Personal Information facts
While investigating facts about Personal Information Form and Personal Information Protection Act, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A 170-person Swiss infantry unit once got lost during training exercises and inadvertently crossed 1.5km into Liechtenstein. The Swiss army later informed Liechtenstein of the incursion and offered official apologies, to which a ministry spokesperson responded, "No problem, these things happen."
how personal information is stolen?
About "one of the biggest companies you've never heard of". Acxiom gathers information on some 700 m people, with up to 1,500 data points per person, for ultra targeted marketing. Down to the list of people who buy particular brands of cereal in your local supermarket.
What personal information should be on a resume?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what personal information to put on a cv. Here are 50 of the best facts about Personal Information In Resume and Personal Information Definition I managed to collect.
what personal information is protected by the privacy act?
Swedes can find out each other's salaries with just one phone call to Swedish equivalent of the IRS. The person whose information is accessed is also informed who accessed it.
In 1973 science historian James Burke predicted the widespread use of computers for business decisions, the creation of metadata banks of personal information, and changes in human behaviour, such as greater willingness to reveal personal information to strangers
After the 1947 murder of Elizabeth Short (better known as the Black Dahlia), reporters called her mother, telling her that her daughter had won a beauty contest, once they pried enough personal information for their story, they informed her that her daughter had been murdered.
Take This Lollipop is an interactive film which accesses viewer's Facebook profile and locates the viewer's home from data in profile. It depicts the dangers in posting too much personal info on the Internet. Information gathered is then deleted which makes the film different for each viewer.
When Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004, he bragged about people trusting his site with personal information. He called the users "dumb fucks" for trusting him.
The, "No Child Left Behind Act" requires high schools to give out personal information to military recruiters.
Marketing firm Exactis leaked over 340 million records of personal information on public unprotected servers (data including but not limited to age and gender of children, addresses, pets, smoking habits, etc) and this breach affects nearly every single American.
Freddie Mercury gave DJ Kenny Everett one of the first copies of "Bohemian Rhapsody", informing him that it was his personal record not meant to be played on air. Everett disregarded the request and played it on his show 14 times in two days, leading to the song's massive success.
Three Klansmen, including an FBI informant, forced a black man to jump to his death from a bridge 150 feet into a river. An Alabama judge dropped the case because "Merely forcing a person to jump from a bridge does not naturally and probably lead to the death of such a person."
Personal Information data charts
For your convenience take a look at Personal Information figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it important to keep personal information private?
You can easily fact check why is it important to protect customers personal information by examining the linked well-known sources.
The word Ignorant is describing a person in the state of being unaware, and is often (incorrectly) used to describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard information
After Elizabeth Short, AKA "The Black Dahlia" was found murdered and mutilated in 1947 in Los Angeles, the Examiner newspaper contacted Short's mother and told her Elizabeth had won a beauty contest in order to pry as much personal information from her as possible. - source
Black Panther's chapter leader, Fred Hampton had a personal bodyguard/Director of Security who was actually an FBI informant. When no illegal activities were reported, the informant under FBI orders, instigated party rifts and incited armed clashes. - source
Blindsight, where a cortically blind person can't consciously see but still has visual information subconsciously processed. Such a person may avoid an obstacle in their field of view but not know why they did so.
In Japan, there are strict social rules for writing a resume. For example, photo must be attached, along with detailed personal information. Applicants use a uniform template. If it is written by hand, it must be in black ink, with no white out. Photocopies are not accepted. - source
When personal information is stolen?
The Duke of Montague bet that he could fill a theatre by promising the public the impossible. A newspaper advertised a magician who could turn into any person, dead or alive. The theatre was full and the audience then informed that the magician couldn't come.
How to find out personal information about someone for free?
Between 2007 and 2010, when driving around, Google's Street View cars hijacked peoples personal wireless signals, collecting emails, text messages, internet browsing histories and other personal information, in the US, UK, France and the Netherlands.
Poisoning the well is a rhetorical device where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say
Because Kim Jong-un's mother comes from the lowest “hostile” class in North Korea's official status system (Songbun), all of her personal information including even her name are officially considered state secrets there.
False copies of the game Cross Days were spread on the internet and contained a virus that would ask the user for personal information before posting their browsing history to a blog. The user could have it removed if they admitted to pirating. The virus was outlined in the false game’s TOS.