Film Critic facts
While investigating facts about Film Critic Jobs and Film Critic Reed Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The "idiot plot". The term was popularized by film critic Roger Ebert, who defines it as "[a]ny plot containing problems that would be solved instantly if all of the characters were not idiots".
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The Halloween film "Hocus Pocus" was a critical and commercial failure upon release. It became a cult classic after yearly airings on the family channel.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do film critics look for. Here are 50 of the best facts about Film Critic Kael Crossword Clue and Film Critic Kael Crossword I managed to collect.
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After reading the script for ‘Stop! Or My Mother Will Shoot,’ Arnold Schwarzenegger thought it was so bad that he leaked fake interest in the film to the press to get rival star, Sylvester Stallone, to try to steal the role. It worked and Stallone starred in the critical and commercial flop.
Washington Post's movie critic said Groundhog Day would "never be designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress." In 2006, the film was designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress.
The cast of the critically acclaimed *Das Boot* were not allowed to see sunshine during the entire year the movie was filmed. This was done in order to maintain their unhealthy pallor and contributed to their realistic portrayal of a "journey into madness".
In 1982, in response to critics of his horror writing, Stephen King published a collection of 4 dramatic stories. Three out of the four were adapted into films: Apt Pupil, Stand By Me, and The Shawshank Redemption.
Film Critic Roger Ebert was quoted saying, “I would rather attend a dusk-to-dawn Chris Farley film festival than sit through any 5 minutes of (Pauly Shore in) Jury Duty.”
The Wizard of Oz received one negative review, from the New Yorker, whose film critic despised the film's "Vulgarity [of] raw, eye-straining Technicolor" and "Singer Midgets"
The The Three Stooges were the first in Hollywood to criticize and mock Adolf Hitler on film with their short, 'You Nazty Spy'
David Schwimmer was offered the role of J in Men in Black, but turned it down to star in a Gwyneth Paltrow film, saying "This is an opportunity to grow rather than go for the quick cash." That movie was panned by critics and audiences.
Harvey Weinstein insisted on cuts to a film and when the director refused, reduced the release to only 8 theaters nationwide. The film went on to 95% Fresh rating and dozens of critics' annual top 10 lists. The film: "Snowpiercer"
There was a movie made in 2009 consisting only of paint drying, as a rebuttal to critics who mention that they "Would rather watch paint dry" than a particular film.
Film Critic data charts
For your convenience take a look at Film Critic figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are film critics so out of touch by examining the linked well-known sources.
Actor Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's eldest son who, while filming The Crow, was accidentaly shot and killed by a co-star with a prop gun that had a dummy round tip lodged inside the barrel. After a year of re-shoots the movie was released and met critical acclaim and is now considered a cult classic.
George Lucas was neither the director, producer, or screenwriter for Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. The film eventually became the most critically acclaimed chapter in the Star Wars saga. - source
The Golden Age of Porn (1969.-1984.), when pornografic movies were regurarly shown in mainstream cinemas, had high production value and were dicussed by distinguished film critics, including Roger Ebert - source
The movie White Chicks was nominated for five Razzies, including the Worst Picture, Worst Actress, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay and Worst Screen Couple. Film critic Richard Roeper even put the film as the #1 worst film of 2004.
Infamous film director Uwe Boll once challenged critics to a boxing match. 4 critics showed up. He proceeded to punch the living shit out of every single one of them. - source
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Flim critic Roger Ebert was quoted saying “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments. One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. Such are the meager joys of this film."
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Keanu Reeves was forced to star in the critically-derided film The Watcher (2000) due to the fact a friend forged his signature on the contract agreement
Empire Strikes Back, the most critically acclaimed of the Star Wars films, made the least amount at the box office in the entire franchise.
The only award Jason Statham has ever won was a Women Film Critics Circle Awards for "Most Offensive Male Character". He's only been nominated for two other awards (one being a Kid's Choice Award).
After George Orwell's death, the CIA secretly bought the rights to 1984 and Animal Farm and clandestinely produced the first film version of 1984 and the critically acclaimed animated film version of Animal Farm.
The villain Sarris in Galaxy Quest was named after film critic Andrew Sarris; upon learning this, Sarris said "It probably won’t make enough money for me to sue for $10 million"