Incredible and fun facts to explore

Retirement Savings facts

While investigating facts about Retirement Savings Calculator and Retirement Savings Contribution Credit, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Shavarsh Karapetyan, a retired Professional Swimmer, saved 20 people that got trapped in frigid, sewage infested waters. His career as a professional swimmer ended after this heroic act due to 2 sided pneumonia and blood contamination that put him in a coma. Now he sells shoes for a living.

how long will my retirement savings last?

A dog in Mexico named Frida saved the lives of 12 people who were trapped under rubble due to earthquakes. She identified a total of 52 bodies during her career and is considered a national heroine in Mexico. She is now officially retired.

What is the average retirement savings?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is retirement savings contribution credit. Here are 36 of the best facts about Retirement Savings By Age and Retirement Savings By Age Chart I managed to collect.

what retirement savings do i need?

  1. College students in Cleveland are living rent free in a retirement home. This unique living arrangement has benefits for both parties. Studies show that contact with younger people helps beat dementia, while the students save on housing costs.

  2. Shavarsh Karapetyan, a 17x world champion, 10x world record breaking finswimmer who heard a bus crash into a river, saved 20 drowning people, unconscious for 45 days, got sepsis, retired from sport, and later badly burnt himself saving people from a burning building.

  3. In 2001 Philip Morris published a report saying cigarettes saved the government money because smokers die before retiring.

  4. Metro Meteor, a retired champion racehorse, has paintings that have sold for over $2000 and the money is used for treatments that are saving his own life

  5. Between 2005 and 2009, Americans’ retirement savings had shrunk by about $2.5 trillion. More than 8.8 million jobs were lost, and roughly 3 million homes had gone into foreclosure.

  6. A man in India took up odd part-time jobs so he could donate all his savings and regular income to those in need, every month for 30 years. After he retired as a librarian, he even donated his pension.

  7. An illiterate retired guard in his 70s saved many of Timbuktu’s priceless manuscripts during the 2012 Al Qaeda occupation of the city, by smuggling them out of the city at night in rice sacks, in a cart. Jihadists went on to burn whatever manuscripts were left.

  8. A quarter of baby boomers have no retirement savings

  9. A nurse paid over $400,000 to a Nigerian 419 scam over the course of 3 years re-mortgaging her house and using her husband's retirement savings

  10. An assassination attempt was made against retired US President Theodore Roosevelt- he was saved by a 50 page speech in his breast pocket. Roosevelt then proceeded to deliver said speech with a bullet lodged in his ribs.

retirement savings facts
What is the average retirement savings by age?

What is true about retirement savings?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

It is estimated that 33% of the households in the United States spend every resource in each pay period. This can make it difficult if not impossible to save for retirement, making Social Security even more important.

The movie Die Hard is based on the book Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp. The novel also takes place on Christmas Eve, but the main character is Joe Leland, a retired NYC Detective. Instead of rescuing his wife, he must save his daughter and grand-daughter. - source

According to a survey from the National Endowment for Financial Education, 59% of baby boomers who are parents are financially supporting their children ages 18-39, and that 45% of baby boomers report having no retirement savings whatsoever. - source

Dr Heimlich at aged 96 saved choking woman with manoeuvre he invented at his retirement home. It was the first time he had ever had to use his maneovre in an emergency.

Although interest compounds on a retirement savings account like a 401(k) so do the fees, and that just a 1% fee can eat away 28% of your returns over the long run. - source

When retirement savings plan?

James Harrison donated his blood, which has disease-fighting antibodies, nearly every week for 60 years, "retiring" recently at 81, having saved 2.4 million babies, including his grandson. "That makes you feel good yourself that you saved a life there, and you saved many more and that's great."

How long will retirement savings last?

The median retirement savings in the US is $5,000 per family and nearly half have no retirement savings at all

By the age of 40 you should have saves 3x your annual salary if you plan to retire at 67 and live a similar lifestyle

21% of Americans have nothing at all saved for retirement & another 10% have less than $5,000 saved for retirement

When given the chance, Black Americans save more money for retirement than White Americans do

A person called James Harrison donated blood for 61 years every fortnight as his blood had a special antibody which could save babies in the womb with different blood type to the mother. The only reason he has retired is due to doctors saying he must. Saves over 2 million babies.

What happens to retirement savings when you die?

The median retirement savings of families aged between 32-37 is $480 as of 2013, and $17k for families between 56-61

John Oliver can explain retirement savings better than your "financial adviser"

Julia Louis-Dreyfus doesn't need to save for her retirement. She's in line to inherit $1 billion from her family's vast fortune.

If you are in the beginnings of a separation or divorce, effective Jan. 1, Canadians qualify to withdraw money from their registered retirement savings plan, without incurring a tax penalty, to buy a home.

How to calculate retirement savings?

Half of Baby Boomers have NO Retirement Savings

In 2001, Philip Morris published a report saying cigarettes saved the government money because smokers die before retiring.

A retired 35 year old Gurkha Soilder to save a girl from being raped took on 15-40 armed robbers with just his Khukuri.

PBS painter Bob Ross, after retiring from the Air Force and starting his show, adopted his iconic perm to save money on haircuts.

A retired bricklayer in Brazil saved a Penguin named Dindim from imminent death. Dindim now swims 8000km each year to visit the man who saved his life to enjoy sardines and spend time with each other on beach

The average 25 year old should be saving $1,146.00 per month for the next 40 years in order to retire comfortably

In May 2016 Dr. Henry Heimlich used his eponymous "Heimlich manoeuvre" to save a woman's life in his retirement home, at age 96.

Since 2003 retired police officer Yukio Shige, also known as 'wait a moment' man, is thought to have saved over 500 people from commiting suicide at the Tōjinbō cliffs in Fukui, Japan

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Retirement Savings. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Retirement Savings so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor