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Reflex Reflex facts

While investigating facts about Reflex Reflex Math and Reflex Reflex Arc, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Anal Sampling Mechanism is a reflex which detects the contents of the rectal vault and allows for voluntary flatulation to occur without unexpected voiding of feces.

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Hippos can sleep underwater using a reflex that allows them to bob up, take a breath, and sink back down without waking up.

What is reflex action and reflex arc?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the difference between reflex action and reflex arc. Here are 50 of the best facts about Reflex Reflex Sight and Reflex Reflex Camera I managed to collect.

what differentiates an autonomic reflex from a somatic reflex?

  1. Your heart rate slows when your face touches water; this is called the mammalian diving reflex.

  2. We have three types of tears - basal, reflex and psychic. Psychic tears, the ones we produce when we are sad, have a different chemical make up than the other two and contain a natural painkiller, leucine enkephalin, which is perhaps why we feel better after we cry.

  3. If you blow gently into a baby's face, she takes a big gulp of air and holds her breath for a second. This is called the bradycardic reflex and is useful for swimming lessons, washing babies face in the tub, and a brief quick crying interruption.

  4. Coughing while cleaning inside your ears is not something that everyone else experiences and is actually an uncommon reaction called Arnold’s Nerve Reflex

  5. Strong light can cause some people to sneeze. Up to 35% of the population is affected by "Photic sneezing reflex" and science doesn't know why

  6. The reflex that causes people to sneeze when looking at the sun is called Autosomal-dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome, which abbreviates to ACHOO.

  7. Babies have an innate swimming reflex where they hold their breath and slow their heart rate in water until they are 6 months old.

  8. There is a reflex in males, that when the inner thigh is stroked, your balls move

  9. Sighing is not just a sign of despair. The crucial reflex actually preserves lung function and keeps you alive.

  10. The sudden startled jolt awake sometimes experienced when on the verge of sleeping is known as a hypnic jerk, and is likely a vestigial reflex selected to help primates avoid falling while resting or asleep in trees.

reflex reflex facts
What is reflex action what is the role of brain in reflex action?

Reflex Reflex data charts

For your convenience take a look at Reflex Reflex figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

reflex reflex fact data chart about "JBL Go" Open vs Closed Bass-Reflex Tube
"JBL Go" Open vs Closed Bass-Reflex Tube

Why is glass reflective?

You can easily fact check why get anti-reflective coating on glasses by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 'falling sensation' and jerk reflex felt before sleep may go back to our ancestors having to re-adjust themselves when sleeping in trees, so they didn't fall out.

The jeweled cockroach wasp injects a venom into a cockroache’s brain to make it lose its escape reflex, the roach then willingly follows the wasp to its nest, where the wasp lays an egg onto the roaches chest that will subsequently eat the weak-willed roach alive until a new wasp hatches. - source

The combined reports of 40 years of use by the extreme sports underground, LSD can increase your reflex time to lightning speed, improve your balance to the point of perfection, increase your concentration until you experience “tunnel vision,” and make you impervious to weakness or pain. - source

About the bradycardic response, a phenomenon where infants, when submerged in water, reflexively hold their breath as their heart rate slows and any water ingested is directed to the stomach. This reflex disappears around 6 months of age.

The Semmelweis reflex, a tendency to reject evidence that contradicts existing beliefs. Documented when doctors refused to wash their hands from autopsies to delivery rooms despite evidence this decreases mortality. - source

When was non reflective glass invented?

The sneezing reflex from looking at a bright light or the sun affects 18%-35% of the population, and the scientific name's acronym is ACHOO.

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The Lazarus reflex is a reflex movement in brain dead patients which causes them to briefly raise their arms and drop them crossed on their chests in a position similar to some Egyptian mummies. The reflex is often preceded by slight shivering motions of the arms, followed by goose bumps.

A chicken named Mike lived for 18 months with no head. When cutting the head off for dinner, the axe missed his jugular and most of his brain stem, allowing him to retain most of his basic motor and reflex functions

In the 1950s, people attempting to get discharged from the Army for homosexuality, as had become common during the draft, had to pass a 'gag reflex test.' No gag reflex, youre free to go

When you are full after a meal, you may feel like there is still space for dessert because sweet foods stimulate a reflex which expands the stomach

Your heart rate slows when your face touches water; it’s called the mammalian dive reflex.

When was reflective glass invented?

Some people have the "Arnold's nerve cough reflex", which causes them to cough when an object is put into the ear canal

Hypnic jerks (that jolt you get that wakes you up just before you fall asleep) may well be left over from when we were tree-dwelling monkeys: the jerk reflex prevented us from falling asleep on an unsafe branch.

The syndrome of sneezing when under the sun is called ACHOO (Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome) (or just photic sneeze reflex)

Hippos can't swim. Their bodies are too dense to float so they just walk along the riverbed. They also sleep while underwater - a reflex bobs them up to take a breath.

Stroking A Mans Inner Thigh Will Cause His Testicals To Move The Other Way (Cremasteric Reflex) To Protect Themselves

How to remove anti reflective coating from glasses?

Large animals have bad gag reflexes. Case Dellwo was attacked by a grizzly and Chase remembered an article that his grandmother gave him and stuck his arm down the bear's throat. The advice worked an the bear fled.

Bright lights, spicy food and even noise can cause some people to sneeze. This is called the Photic Sneeze reflex.

Some larvae secrete drops of blood (process known as "reflex bleeding") loaded with bitter, unpalatable or even toxic substances to protect themselves against predators.

He made many contributions to physiology and neurology but his most famous work was on conditioning and involuntary reflex.

"The Aquatic Ape Theory" suggests that human beings actually evolved in a marine environment. Evidence includes: the location of the spleen; presence of subcutous fat and sweat glands; babies' swimming reflex; and kidneys which function very similarly to those of current aquatic animals.

The reason why cleaning your ears with Q-tips might make you cough. It's an accidental triggering of a portion of the vegus nerve. In 2.3% of people, cleaning just one ear stimulates the "Arnold's nerve" and causes a coughing reflex. In .6% of people, cleaning either ear can cause this.

The reason we get goose bumps when feeling strong emotions is because the reflex caused our ancestors’ body hair to raise up and make them appear larger and scare off predators.

Newborns right out of the womb are strong enough to carry their own weight called the palmar grasp reflex

Prior to the work of Sherrington and Adrian, it was widely accepted that reflexes occurred as isolated activity within a reflex arc. Sherrington received the prize for showing that reflexes require integrated activation and demonstrated reciprocal innervation of muscles.

People don't sneeze in their sleep due to their brain shutting down the reflex.

Are red pandas dangerous to humans?
In reality, the red pandas are vicious omnivore willing to eat anything. Even in captivity or when raised by a human they can be aggressive towards us. Keep in mind that their cute image is not always reflecting their anima reflexes.

Brain-dead patients have been known to raise their arms and form an X across their chest (think mummies)-- it is actually a spinal reflex, but is often misconstrued as a miracle.

Smoking clove cigarettes can diminish a user's gag reflex.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Reflex Reflex. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Reflex Reflex so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor