Produce Milk facts
While investigating facts about Produce Milk Crossword and Produce Milk Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Happier cows really do produce more milk, and simply calling cows by individual names ups production by 3.5%.
how produce milk without pregnancy?
Happy cows actually do produce better milk. Higher levels of serotonin (a chemical associated with feelings of happiness), led to improved blood calcium in cows, reducing chance of disease and improving nutritional quality of the milk.
What produce milk in breast?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what foods help produce breast milk. Here are 50 of the best facts about Produce Milk Without Being Pregnant and Produce Milk Without Pregnancy I managed to collect.
at which month of pregnancy breast produce milk?
A geneticist at Utah State University has created "spider-goats." He took the gene that encodes dragline silk from an orb-weaver spider and placed it among the DNA that prompts milk production in a goat's udders. The silk produced is stronger than Kevlar and is suitable for ligament repairs.
Missy the cow, worth $1.2 million, is considered to be the top milk producing cow and also won every beauty contest she entered. Missy’s owners previously pre-sold 25 embryos for $230,000.
"Spider Goats" are a thing. Since farming spiders for silk isn't ideal, scientists spliced silk spider genes into goats. This new goat can then produces silk out of its utter with its milk.
Fidel Castro had a strange dairy obsession, and would craft elaborate schemes such as a "race of super cows" and tiny cows to keep as house pets. He even bred a cow that produced over 100 liters of milk in a day
English farmer Angus Wielkopolski discovered that goats produce more milk listening to Mariah Carrey's all I want for Christmas tune than any other song. They found that the goats produced up to half a pint more when Carey's famous Christmas track was played.
Cheddar cheese wasn't the dominantly produced cheese in Britain until WWII, when cheese factories were forced to produce Cheddar due to its high yield per litre of milk; this was necessary due to the introduction of rationing.
Mothers produce different breast milk recipes depending on whether they have had a son or a daughter
In the 80s Nestle tricked African villagers by giving them free baby formula thus causing their bodies to stop producing breast milk in order to sell their product for entire infancy, they even had sales people wear "nurse" coats to advise that formula was safer than their breastmilk.
It takes 7323 Litres (1611 Gallons) to produce 1 litre of Almond Milk, and 80% of the world's almonds are produced in California which has been in severe drought for most of the past decade.
Produce Milk data charts
For your convenience take a look at Produce Milk figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do cows produce milk?
You can easily fact check why do dairy cows produce milk by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ants farm & milk insects called aphids. Ants protect the aphids from predators and bring them food, then "milk the aphids to produce a sweet substance known as honeydew" which the ants then store + eat.
A scientific study once concluded that cows produce more milk when listening to "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. - source
The US has 1.39 billion pounds of surplus cheese, which equates to 4.6 pounds of cheese per person. Due to dairy producers regularly overproducing milk, the excess is typically turned into cheese because of the shelf life. - source
Chinese Emperor Qianlong was in love with an Uyghur woman who naturally produced a fine fragrance from her skin. She was given as a gift to the Emperor and carefully escorted all the way to the imperial palace in Beijing, washing every day in camel's milk to preserve her mysterious fragrance
As a response to a theory alleging Joan of Arc's visions was caused by bovine tuberculosis, a historian wrote that if drinking unpasteurized milk could produce such potential benefits for the nation, then the French government should stop mandating the pasteurization of milk. - source
When produce milk during pregnancy?
There is a goat at Utah State University with DNA from a spider so it will produce spider silk protein when milked.
How produce milk powder?
Pigeons are one of 3 birds that produce milk for their young.
Flamingo eggs have pink yolks. Flamingos also produce pink milk for their young.
There are goats that have had spider genes mixed with their DNA so their milk produces spider silk.
1 in 18 people have extra nipples. Some people have rogue nipples as far away as on their feet, and some of these nipples even produce milk. There used to be a televised documentary called the Triple Nipple Club, which explored the biological mystery of rogue nipples.
In the US in 1944 there were 25.6 million dairy cows which produced 53.0 billion kg of milk. In 2007 there were only 9.8 million dairy cows (38% of previous population) yet they produced 84.2 billion kg of milk (59% more).