Reservoir Dogs facts
While investigating facts about Reservoir Dogs Cast and Reservoir Dogs Soundtrack, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Samuel L. Jackson’s famous role in Pulp Fiction was written specifically for him, as Quentin Tarantino wanted to work with him after he auditioned for Reservoir Dogs but didn’t get the part.
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Johnie's Coffee Shop in L.A., which closed in 2000 but remains open for filming only; The Big Lebowski, Reservoir Dogs and American History X have all featured the diner. It was declared a historical landmark in 2013.
What's reservoir dogs about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does reservoir dogs mean. Here are 45 of the best facts about Reservoir Dogs Full Movie and Reservoir Dogs Trailer I managed to collect.
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The author Edward Bunker (who played "Mr. Blue" in "Reservoir Dogs") did time in San Quentin with Danny Trejo. Bunker, remembering Trejo's boxing skills, offered Danny $320 per day to train Eric Roberts, for a boxing scene in the 1985 Movie "Runaway Train".
After seeing Reservoir Dogs, Madonna sent Quentin Tarantino a note reading “To Quentin, it’s not about dick. It’s about love. Madonna.”
Tim Roth refused to audition for Reservoir Dogs & told Tarantino "just watch my past work." Tarantino gave him the part while drunk, but later watched Roth's last film, in which he said Tim Roth "was awful! He was the worst!"
Madonna sent this message to Quentin Tarantino about the 'Like a Virgin' dialogue in Reservoir Dogs: "To Quentin. It’s not about dick, it’s about love. Madonna."
The title for Reservoir Dogs came from an anecdote when Quentin Tarantino worked at a video store and recommended "Au revoir les enfants", to which the customer replied "I don't want to see no reservoir dogs!"
Edward Bunker, who played Mr. Blue in Q.Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs. Before becoming an actor, he was convicted of bank robbery, drug dealing, extortion, armed robbery, and forgery, and in 1951 had the dubious honor of being the youngest ever inmate in San Quentin State Prison at age 17.
There is an all-female remake of Reservoir Dogs called Reservoir Cats
Quentin wrote a part for Samuel L. Jackson in the script for Pulp Fiction after his audition for Reservoir Dogs.
The characters Mr. Blonde (Reservoir Dogs) and Vincent (Pulp Fiction) are brothers. Quentin Tarantino intended to make a movie of the two titled "Double V Vega" however due to the age of the actors and their onscreen deaths it is "kind of unlikely now".
Tom Waits auditioned for the part of Mr. Brown in "Reservoir Dogs". Quentin Tarantino said, “I had Tom Waits read the Madonna speech, just so I could hear Tom Waits say those lines.” In the speech, the character famously argues that "Like a Virgin" is about a large penis.
Reservoir Dogs data charts
For your convenience take a look at Reservoir Dogs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why reservoir dogs name?
You can easily fact check why is it called reservoir dogs by examining the linked well-known sources.
The title Reservoir Dogs came from Quentin Tarantinos inability to pronounce the French movie "Au Revoir Les Enfants" while working at a video store.
When filming the torture scene in 'Reservoir Dogs,' Michael Madsen had to take a break because of the line "I've got a little kid at home" disturbed him. Madsen had a newborn child himself at the time. - source
James Woods was offered a lead role in Reservoir Dogs but his agent rejected it without even showing him the script - source
In Reservoir Dogs, Quentin Tarantino wrote the role of Mr Pink for himself, but later gave it to Steve Buscemi because he felt Buscemi was a better fit
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Instead of Little Green Bag, Reservoir Dogs was supposed to start with Money ( Pink Floyd ). Tarantino only changed the song after feeling nostalgic when he heard Little Green Bag on the radio.
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Lawrence Tierney (best known as the boss from Reservoir Dogs) was meant to be a reoccurring character, as Elaine's dad on Seinfeld. But during his one episode he scared everyone and tried to steal a knife. He pretended to stab Jerry when he asked him about it and was never asked back.
The "Wilhelm Scream” soundbite originating in the 1951 Gary Cooper movie “Distant Drums” has been repeatedly used in numerous movies, cartoons & TV programmes over the the last 68yrs, inc. Star Wars, Family Guy, Indiana Jones, Titanic & Reservoir Dogs.
The "F" word is used frequently in Quentin Tarantino's films. It was used 265 times in Pulp Fiction, 272 times in Reservoir Dogs, and 148 times in Death Proof. It was only used in Kill Bill 17 times.
The title for Reservoir Dogs came from a patron at the Video Archives. While working there, Quentin Tarantino would often recommend little-known titles to customers, and when he suggested Au revoir les enfants, the patron misheard it as "reservoir dogs.”
Actress Virginia Madsen ("Sideways") and actor Michael Madsen ("Reservoir Dogs") are sister and brother.