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Successfully Defended facts

While investigating facts about Successfully Defended My Phd Thesis and Successfully Defended My Thesis, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Ingeborg Rapoport. In 2015, 74 years after being denied her Ph.D by the Nazis for being Jewish, she successfully defended her dissertation and received her doctorate from the University of Hamburg at the age of 102, making her the oldest person ever to receive one.

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In 1508 a French town tried to convict the local rats of destroying their crops, a lawyer successfully defended them by first arguing that court summons must be given to each individual rat and then arguing that it was too dangerous for them to come to the trial due to the cats in the town

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 44 of the best facts about Successfully Defended Dissertation and Successfully Defended My Dissertation I managed to collect.

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  1. Prior to British troops firing on civilians at the Boston Massacre in 1770, they were pelted with oyster shells, ice, stones, sticks, and beaten with clubs by an unruly mob. At the trial, the soldiers were successfully defended by none other than John Adams and all were acquitted of murder.

  2. The Nintendo character Kirby was named after John Kirby, a lawyer who successfully defended Nintendo when Universal sued them for stealing the idea of Donkey Kong from the King Kong franchise

  3. Since 1981, Mexico does not extradite to countries that are seeking the death penalty, and has successfully defended 400 of its citizens charged with a capital offence in the United States.

  4. During WWII the British govt would issue city-wide blackouts to make it harder for the German's to hit targets during night raids. Armed with new, secret radar technology, the British spread the myth that eating carrots improved eyesight to explain their newfound success in defending in the dark

  5. About the battle of Shipka Pass, in which 5,500 Bulgarian volunteers and 2,500 Russian Soldiers defended against a 40,000 strong Ottoman army and successfully held their position.

  6. A physicist, having been cited for not stopping at an intersection, successfully defended himself through mathematical analysis of the situation. He published a paper to the court to prove his innocence.

  7. Brian May, lead guitarist of Queen, was working on a PhD in astrophysics before Queen became famous. In 2006, he returned to finish his thesis, which he successfully defended in 2007. He also collaborated on the New Horizons project with NASA.

  8. In 1944, a small militia of 30 men in Luxembourg defended a medieval castle successfully against the onslaught of 250 Waffen SS, killing 18 nazis and forcing the rest to retreat. The castle proved to be a useful Allied watchtower into German territory for months to come.

  9. John Adams (successfully) defended the British Troops in their murder trial, sealing his reputation as one of the best lawyers in Massachusetts at age 35

  10. On August 4, 1911, Germany Schaefer was the last MLB player to steal first base, forcing a rule change. Also in 1914 he randomly walked in to a Chicago court room and successfully defended two drunks and got them acquitted.

successfully defended facts
What are the best facts about Successfully Defended?

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Gay panic", in which a defendant denies legal culpability due to temporary insanity over unwanted gay sexual advances, has been used as a successful defense against assault & murder charges in several countries

Dan Brown was unsuccessfully sued by another author in 2005, and his publisher Random House successfully defended themselves in a copyright infringement case brought on by authors of a non-fiction book about Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

A US Destroyer in WW2 successfully defended itself with potatoes. - source

Georgi Dimitrov, accused of conspiring to burn the Reichstag German in 1933, successfully defended himself in trial, including grilling Hermann Göring on the stand

About Henry Jarvis Raymond, Co-Founder of The New York Times, who successfully defended the office of The Times from being burned to the ground during the Drafts Riots of 1863, by personally manning a Gatling gun. - source

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The Battle of Vianden where in 1944 30 members of the Luxembourg Resistance successfully defended a castle from 250 Waffen SS troops.

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That, due to an unusual scoring rule in the 1994 Caribbean Cup, Grenada ended up attempting to score in either net, while Barbados tried (successfully) to defend both nets.

The Matrix defense whereby the defendant claims that he committed a crime because he believed he was in the Matrix, and not in the real world. It has has been used successfully to put users inside of mental-care facilities instead of prisons.

In 1294, 37 men successfully defended a Welsh castle against a besieging army.

In 1859, Stanton defended U.S. congressman Daniel Sickles in a high-profile murder case. Although Sickles killed a man in broad daylight in front of several witnesses, Stanton successfully argued that the was not-guilty because he was protecting his honor due to his wife's adulterous transgressions.

He successfully defended his title in twenty-five fights, which was a record at the time.

Interesting facts about successfully defended

Supreme Court Case National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, where the ACLU successfully defended and won the Nazis implied right to march for their political views

During the Greek war of Independence, 120 Greek revolutionaries barricaded themselves inside a inn, and successfully defended themselves against an Ottoman army of 9,000 men, causing them to retreat.

Jay Bilas, ESPN analyst and practicing lawyer, once argued a case where he successfully defended the rights of costume makers to produce Barney outfits. Bilas claimed that the likeness of dinosaurs could not be trademarked because they lived 55 million years ago.

In 1838, the Cherokee Nation successfully defended themselves in court to avoid the Trail of Tears, arguing that they were an independent nation that could not be interfered with by state governments. President Jackson forced them to relocate anyway.

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The ACLU successfully defended Oliver North and overturned his Iran-Contra convictions

An Olympic athlete died while successfully defending his championship - in the 54th Olympiad, 564 BCE

Alfred the Great successfully defended his kingdom against the Viking attempt at conquest, and by the time of his death had become the dominant ruler in England.[1] He is one of only two English monarchs to be given the epithet "the Great", the other one being Cnut the Great.

The crest of Welford Park - where the Great British Bake-Off is filmed - is based on the story of one of the ancestors successfully defending himself on a battlefield with his colleague's severed booted leg, after losing his sword.

A member of the Westboro Baptist Church has successfully argued a case before the US Supreme Court, defending the church's right to protest at military funerals.

The man who first coined the term "Gender" defended pedophila and performed the first gender reassignment surgery and deemed it a success despite the child later committing suicide

Preston North End were the first English Football Champions, through The Football League in 1889, defended successfully a year later and never became champions of English football since then.

During a 1994 soccer match between Barbados and Grenada, unusual rules led to a situation in which Grenada scoring in either goal meant qualification for the Caribbean Cup. Barbados successfully defended both goals for the last 7 minutes.

A member of the Westboro Baptist Church has successfully argued a case before the United States Supreme court defending the church's right to protest at military funerals.

North Dakota State University has the most successful college football program of the decade at any level. The FCS school has only had 3 losing seasons since 1964, and are the four-time defending NCAA Division I-FCS National Champions (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)

Abraham Lincoln successfully defended a criminal defendant by using an almanac to challenge a man's assertion that he saw the murderer "By the light of the moon."

Hillary Clinton successfully defended a rape suspect in 1975 by claiming that the twelve-year-old victim had a ""a tendency to seek out older men and engage in... fantasizing."

Horatius Cocles, a one eyed soldier, successfully defended a bridge initially with two companions, and later alone, against the entirety of the Etruscan army.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Successfully Defended. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Successfully Defended so important!

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