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Radio Communications facts

While investigating facts about Radio Communications Act and Radio Communications Of Virginia, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A submarine ran out of fuel about 100 miles from hawaii while searching for a lost tug. Sub R14 had empty reserve tanks, no radio communications and a week's worth of food. Crew rigged up blankets and mattress covers as sails. It sailed back to Hawaii over 5 days.

how radio communications work?

Three overworked astronauts aboard Skylab mutinied by turning off radio communications with mission control for several hours. They were never allowed in space again.

What negatively affects vhf radio communications?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the main advantage of early radio communications. Here are 50 of the best facts about Radio Communications Systems and Radio Communications Jobs I managed to collect.

what does 5 by 5 mean in radio communications?

  1. In the 1960's, for fear of having their submarine communication cables cut by the Soviets, the US military sent 480,000,000 copper needles into space to secure their communications infrastructure. The needles acted as a mirror for radio waves, enabling communication between distant sites.

  2. One of the first radio communications from an aircraft in flight was "Roy, come and get this goddamn cat.”

  3. Screen legend beauty Hedy Lamarr was also an inventor who designed a jam-proof radio guidence system for torpedoes which is one of the basic sources behind spread spectrum communication like blue-tooth technology, GPS, wi-fi, and cell phones

  4. The Ozma problem is an old problem asks if we could communicate the concept of left and right to an alien over the radio. In the 1950's physicists found a way when they observed that certain radioactive decays actually "care" about if the atom is spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise.

  5. OSCAR-7, an amateur radio satellite launched in 1974 and thought to have failed in 1981, allowed Polish anti-communist activists to safely and clandestinely communicate when martial law was imposed. The telephone network had been shuttered, and other communications methods too easily discovered.

  6. Russia uses a radio jamming system (illegal in most western countries) that has defeated communications in parts of Ukraine, including mobile telephony and GPS systems.

  7. Some bacteria might generate, and communicate with radio waves.

  8. A jazz musician named Teri Pall invented a version of the cordless phone in 1965 but could not market her invention, as its 2-mile (3.2 km) range caused its radio signals to interfere with aircraft communications

  9. AI algorithms often outsmart researchers working on them, evolving hardware and capabilities "that should not work" with the resources available to them - including makeshift radio receivers to communicate with other equipment in a lab and discovering a soldering iron using a common power supply

  10. The Los Zetas cartel use homemade radio towers to communicate. They captured engineers and technicians to build the towers.

radio communications facts
What is the current state of the search for extraterrestrial radio communications?

Why is the name roger used in radio communications?

You can easily fact check explain why the ionosphere is important in radio communications by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1968, the US Navy considered building a 22,500 square mile radio transmitting 'antenna' in Wisconsin to communicate with submarines. It would've covered 40% of the state.

British WWI tanks would communicate with command posts by using carrier pigeons, because the noise and vibration in the tanks made radio communication impractical. - source

The solar wind can disrupt our radio, television and satellite communications.

The Square Kilometre Array, a radio telescope array to be built in South Africa and Australia, will collect so much data that its communication lines will have a capacity greater than all global internet traffic. It will also be 50 times more sensitive than any other radio instrument.

The Tenerife disaster, the deadliest accident in aviation history with over 500 deaths in which two 747 jets collided on the runway due to vague communications, radio interference and heavy fog. - source

When did radio communications begin?

The idea for the tower began in 1968. The purpose was to build a communications tower for TV and radio. The Skypod (originally the Space Deck) was not part of the original plan.

How does the ionosphere affect the range of radio communications?

The reason why most radio stations begin with a 'K' or a 'W' is because in the early 1900's, US ships in the Atlantic got three letter callsigns starting with a K, and ships in the Pacific got a W prefix to minimise confusion when communicating.

The charged particles in the thermosphere make it easier for long distance communication via radio.

After losing visual and radio communication with its ship, a British Royal Navy Harrier fighter aircraft with only minutes of fuel left to spare successfully landed on the deck of a Spanish container ship.

Two brothers in Italy supposedly recorded radio communications from failed Russian space missions before the first reported mission in 1961.

There Is A Possibility That Earth Can Be Hit By A Massive Solar Flare That Can Set Us 100 Years Into The Past By Shorting Out Satellites, Radio Communications & Powergrids Worldwide

When are two way radio communications established?

Amateur radio operators sometimes communicate by bouncing their signals off the surface of the Moon.

The first tanks that were built and deployed into war (WWI) were equipped with messenger pigeons. As radio would not start to take off for another 10 years this was the solution for the tank crew to communicate from within the vehicle.

The solar activity of the sun can cause changes and disruptions in radio communication on earth, as well as to electric power.

Shortly before D-Day, the allies created a "ghost army" with inflatable tanks, fake track marks, and a stream of decoy radio communication to trick the Germans into thinking they were attacking a different port North of Normandy. This ghost army was nearly the size of the real ally army.

About moonbounce communication. This is a type of earth-moon-earth communication and is the longest communication path available for 2 way ham radio communications.

How do radio communications work?

In 1967, a solar storm interrupted global radio communications, nearly sparking a nuclear retaliation by the USA against the USSR over suspicions that the interruption was actually due to intentional Soviet radar jamming.

In 1912 he successfully amplified a weak signal by cascading a series of Audion tubes which was a critical step in the development of both the radio and long-distance wireless communication.

Hollywood actress Hedy Lamarr was a pioneer in radio communication technology.

The pigeon 'William of Orange' that served in MI14 in WW 2. The soldier's radio communications were disabled, so he was tasked with flying 250 miles (400km) from the Netherlands to his loft in the UK, carrying an SOS, in a mere 4 hours and 25 minutes. As a result, over 2,000 lives were saved.

In the absence of other communications, British nuclear submarines are advised to listen to BBC Radio 4 as an indicator of whether Britain is under attack.

After 9/11, Clear Channel Communications sent a list of 165 songs with "questionable lyrics" to their 1200 radio stations suggesting they do not receive air time.

The original Pong cabinets caused radio interference, and disrupted radio communications for the Nevada State police.

About Relcom, the first Soviet ISP who, during the attempted Communist Party coup of August 1991, provided the only reliable communications avenue to the world via Usenet after the Communists had captured the television and radio stations. Boris Yeltsin credits them for defeating the Communists.

About the China brain thought experiment, where every person in China would act as one neuron and communicate by two-way radio to other neurons represented by other people. The current population of China is around 1.4 billion people, while a human brain is estimated to have 100 billion neurons.

Due to a glitch in John Glenn's radio, when capsule communicator Scott Carpenter uttered the famous phrase "Godspeed, John Glenn., he didn't hear the line during launch.

In 1928, a robot was invented to speak in the opening of the Exhibition of the Society of Model Engineers, in London. Eric Robot could be controlled through wireless radio communication or by direct voice control. He could also answer 50-60 predetermined questions after the speech.

In Green Bank (West Virginia, USA), wireless communications are ilegal because the town has the largest steerable radio telescope in the world

During the Yom Kippur War Israeli MG Albert Mandler was killed in action after Egyptian forces recognized his voice over intercepted radio communications and called in a successful artillery bombardment on his position.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Radio Communications. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Radio Communications so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor