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Radio Announcer facts

While investigating facts about Radio Announcer Jobs and Radio Announcer Salary, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In WWII, weather reports were censored to prevent enemy submarines from learning about conditions. A football game in Chicago was so covered in fog that the radio announcer couldn't see the field, but afterwards he was officially thanked for never using the word "fog" or mentioning the weather.

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The first time the Japanese people heard the Emperors voice on radio was when he announced Japan's surrender in WWII.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a radio announcer. Here are 28 of the best facts about Radio Announcer Kusum Peiris and Radio Announcer Crossword Clue I managed to collect.

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  1. Than on the 18th of April, 1930, a slow news day, the BBC's 6:30 PM radio announcer said “There is no news” and went off the air.

  2. The band "Toad the Wet Sprocket" got their name from a joke band name in a 1980 Monty Python skit. Years later, Eric Idle was driving, heard a radio DJ announce the band's name, and "nearly drove off the freeway."

  3. When Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) announced Japan's surrender on the radio (Aug. 15, 1945), it was the first time his voice was heard by the Japanese people

  4. The discovery of elements 95 and 96 (americium and curium) was first announced by physicist Glenn Seaborg on the children’s radio show Quiz Kids, in response to one of the children asking whether any new elements had been discovered at the Metallurgical Laboratory in Chicago during the war

  5. Don Pardo, best known as the announcer for Saturday Night Live, began working at NBC in 1938 as a local radio show host. For context, SNL’s creator Lorne Michaels wasn’t even born until 1944. Pardo remained loyal to the company that gave him his first big break until he passed away in 2014.

  6. American journalist Robert Trout was the first person to announce Japan's surrender on the radio.

  7. When the Japanese Emperor Hirohito announced to Japan via radio the surrender of Japan in WWII only a few common people could understand him, as he spoke in formal Classical Japanese language.

  8. When a radio station in Ecuador in 1949 broadcasted a dramatization of HG Wells book War of the Worlds, people panicked thinking martians were invading. When the radio station announced it was fake, people crowded outside and burned it down, killing over 10 people.

  9. The first ever in-flight radio announcement was “Roy, come and get this goddam cat!”

  10. RTLM radio also broadcast the names of specific people that should be killed and then announced it when their murder had been accomplished.

radio announcer facts
What does a radio announcer do?

What is true about radio announcer?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Johnn Cash worked as a radio operator in Germany for the military during the Cold War and World War II, and was the first American to hear and announce Stalin's death.

In 1950 a town in New Mexico changed its name from Hot Springs to Truth or Consequences, a then popular NBC Radio program. They did it because the host announced that he would air the program on its 10th anniversary from the first town that renamed itself after the show. - source

Myron Cope, Pittsburgh Steelers radio announcer and creator of the Terrible Towel, gave the rights away of the Terrible Towel to Allegheny Valley School, nonprofit organization that provides services to those with dis abilities, which has raised more than 2 million dollars for the organization. - source

Seoul City Sue, an American Methodist missionary who served as a North Korean propaganda radio announcer to American military forces during the Korean War. She was later allegedly executed for being a South Korean double agent in 1969.

The inaugural broadcast of WRC radio, Washington DC, was in 1923. The announcer for that broadcast, apparently unfamiliar with the microphone, spoke into the wrong end. - source

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The city of Hot Springs, NM changed its name to Truth or Consequences after Ralph Edwards, host of the radio show of the same name, announced he would air the program from the first town that renamed itself after the show.

How to become a radio announcer?

Emperor Hirohito recorded the announcement of Japan's surrender on a phonograph record to be played over the radio. 14 officers raided the palace to destroy it, but it was smuggled out amongst women's underwear and broadcast.

From 1926 to 1939 BBC radio announcers were required to wear formal dinner jackets while broadcasting.

The government operates a radio station WWV. It transmits a ticking sound with a vocal announcement at the top of the minute reflecting the time. This is the station atomic clocks synchronize with

In 1976, George H.W. Bush (CIA Director) announced a new policy: "Effective immediately, the CIA will not enter into any paid or contract relationship with any full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any US news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or TV network or station."

Ronald Reagan was a lifeguard, radio announcer, FBI informant, labour leader, and governor of California before running for president.

Interesting facts about radio announcer

In 1998, radio hosts Opie and Anthony announced the mayor of Boston had died in a car accident. After their firing a week later because of the "prank", the two were hired by another station in New York City. It is implied that they did it so they could be released from their previous contract.

On April Fool's 2002, 2 radio DJs suggested Kansa's water supply was contaminated with "Dihydrogen Monoxyde" (H20), announcing it caused excessive sweating and wrinkled skin. It lead to thirty 911 calls, water officials comparing it to a terrorist act, and both DJs being suspended indefinitely.

A kid who wanted revenge so badly he fucked his bullys mom and announced it on the radio

Ronald Reagan was a Chicago Cubs radio announcer for a Des Moines radio station, announcing simulated games from a telegraph wire.

On April Fool's 2002, 2 radio DJs suggested Kansas' water supply was contaminated with "Dihydrogen Monoxyde" (H20), announcing it caused excessive sweating and wrinkled skin. It led to thirty 911 calls, water officials comparing it to a terrorist act, and both DJs being suspended indefinitely.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Radio Announcer. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Radio Announcer so important!

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