Weight Ratio facts
While investigating facts about Weight Ratio Ds3 and Weight Ratio Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 can reach 30,000 ft (9,100m) in 60 seconds and has a thrust-to-weight ratio that allows the aircraft to accelerate while flying straight up. It is also the only aircraft to ever shoot down a satellite orbiting in space.
how to calculate power to weight ratio?
The Golden ratio was discovered when Phidias heard the different sounds a blacksmiths hammer was making when different weights were used, he went on to discover one of the most important visual concepts in history without using his eyes.
What is a good power to weight ratio cycling?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is power to weight ratio. Here are 23 of the best facts about Weight Ratio Dark Souls 3 and Weight Ratio To Height I managed to collect.
what is a good power to weight ratio?
When your body stores glycogen, it does so by binding it to water molecules at a ratio of 1 gram of glycogen to 3 to 4 grams of water. When you add in the water retained because of eating too many carbs in salt-filled snacks, you can gain several pounds in what is mostly water weight overnight.
Dung beetles have the greatest strength to weight ratio on earth, being able to lift over 1100 times their weight. This would be equivalent to an average human lifting over 80 tons.
The the Bony-Eared Assfish has the misfortune of having the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of all vertebrates, have soft and flabby bodies and have one of the most undignified names in the animal kingdom.
Titanium is very resistant to corrosion and has a high strength-to-weight ratio.
The vertebrate with the lowest brain-to-body weight ratio is the Bony-eared Assfish.
The Bony-Eared Assfish holds the record for the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of any vertebrate.
The bony-eared assfish has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of any known vertebrate.
Balsa tree has excellent strength-to-weight ratio. It has one of the strongest (lightweight) wood on the planet. Balsa wood is used for the manufacture of model airplanes because of its light weight and warp-resistance.
The Merlin engines on SpaceX rockets have a thrust to weight ratio of 155 to 1, the highest thrust to weight of any successful liquid fueled rocket in the world. The Falcon 9 has 9 of them, with a total of over 600,000kg of thrust.
Acanthonus armatus (bony-eared assfish) holds the record for the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of all vertebrates.
Weight Ratio data charts
For your convenience take a look at Weight Ratio figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is power to weight ratio important?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There's a fish called the 'Bony-eared Assfish'. And it has the smallest brain to body weight ratio of all vertebrates.
The blanket octopus exhibits the most extreme degree of sexual size-dimorphism known in any non-microscopic animal. Females may reach 2 m (6.6 ft) in length, whereas the males are 2.4 cm. The weight ratio is at least 10,000:1.
Shrews have the highest brain-to-body mass ratio of all known vertabrates while the bony-eared assfish has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of all known vertebrates - source
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The bony-eared assfish, which has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of all vertebrates
How to work out power to weight ratio?
The engines on the SpaceX Falcon have the highest thrust to weight ratio of any rocket engines in history. It proved that it could survive re-entry on its very first flight back in 2013.
There is a fish named the bony eared assfish - an eel like fish which holds the record for the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio of all vertebrates.
A bicycle's performance is extraordinarily efficient. From a mechanical viewpoint, up to 99% of the energy delivered by the rider into the pedals is transmitted to the wheels. In terms of the ratio of cargo weight to total weight, it is also a most efficient means of cargo transportation.