Space Station facts
While investigating facts about Space Station Tracker and Space Station Viewing Tonight 2020, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Thanks to 3D printing, NASA can send plans for new tools and equipment to the Space Station over email. Instead of waiting months for gear, Astronauts can print new gear in hours.
how space station was built?
NASA ground controllers were once shocked to hear a female voice from the space station, apparently interacting with them, which had an all-male crew. They had been pranked by an astronaut who used a recording of his wife.
Who is at space station now?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering who is at space station right now. Here are 50 of the best facts about Space Station Live and Space Station Location I managed to collect.
who is at space station?
On December 28, 1973, after having worked for 16 hours a day without breaks for six weeks, the crew of the Skylab space station mutineed and shut off communications with ground control for a day
The Skylab Mutiny: in 1973 the crew of the skylab space station turned off all communications with NASA after being over-worked and spent the day relaxing and looking at the Earth. It is the only strike to occur in space.
On September 11,2001 Astronaut Frank Culbertson was the only American not on earth that day, he was 250 miles above at the International Space Station and this is the photo he took Of NYC. He said he didn't know what was going on but he knew it was bad because he could see the smoke from space.
NASA Astronaut Owen Garriott successfully pranked flight controllers by playing a recording of his wife whilst on SkyLab. There were no women on board the space station and was used to make it look like there was a stowaway.
There is always at least one handgun on board the International Space Station.
In the late 80s NASA studied house plants as a means of providing cleaner and purer air for their space stations. They found Peace Lilies and Chrysanthemums to be the best all rounders at air filtering.
When ships pass through Point Nemo in the southern Pacific Ocean, the closest other humans are in the International Space Station 400km up.
Actor Brian Blessed is a fully trained astronaut, having completed over 800 hours of 'space training' in Moscow, and "remains the number one civilian on the wait list for the International Space Station."
Space Station data charts
For your convenience take a look at Space Station figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why space station is used?
You can easily fact check ksp why space station by examining the linked well-known sources.
NASA makes a movie poster every time the send an expedition to the international space station. Some of the themes are The Matrix, Star wars and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Robert Henry Lawrence, Jr., was the first African American astronaut. The project he worked on would go on to become the International Space Station. He died in the backseat of his plane while teaching a cadet how to fly 50 years ago this past Friday (December 8, 1967). He was 32 years old. - source
There is a geocache on the International Space Station - source
When the space station Skylab fell to Earth in 1979, it landed in Esperance, Western Australia. The Shire of Esperance fined NASA $400 for littering, which went unpaid for 30 years until a radio host raised the money and paid it on behalf of NASA.
Last year (2015), amateur British radio enthusiast, Adrian Lane, called International Space Station (ISS) when it was passing over his home about 200 miles up in the sky at 18,500 miles per hour & received answer from an US astronaut who "welcomed him aboard" - source
When space station visible?
In 2001 Pizza Hut paid the Russian space agency to send a pizza to the International Space Station at the cost of $1 million
How space station orbit?
Chris Hadfield says every astronaut on the International Space Station has deposited urine on the right rear tire of the vehicle taking them to the rocket, as a tribute to Yuri Gagarin doing the same on his first trip into space.
In 1979, a small town in Australia fined the United States $400 for littering after debris from NASA's Skylab space station landed in the town. The fine was paid in 2009.
All astronauts going to the International Space Station are required to learn Russian, which can take up to 1100 class hours for English language speakers
The show 'Firefly' has been permanently added to the International Space Station as a form of entertainment for the station's crews.
When ships pass through Point Nemo in the Pacific Ocean, the nearest land mass is 1677 (2,700 kms) miles away. This means that at certain times of the day, the nearest humans are on the international space station (ISS) 258 miles (416 kms) up.