Cow Milk facts
While investigating facts about Cow Milk Benefits and Cow Milk Vs Buffalo Milk, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There are dairy farms with cows trained to use automatic milking machines, which will milk the cows automatically whenever the cow feels like it. The machines will even remember each cow individually, and push them out if they've been there too recently.
how cow milk is produced?
There is a system where cows can choose when they are milked. The whole process is automated, customized for each cow, and has seen cows living 30% longer than those at farms that use traditional methods.
What cow's milk to give baby?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cow milk for 1 year old. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cow Milk Protein Allergy In Infants and Cow Milk Allergy I managed to collect.
what cow's milk is best for babies?
7% of all American adults (which equates to around 16 million people) believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows
Happier cows really do produce more milk, and simply calling cows by individual names ups production by 3.5%.
Farmers who called their cows by name reported 258 litre higher milk yield than those who did not
Missy, the most expensive cow ever sold. Worth $1,2 million, she is considered to be the top milk cow, being the top in both beauty and milk production. Her embryos alone are worth $3 million dollars in pre-signed contracts.
The bull on the Elmer's glue logo is the husband of Elsie, the cow on the Borden Milk logo.
Happy cows actually do produce better milk. Higher levels of serotonin (a chemical associated with feelings of happiness), led to improved blood calcium in cows, reducing chance of disease and improving nutritional quality of the milk.
Missy the cow, worth $1.2 million, is considered to be the top milk producing cow and also won every beauty contest she entered. Missy’s owners previously pre-sold 25 embryos for $230,000.
French Queen Marie Antoinette had a fully functioning peasant village built on the grounds of Versailles. She loved strolling the village in simple shepherdess garb pretending to live a simple life milking cows or sheep, which were carefully maintained and cleaned by the servants.
The "lizardman constant", which explains seemingly nonsensical poll results such as "4% of americans believe that lizards are running the earth" and "7% of americans think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows"
Cow Milk data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cow Milk figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why cow milk is bad for you?
You can easily fact check why cow milk is yellow by examining the linked well-known sources.
Fidel Castro had a strange dairy obsession, and would craft elaborate schemes such as a "race of super cows" and tiny cows to keep as house pets. He even bred a cow that produced over 100 liters of milk in a day
Cows with personal names like Betsy give 5% more milk than cows with no name or impersonal names like “cow 12345” - source
According to a poll by the "Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy", 7% of American adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. - source
Camel milk is the closest you can get to a human mother’s milk and it doesn’t contain beta-lactoglobin - the protein, found in cow’s milk that causes allergic reactions
A scientific study once concluded that cows produce more milk when listening to "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. - source
When cow milk for babies?
Almond milk was heavily used in medieval cooking and sauces. It was considered far more grand and luxurious than cow milk.
How cow milk is made?
Queen Victoria was given a giant cheddar cheese weighing 1000lbs (453kg) as a wedding gift. It was made from the milk of 750 cows. The circumference of the cheese was 9ft (270cm) and was almost 2ft (61cm) deep.
Many NZ farms are converting from cow milk to sheep's milk. Due to the rising cost of land and the fact sheep are more economical than cows, you can expect to see sheep dairy in your food store.
Milking and Drinking Killer Whale milk used to happen more than you think! Staff at SeaWorld would taste it to test for PH levels. An Exec said "I once had killer whale milk. I'll starve to death before I have that again. It tastes like fish. It's got like 15 times more fat than cows milk"
There are "milk filling stations" in germany, many cow-farms put up these little huts where you can get the freshest milk and sometimes there's eggs and potatoes too, they expect you to pay for what you take but it's completely unsupervised.
A farm Carlisle, MA has a Smart Barn that lets the cows get milked by robots whenever they feel like it, and has an automatic back-scratcher as well!