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Soviet Cosmonauts facts

While investigating facts about Soviet Cosmonauts Lost In Space and Soviet Cosmonauts See Angels In Space, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Soviet Cosmonauts take shotguns to space to protect themselves from Siberian wilderness upon re-entry back to earth.

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The Soviet Government banned Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin from space flight after another Cosmonaut died in a crash, fearing the political impact his death would have. Gagarin requested that he be able to fly regular aircraft, which the government granted. He died five weeks later in a plane crash.

What is the soviet cosmonauts?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Soviet Cosmonauts Killed and Soviet Cosmonauts Killed In Space I managed to collect.

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  1. Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev launched into space as a Soviet citizen, but returned to earth as a Russian citizen - he was in orbit when the Soviet Union dissolved on December 26, 1991.

  2. The Lost Cosmonauts conspiracy theory, which alleges that the Soviet Union sent two or more men into space before Yuri Gagarin, but their attempts at being the first man in space ended in failure

  3. From 1986 to 2007, Russian cosmonauts carried a triple-barrelled Soviet pistol called the TP-82 on space missions. It was intended as a survival aid to be used after landings and before recovery in the Siberian wilderness and against wildlife, namely bears and wolves.

  4. Soviet Cosmonaut knew he was doomed before he reentered, and spent his final minutes crying in rage.

  5. In Soviet Russia, laser weapons were developed for cosmonauts to kill astronauts by burning holes through their space suit.

  6. After cosmonaut Alexei Leonov performed the world's first spacewalk, the space capsule landed so deep in the Soviet forest that the crew had to spend the night in their capsule due to the danger of bears and wolves.

  7. After surviving the explosion of a rocket launch failure, the first thing the Soviet cosmonauts asked their rescue crews was cigarettes, but they were given shots of vodka instead

  8. The only deaths to have occurred in space thus far were in 1971, when 3 Soviet cosmonauts fell victim to a catastrophic decompression of their return module. The module executed a perfect automated landing, without a living person on-board.

  9. During the Space Race, the Soviet chief rocket engineer Sergei Korolev was never referred to by his real name. He was always identified as the "Chief Designer" to avoid a potential assassination attempt by the US. Not even cosmonauts working with him knew his real name.

soviet cosmonauts facts
What are the best facts about Soviet Cosmonauts?

Soviet Cosmonauts data charts

For your convenience take a look at Soviet Cosmonauts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

soviet cosmonauts fact data chart about Soviet Space Dogs - a Catalogue of Canine Cosmonauts
Soviet Space Dogs - a Catalogue of Canine Cosmonauts

Why did the soviet union blockade west berlin?

You can easily fact check why did the soviet union begin the berlin blockade by examining the linked well-known sources.

NASA beamed the song “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” to Soviet cosmonauts and U.S. astronauts during the first joint U.S.–Soviet space flight in 1975 (The Apollo–Soyuz Test Project)

Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev was stranded on the Mir space station until the political situation stabilized. - source

The soviet cosmonauts celebrated the moon landing in 1969 "with joy and vodka" - source

The "Lost Cosmonauts" theory. It states that the Soviet Union actually launched "test pilots" into space before Yuri Gagarin's famous voyage. Evidence includes radio equipment intercepting a Russian woman's screaming coming from the inside a supposedly empty, burning space capsule.

Vladimir Komarov, the first Soviet cosmonaut to reach outer space more than once, was heard "cursing the people who put him inside a botched spaceship" as he fell to Earth - source

What was the response when a soviet ship slipped past the blockade?

During the second launch of the Soviet N1 rocket (which was supposed to take the first cosmonaut to the Moon), a bolt got loose and was sucked into an oxygen pump, causing a seven kiloton explosion which devastated the launchpad. It is still one of the largest non nuclear explosion ever.

How many soviet cosmonauts walked on the moon?

Soviet cosmonauts took a copy of Pink Floyd's live album "Delicate Sound Of Thunder" with them on their mission, making it the first rock album to be played in space. David Gilmour and Nick Mason also attended the mission's launch.

A classic Soviet "Western" film is watched by cosmonauts before most space launches as a good luck ritual.

The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) of 1975 was the first cooperative American-Soviet space flight. It had a major impact on the cultural landscape of the United States during the 1970s as millions of Americans witnessed their astronauts shake hands and exchange gifts and flags with the Soviet cosmonauts.

There was a Cosmonaut abandoned in space for 4 months after the collapse of the Soviet Union

Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov performed a mission knowing the spacecraft had hundreds of ignored problems. After dealing with devastating system failures, he managed re-entry – then the parachute AND backup parachute failed. He reportedly cried and raged in fury as he plunged to his death.

When was the soviet bloc created?

Soviet Cosmonauts carried bear-killing shotguns into space with their survival gear. The TP-82 was used until 2007 when the manufacturing of the ammunition ended. It was “a deluxe all-in-one weapon with three barrels and a folding stock that doubles as a shovel and contains a swing-out machete.”

The Soviet Union built a laser pistol for it's cosmonauts to use in space

Cosmonauts carried a triple-barrelled soviet pistol on space missions which was intended as a survival aid to be used after landings and before recovery in the Siberian wilderness.

Phantom Cosmonauts, early Soviet spacefarers who died in re-entry, or were lost in space

Soviet Cosmonauts took an automatic 23mm cannon into space, which was taken from a tailgun of a TU-22 bomber.

Soviet Union cosmonauts carried guns to space in order to defend themselves from the Siberian Wilderness after landings and before recovery

The first space patch was flown by Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova on the Vostok 6 mission in 1963. It depicted a small snow white dove clutching an olive branch, flying against a backdrop of golden sunrays

The lost cosmonaut conspiracy theory which alleges that Soviet cosmonauts were sent into space prior to the first successful space flight. These lost cosmonauts were never publicly acknowledged, because they died on their mission.

About the Judica-Cordiglia Brothers who are two Italian former amateur radio operators who made audio recordings that allegedly support the conspiracy theory that the Soviet space program covered up cosmonaut deaths in the 1960s.

The first black person in space was a Soviet Cuban cosmonaut, Arnaldo Méndez

The Lost Cosmonauts, a conspiracy theory that the deaths of the actual first men and women in space were covered up by the Soviet Union

Grigory Nelyubov - a Soviet cosmonaut third in line behind Yuri Gagarin in the Vostok space program - was fired for drunken and disorderly behavior before he could fly in space, committed suicide, and was air-brushed out of official photographs by the government.

Soviet cosmonauts regularly carried a triple-barrel shotgun with them on space missions.

The Soviets had an equivalent to the Saturn V rocket to get cosmonauts to the moon. But they never got the N1 into orbit. When one of them blew up on the launchpad, it created one of the largest man-made non-nuclear explosions in history.

The Soviets launched the first space station, Salyut, in 1971. It housed the first manned crew, who set the record at the time for longest time spent in space. This was overshadowed by the death of the 3 cosmonauts by asphyxiation upon re-entry. Salyut was never manned again.

The soviet laser pistol. A prototype energy weapon developed for use by cosmonauts to combat enemy spacecraft instruments. It featured a box magazine holding 8 cartriges.

All Soviet Cosmonauts were required to carry the TP-82 survival pistol into space, which was essentially a sawed-off shotgun. The practice of carrying the TP-82 continued on all Soyuz flights until 2007.

Valentin Bondarenko. Among the first Soviet cosmonauts, he accidentally started a fire on Earth and died in agony. The USSR did not release the news for more than two decades, even erasing him from photographs, causing rumors that Bondarenko was among "lost cosmonauts" dying in space.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Soviet Cosmonauts. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Soviet Cosmonauts so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor