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Rating Rotten facts

While investigating facts about Rating Rotten Tomatoes and Rating Rotten Tomatoes Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Boondock Saints has one of the most discrepant audience (91%) to critic (20%) ratings on rotten tomatoes

how does rotten tomatoes rating work?

The highest Rotten Tomatoes rating for a movie based on a video game is 44%, for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

What does rotten tomatoes rating mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what movie has the highest rating on rotten tomatoes. Here are 40 of the best facts about Highest Rating Rotten Tomatoes and Lowest Rating Rotten Tomatoes I managed to collect.

what is rotten tomatoes rating?

  1. The original Spy Kids movie has a 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

  2. Despite is reputation as one of the worst films ever made, Plan 9 from Outer Space has a 66% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with many critics agreeing that the film is too amusing and unintentionally funny to be considered a bad film.

  3. At 66%, "The Rock" is the highest critical rating a movie by Michael Bay has received on Rotten Tomatoes.

  4. The 2014 movie United Passions, about FIFA and its origins, was considered one of the worst movies of all time by both critics and audiences. It received a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with an average score of 1 out of 100, and only made $918 in the US--on a $29 million dollar budget.

  5. Star Wars Episode 3 'Revenge of the Sith' currently has a higher rating than 'Return of the Jedi' on both Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic

  6. Michael Bay's average Rotten Tomatoes film rating is 38%

  7. The hit TV show Scrubs has a 50% rating on Rotten Tomatoes because the only rated season is the controversial Season 9.

  8. After "Saving Christmas" was heavily panned by critics, Kirk Cameron responded by telling fans to "storm the gates of Rotten Tomatoes" and rate the movie themselves. The attempt resulted in a severe backlash. Cameron later blamed "haters & atheists" campaigning against him on Reddit.

  9. Every single film based on a video game is certified rotten with the highest rating at 44%

  10. The Wizard of Oz (1939) is the highest-rated movie of all-time on Rotten Tomatoes

rating rotten facts
What is a good rating on rotten tomatoes?

Rating Rotten data charts

For your convenience take a look at Rating Rotten figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

rating rotten fact data chart about Disney animated films by Rotten Tomatoes rating
Disney animated films by Rotten Tomatoes rating

rating rotten fact data chart about Sylvester Stallone Movies: From Rocky to Creed | Box office
Sylvester Stallone Movies: From Rocky to Creed | Box office gross and Rotten Tomatoes rating (1976-2015)

Why is hobbs and shaw rating pg 13?

You can easily fact check dinner for schmucks rating why pg 13 by examining the linked well-known sources.

The highest rated movie on Rotten Tomatoes is Toy Story 2 with a 100% rating based on 162 reviews.

In terms of box office receipts, Spider-man 3 is the highest grossing Spiderman film to date and has the second lowest fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes - source

"Plan 9 from Outer Space", considered to be one of the worst films of all time, actually has a Fresh Rating of 66% on Rotten Tomatoes. - source

Despite being a holiday classic loved by many, the 1990 film Home Alone has a rotten rating of 54% on Rotten Tomatoes

The Day After, the television movie from 1983 has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and is free to watch on YouTube. It was viewed by more than 100 million people in 1983. As a reference, the 2017 Super Bowl had 111 million viewers. - source

What does rotten tomatoes mean when rating a movie?

The racist propaganda film The Birth of a Nation (1915) was the highest-grossing film in the U.S. for 25 years, the first movie shown in the White House, and has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

How rotten tomatoes rating works?

Two sequels to what are generally considered classic Disney animated films—Mulan II & The Fox and the Hound 2—have a 0% rating on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes

The 1998 movie Antz has a 95% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes

The movie House Party received a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Left Behind is the worst rated film of 2014, with a 2% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and has been universally disliked be Christians and Non-Christians alike.

Rating rotten infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Rating Rotten numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

rating rotten fact infographic about Rotten Tomatoes' Game of Thrones Ratings for all seasons

Rotten Tomatoes' Game of Thrones Ratings for all seasons

rating rotten fact infographic about A graph I made detailing the average scores given by critics

A graph I made detailing the average scores given by critics and audiences to the 100 best-rated films on rotten tomatoes

Interesting facts about rating rotten

Toy Story got a better rating on Rotten Tomatoes than The Godfather

The film Act of Valor, cited by critics for being a jingoist simplification of war, has a user score of 72% on Rotten Tomatoes while holding a 24% rating by critics

On Rotten Tomatoes the 2017 film "9/11" has an 11% approval rating based on 9 reviews

Rick and Morty has a 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. By contrast, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and the Wire respectively have 95, 95, and 96%

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li's Rotten Tomatoes rating went from 4% to 18% due to a bug accidentally assigning reviews from the film "The Fighter" to the movie.

How to read rotten tomatoes rating?

A 16-17yo Milla Jovovich starred in "Return to the Blue Lagoon," which holds a rare 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi both have 79% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

A group of teenagers spent eight years and $5000 making a remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark. It has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Shakira has the highest average rating on rotten tomatoes.

Walt Disney's Pinocchio is one of the very few movies with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes rating

Spy Kids has a 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Happy Madison Productions, Adam Sandler's production company, has never released a film with a Rotten Tomatoes rating higher than 68%. Eight of their films have scored 8% or less.

There is a movie 'Ants on a Plane'. It has an 11% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and 2.7 on IMDB

Tommy Wiseau's The Room (2003) has a higher Rotten Tomatoes rating (33%) than Batman v Superman: Dawn of justice (2016) - 27%

Christopher Nolan never had a movie rated as "rotten" on Rotten Tomatoes up until 2013 with the release of Man of Steel.

Spy kids has a 93% critical rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes changed their rating criteria specifically for The Joker. Despite falling below 70%, it still keeps the "Certified Fresh" seal.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Rating Rotten. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Rating Rotten so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor