Statistically Significant facts
While investigating facts about Statistically Significant Sample Size and Statistically Significant Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
If you hear a word that sounds like your name, you’re predisposed to like that ‘thing’. Hence why a statistically significant amount of men called Dennis become dentists.
how to tell if something is statistically significant?
A research study found that Guinness tastes better in Ireland and that "This difference remained statistically significant after adjusting for researcher, pub ambience, [and] Guinness appearance."
What's statistically significant?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what statistically significant difference. Here are 30 of the best facts about Statistically Significant P Value and Statistically Significant Definition I managed to collect.
what statistically significant means?
Statistical analysis of hockey fights confirmed what coaches have long believed, that sending a player out to fight can significantly shift momentum in a game. Researcher Terry Appleby found that 76% of fights resulted in a 'momentum surge' for one team and 23% ended in a surge for both teams.
There is a statistically significant increase in fatal car accidents in the days after daylight savings time, presumably due to disruption in sleep patterns.
Scientists used a complex algorithm to gauge the level of bias in a media outlet by what quotes each outlet selected from a similar speech. It found that almost all forms of American media had statistically significant media bias.
Neuroscientist Craig Bennet bought a dead Atlantic salmon and did fMRI tests on it. There were enough differences between the brain scan from the dead fish "looking" at human faces and "at rest" to be statistically significant.
The World Cup has a statistically significant effect on birth rates, the male/female sex ratio of newborns, and heart attacks in nations whose national teams are competing.
The t-test of statistical significance was developed by a brewer at Guinness to make quality control of different batches of barley faster and easier.
A study showed that US public opinion on policies has a "minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact" on the chance a bill will become law. Contrarily, economic elite's opinions have substantial impact and high correlation with policy change.
P-Hacking, a way scientists can manipulate data so their results are statistically significant.
Trauma, especially early life trauma, is a risk factor for the development of both PTSD and psychosis. Logistic regression analyses showed that both child abuse and current PTSD were statistically significant predictors of psychotic disorder beyond the effects of lifetime trauma load.
The Fisher's test of statistical significance was developed by Ronald Fisher to determine if a woman named Muriel Bristow could reliably predict whether tea or milk was added first to a cup by taste alone. She could.
Statistically Significant data charts
For your convenience take a look at Statistically Significant figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is 30 samples statistically significant?
You can easily fact check why is a sample size of 30 statistically significant by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Student's t-test, used to find statistically significant differences in 2 data sets, was introduced by a chemist who was working for Claude Guinness. Claude Guinness had hired him to make Guinness the best Irish dry stout.
Prosecutors have been overstating the significance of DNA matches in many criminal cases due to faulty statistics baked into the system. - source
Pat Moran, who served as Senior Research Officer at Oxford's Institute of Statistics, made significant contributions to probability theory and its application to genetics, and who freely admitted he had difficulty with simple arithmetic. - source
Having creased earlobes is a statistically significant predictor of Coronary Artery Disease.
The United States is approximately 13 percent black and that there's a statistically significant amount more "hispanics" in America than there are black individuals. - source
What does it mean when statistically significant?
The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other. You can look the t-value up in a standard table of significance to determine whether the t-value is large enough to be significant or use statistical software
How to determine if a trend is statistically significant?
The 1919 Cincinnati Reds, the team that the so-called Black Sox threw the World Series to, were statistically the best team that year by a significant amount
The FDA did a study in 2015 that found no statistically significant increased risk of cancer from smoking only 1-2 cigars per day
There is a statistically significant power law relationship between maximum hurricane wind speed and economic loss
Eurostat statistics demonstrate that in Denmark the animal significantly outnumbers the human population – for every 100 residents there are 215 pigs.
Chinese schoolkids do group eye exercises in the morning, to prepare their eyes for the long day of study ahead. For twenty minutes the class rubs their thumbs over and around their eyes. Study of whether this actually protects against myopia showed no statistically significant benefit.