoot bad guys and do reconnaissance BUT they cost $600 PH to run as opposed to the $16K for jets, and missiles find it hard to target them.

  9. Some tv/internet ads produce inaudible sounds which may be picked up by other devices to create a more complete "ad targeting profile" of the user.

  10. The last ever Minister of State for Immigration in the UK, advocate of the 'Go Home' ad campaign targeting illegal immigration, was forced to resign in February 2014 after he discovered that his cleaner did not have the right to be in the country.

targeted ads facts
What are geo targeted ads?

Why targeted ads are good?

You can easily fact check why targeted ads are the most brutal owns by examining the linked well-known sources.

Gadgets can talk to each other with ultrasounds a human can't recognise. This technology is being used for targeting ads and hacking attacks

The 1980's mascot for Domino's called 'The Noid' was retired because a paranoid schizophrenic named Noid took two Domino's Employees hostage thinking the 'Avoid the Noid' ad campaign was targeted at him. - source

Targeted TV ads come in two forms, addressable and predictive. Addressable ads can identify the household composition, classify the contents that each household is watching in real time, and select different advertising messages for each profile watching TV. - source

The “Avoid the Noid” campaign by Domino’s Pizza in the ‘80s was ended after a tense stand off at a Domino’s pizzeria. Kenneth Noid, a mentally ill man, held workers at hostage because he thought the ad campaign was targeted at him. The police chief later called him “para-Noid”.

Coke is targeting children in their new ad campaign - source

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YouTubers make $10M a year easy because their videos target kids. Even with the new Ad rules coming in thats barely any of their income, most of it is from the merch and other businesses. Some of them have like 10 sources of income that come from their one channel. The top guy is making $26M

How targeted ads would be beneficial to consumers?

Subaru targeted Lesbians in an Ad Campaign, which ended up saving their company

In February Kevin Spacey recorded a real-life House of Cards political attack ad. The target, Tom Schweich committed suicide shortly thereafter.

One guy pranked his roomate by making creepily specific ads and targeting them to him on Facebook.

Burger King, which returned France just 4 years ago, made an ad campaign around a McDonald's billboard targeted against BK

Domino's stopped using the Noid Mascot after a mentally ill man believed the ads were targeting him specifically. He held two employees of an Atlanta Domino's restaurant hostage for over five hours.

Interesting facts about targeted ads

If you want facebook to not use your data to show targeted ads, you'll have to pay them.

You can control and opt out of targeted ads that follow you throughout the internet

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Targeted Ads. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Targeted Ads so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor