Shuttle Missions facts
While investigating facts about Shuttle Missions In Order and Shuttle Missions To Iss, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The space shuttle flew 135 missions with a flight computer that had less than 1% of the computing power as an XBox 360.
how many space shuttle missions were there?
A NASA astronaut waited 19 years to fly in space. Don Lind was selected in 1966 but was chosen for canceled missions, or as backup for missions; he said, "I was backing up two of the most depressingly healthy people you can imagine." Lind finally flew on the space shuttle in 1985.
What space shuttle flew the most missions?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what shuttle flew the most missions. Here are 50 of the best facts about Shuttle Missions List and Shuttle Missions Nasa I managed to collect.
what were the space shuttle missions?
William Shatner recorded a wake up call that was played for Space Shuttle Discovery and its crew for their last day docked at the ISS. Saying "Space, the final frontier. These have been the voyages of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Her 30-year mission:..."
Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang was not allowed to bring reindeer jerky with him on board a shuttle mission as it was "weird" for the Americans so soon before Christmas. He had to go with moose instead.
The man on NASA's CAPCOM that said, "Challenger, go at throttle up" just before it exploded was the pilot on the very next shuttle mission.
The flaw that destroyed Space Shuttle Challenger in 1986 almost occurred on another mission a year earlier. One of the astronauts on the 1985 flight was told that "you came within three-tenths of one second of dying."
In 2009, just in case Space Shuttle Atlantis was damaged while working on the Hubble, Endeavor was readied to launch a rescue mission. This was one of the few times both shuttle launch pads were occupied.
A Swedish astronaut was not allowed to bring reindeer jerky with him on board a shuttle mission close to Christmas because the American astronauts thought it was weird. He had to go with moose jerky instead.
A piece of Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree was taken to space on a space shuttle mission to defy gravity
The actual Navy pilot that flipped the bird at the MiG pilot in the movie Top Gun was Scott Altman, who later was selected an astronaut by NASA and flew on 4 Shuttle missions
NASA wouldn't launch the space shuttle if the mission ran from December to January because the on board computers were not designed to handle the end if year rollover.
Guion S. Bluford was a decorated Air Force pilot in Vietnam before joining NASA in the late 1970s.In 1983,he became the first African American to travel into space when he served as a mission specialist aboard the space shuttle Challenger.Before he retired he had logged 688 hours in space.
Shuttle Missions data charts
For your convenience take a look at Shuttle Missions figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are there no more space shuttle missions?
You can easily fact check why no more shuttle missions by examining the linked well-known sources.
Barbara Morgan was the backup teacher to Christa McAuliffe in the 'Teacher in Space Project'. She became an astronaut to honour McAuliffe and flew in space 21 years after the doomed Challenger shuttle, finally fulfilling McAuliffe's mission.
The space shuttle completed 135 missions.
Barbara Morgan, the backup teacher for NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-51L (Challenger), who watched from the ground as the crew she had trained with died in an explosion just after launch.
In 1986, Big Bird was invited to join a NASA mission to orbit earth in order to get kids excited about space. The shuttle he was supposed to be on exploded and everyone on board was killed. - source
When was the last space shuttle mission?
Space shuttles were not equipped with software that could handle a year change while in orbit so missions never took place between December and January.
How many shuttle missions were there?
Ships that have used ISS as a spaceport include four European ATV cargo spacecraft, four Japanese HTV cargo spacecraft, three SpaceX Dragons, 37 Space Shuttle missions, and 89 Russian spacecraft.
'Space Cadets' - A British TV Prank show, that convinced 4 people that they on a 5-day space mission. In reality, there were in a wooden space shuttle in Sussex, England.
Hundreds of worms flown aboard Space Shuttle Columbia for scientific experiments during the fatal STS-107 mission survived the catastrophic reentry and impact with the ground. They were carried in petri dishes, enclosed in six canisters that escaped the disintegration of the shuttle.
One of the most prestigious awards at NASA is the Silver Snoopy Award Pin. Each pin is flown in space on shuttle missions and presented by an astronaut to workers on the ground who contribute to the success and safety of spaceflight operations.
Astronaut John Young flew on the first manned Gemini flight, walked on the moon during Apollo 16 and was the commander of the first Space Shuttle mission