Fuel Tanks facts
While investigating facts about Fuel Tanks For Trucks and Fuel Tanks For Truck Beds, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A submarine ran out of fuel about 100 miles from hawaii while searching for a lost tug. Sub R14 had empty reserve tanks, no radio communications and a week's worth of food. Crew rigged up blankets and mattress covers as sails. It sailed back to Hawaii over 5 days.
how fuel tanks are made?
In 1968 the Ford Motor Co. set the value of a life at $200,000. When performing a risk/benefit analysis deciding if fixing a major fuel tank issue was worth paying $11 per car ($137M), or instead paying 200k per death (Est $50M). They didn't fix it, Which nearly ended up costing $145M in court.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are fuel tanks made of. Here are 50 of the best facts about Fuel Tanks For Boats and Fuel Tanks For Sale Near Me I managed to collect.
why is it important to fill fuel tanks at night?
After the Vietnam war Vietnamese farmers recycled thousands of external fuel tanks from U.S. aircraft to create river boats and canoes
Lottie Williams is the only person to have been hit by re-entering space debris. She was walking through a park in Tulsa Oklahoma in Jan 1997 at 3:30 am and felt a tapping on her shoulder. It was a piece of the fuel tank of a Delta II rocket launched in 1996. She was unhurt.
The external fuel tank on the space shuttles were originally painted white, but it turned out this added 600 lbs of paint to the shuttle so it was kept the normal orange color
Cremating a single body requires enough fuel to fill two SUV fuel tanks.
A post WWII tank that was used in a nuclear test (and was still drivable, they just had to refill the fuel tank) stayed in service for 23 years afterwards and saw combat
Form 1969 to 1977, Ford Motor Company produced the Pinto with full knowledge of a design flaw that frequently caused the fuel tank to catch fire during rear collisions, which would have cost $11 per vehicle to fix. The tag line in radio ads was, "Pinto leaves you with that warm feeling."
A model airplane crossed the Atlantic on one fuel tank. It flew from Canada to Ireland and landed with only 1.8 oz of fuel left. (2003)
Nearly every major vehicle in the British Army is equipped with a boiling vessel (to make tea). This tradition started with tanks near the end of WWII. It was safer than the improvised cans filled with fuel, and it reduced break time.
That, after the D-Day landings, the RAF modified some of the jettison fuel tanks on Spitfire planes to instead carry beer, as the troops were dismayed that all they could get in France was cider. The Spitfires then flew at 15,000 feet, ensuring the beer was chilled on arrival.
Fuel Tanks data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fuel Tanks figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it important to fill fuel tanks at night?
You can easily fact check why is it necessary to vent all aircraft fuel tanks by examining the linked well-known sources.
After the launch of STS-70, NASA had installed plastic owls on and around the space shuttle to prevent woodpeckers from boring holes in the insulation of the external fuel tank.
Wrong Way" Corrigan "accidentally" made an unauthorized transatlantic flight from New York to Ireland instead of California claiming navigational error. Unlike Lindburgh's fancy plane, Corrigan self installed so many "ugly" extra fuel tanks he could barely fit or see out of the cockpit. - source
In 2003, an Airbus A300 cargo plane landed safely in Baghdad despite being struck by a missile on the left wing, losing a fuel tank, and losing all hydraulic control surfaces, forcing the pilots to guide the plane to an airport using only engine thrust to steer the plane. - source
About a military robot, EATR, or Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot, which would have had no battery or fuel tank, and would fuel itself by eating vegetation. It incited controversy when some became concerned it would eat dead humans on a battlefield.
The British RAF filled their reserve fuel tanks with beer in order to quench the thirst of troops at the front lines in WWII. They were called "beer bombs" and the high altitude kept the beer cold en route. - source
Fuel gauge reading empty when tank is full?
During WWII, the British used papier mache to make single use external fuel tanks for planes
How to clean algae from diesel fuel tanks?
During WW2 in Africa, US tanks were outmatched by superior German tanks. So the US used Jeeps with machine guns to go behind enemy lines to destroy the fuel trucks supplying gas to the German tanks thereby disabling them.
Fuel tankers are pretty sophisticated. Baffles in the tank to evenly dissipate the force of liquid moving when the truck is accelerating or braking. Without baffles, the liquid keeps moving forward to surge and push against the front wall of the tank, increasing risk of rollover.
Thermal insulation on the Saturn V's fuel tanks was so well made that an ice cube would take 8 years to melt inside one.
During the testing of a Russian rocket in 1964 they needed to test filling the tanks with a fuel substitute, due to the freezing temperatures water would not be suitable. As a solution the Russian engineers filled it with a 40% alcohol mixture - they essentially filled the rocket with vodka
A Volkswagen passat set a Guinness Record, achieving 1,526.63 miles (2,456.87 km) on a single tank of fuel.