Incredible and fun facts to explore

Savings Accounts facts

While investigating facts about Savings Accounts, I found out little known, but curios details like:

For four years, Hugh Grant pretended to be his own talent agent under the name James Howe Ealy. He communicated with people via a fake email account and even disguised his voice with a Scottish accent on the phone. “I saved myself an absolute fortune,” he said.

69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 34% have no savings at all

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 28 of the best facts about Savings Accounts I managed to collect.

  1. Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account

  2. Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account

  3. Hugh Hefner's father, a public accountant, turned him down when he needed money to start Playboy as he did not think the magazine was a good business investment. However, as he was about to leave, his mother took him aside and gave him a $1000 cheque from her savings to help his venture

  4. Chicago Blackhawks called on a 36 year-old accountant and fan to serve as Emergency goalie after starter and backups were injured. He played in the third period and had 7 saves with a save percentage of 1.000

  5. A terrorist strategy to avoid tracked emails is for one terrorist to compose an email, save it as a draft, while another terrorist logs into the same account to read and delete the draft.

  6. A strategy that terrorists use to avoid having their emails tracked is for one terrorist to compose an email, save it as a draft, and have another terrorist log into the same account to read and delete the draft.

  7. 62% of Americans have less than 1000 dollars in their savings account.

  8. Toronto subway token fare prices have risen faster than inflation since 1990. While the consumer price index has risen at an annualized rate of 1.8% in Canada, TTC fares have increased at 4.5%. A investment in tokens would have been more profitable than to deposit money in a savings account

  9. A bomb meant for an Air India flight instead exploded at Tokyo's Narita Airport because the bombers neglected to take daylight savings time into account

  10. The BIONICLE toyline helped save LEGO from its financial crisis of the late 1990s, accounting for nearly all of LEGO's financial turnover from the previous decade and becoming one of its biggest and most successful product lines.

savings accounts facts
What are the best facts about Savings Accounts?

Savings Accounts data charts

For your convenience take a look at Savings Accounts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

savings accounts fact data chart about My checking / savings account balance total over time
My checking / savings account balance total over time

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Hello! Do you guys know any good pie chart creating websites? I create pie charts (like the one here) for a fact account I run but the website I currently use is often tedious and

What is true about savings accounts?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is an 8 year old making over $1.3 million per year from his YouTube channel. His parents are putting the money into a savings account for him rather than spending the money.

Although interest compounds on a retirement savings account like a 401(k) so do the fees, and that just a 1% fee can eat away 28% of your returns over the long run. - source

Your state government keeps track of any "unclaimed property" in your name- this could be tax refunds, reimbursement checks, old savings account money or proceeds from an inheritance. Most states have an online process where you can see if you have any unclaimed property! - source

Savings Accounts in the U.S. can only have 6 transactions per month according to Federal Law. Anything beyond that, the account holder gets penalized or may be even forced to close the account

A financial institution estimated the average millennial with student debt had 75 percent less net worth than their debt-free peers. The median net bank account balance (checking+savings) of all grads under 35 who had loans, they found, was $5,500, while it was some $10,180 for those who didn't. - source

About prize-linked savings accounts (PLSAs), which uses the chance to win a prize to incentivize personal savings. They function both as a sweepstakes/game of chance (there is a chance of a large prize) and as savings vehicle (the deposit is never lost, unlike normal lotteries).

Close to half of those who earn from $100,000 to $149,999 a year have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts.

There is US federal law that limits your savings account's transfer/withdrawal quantity to 6 times a month.

Almost half of Americans have less than $100 in emergency savings, and the bank account balance is around $4,436.

On March 29, 2018, Canadian accountant Scott Foster played 14 minutes in an NHL game, had 7/7 saves, and is one of 18 goalies in the NHL to have a perfect 1.0 save rate. He got to keep the team jersey he wore in the game but recieved no other compensation for his work.

29% of people have $1000 or more in a savings account

Interesting facts about savings accounts

Bank of America and JP Morgan in 2011 moved trillions in derivatives contracts to be secured against the deposits of millions of ordinary savings account holders over the objections of the FDIC, but with the blessings of the Federal Reserve

Last night the Chicago Blackhawks ran out of goalies and had to use a 36 year old father and accountant to play in his first NHL game for 15 minutes. Scott Foster has not played competitive hockey in over 10 years. He saved all 7 shots that were sent his way.

For more than half a century, from 1911 to 1967, the post office also served as a bank where people could go and deposit their money into a savings account

About a free tool to export all of your saved Reddit links to a local CSV or HTML file (Just in case your account gets closed. Or banned.)

83% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings or no savings account at all.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Savings Accounts. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Savings Accounts so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor