Privacy Policy facts
While investigating facts about Privacy Policy Generator and Privacy Policy Template, I found out little known, but curios details like:
You would need 76 work days to read all the privacy policies you agree to each year
how privacy-policy?
It would take 76 work days for the average person to read the all privacy policies they agree to in a year.
What's privacy policy?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is instagram's privacy policy. Here are 12 of the best facts about Privacy Policy For Website and Privacy Policy Example I managed to collect.
what privacy policy is required for websites?
Reading the Privacy Policies You Encounter in a Year Would Take 76 Work Days
It would take on average about 2.5 months to read through all the privacy policies we blindly agree to in one year.
It would take an average Amercian 80-300 hours to skim the privacy policies of all websites they visited in 2008.
Papa Johns privacy policy lets them " collect information about your mobile device, operating system, or web browser you’re using. We might look at what site you came from, or what site you visit when you leave us." Its in plain English, not legalese.
It would take the average person a month to read every privacy policy they encounter in a given year, assuming they spend eight hours a day reading. This excludes terms of service and end user license agreements.
How to create blog privacy policy in minutes
Reddit's new privacy policy will allow them to sell users personal information to advertisers
It is your right under federal law to protect the confidentiality of your Customer Proprietary Network Information. Check your mobile carrier's Privacy Policy to find out how to keep your Data from 3rd parties and services you haven’t purchased! Examples inside.
There is a karaoke app, StarMaker, that automatically posts videos of people singing to video-sharing website YouTube. While the app makes no attempt to properly inform users of such activity, it is briefly mentioned in StarMaker's Privacy Policy.
Samsung's privacy policy warns you that their smart TVs actively record your private conversations.
Privacy Policy data charts
For your convenience take a look at Privacy Policy figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.