Phineas Ferb facts
While investigating facts about Phineas Ferb Theme Song and Phineas Ferb Characters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Don LaFontaine, who was nicknamed "Thunder Throat" and "The Voice of God", voiced over 5,000 movie trailers. His final voice over role was for an episode of Phineas and Ferb, in which he said in his final line: "In a world ... There, I said it. Happy?"
how old are phineas and ferb?
The '104 days of summer vacation' referenced in the Phineas and Ferb cartoon song was used because co-creator Dan Povenmire only expected the show to last 52 episodes, like most Disney Channel shows lasted at the time, and there were two segments per episode, making it 104.
What is the first episode of phineas and ferb?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the story behind phineas and ferb. Here are 27 of the best facts about Phineas Ferb Theme Song Lyrics and Phineas Ferb Star Wars I managed to collect.
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The man running from the robot in the “Night of the Robot” movie on spongebob was actually Dan Povenmire the creator of Phineas and Ferb who wrote some episodes of spongebob.
The man who voiced the dad on Phineas & Ferb wrote the original play The Rocky Horror Picture Show & co-wrote the movie script
Richard O'brien, the man who created rocky horror picture show, also played phineas and ferbs dad.
Phineas and Ferb has 133 episodes, when they only say they have “104 days of summer vacation”
Phineas and Ferb's iconic Ain't got rhythm was nominated an Emmy for Outstanding Original music and lyrics in 2008.
The band that composed the Jimmy Neutron theme song also composed the Phineas and Ferb theme song.
Dan Povenmire, Co-creator of Phineas and Ferb, wrote The Campfire Song Song for the SpongeBob SquarePants tv show, then used it later as a SpongeBob reference for a Family Guy episode he directed.
The creators of Phineas Ferb, Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh, pitched the series to various networks for 16 years before finally securing a run on the Disney Channel.
Dan Povenmire - the creator of Phineas and Ferb and voice of Dr Doofenshmirtz - claims to have experienced a 'missing time' episode when he and a colleague went to interview a film director for their college newspaper back in the 80s.
In 2008 "I Ain't Got Rhythm", from Phineas and Ferb, was nominated for an Emmy.
Phineas Ferb data charts
For your convenience take a look at Phineas Ferb figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was phineas and ferb cancelled?
You can easily fact check why is phineas and ferb out of order on disney plus by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bob Iger, president and CEO of the Walt Disney Co., the person ultimately responsible for Marvel, Star Wars, Phineas & Ferb, Mickey Mouse, Pixar, ESPN and the Disney parks, began his career as a TV weatherman in Ithica, New York.
The screenwriter behind Oscar nominated movies Little Miss Sunshine and Toy Story 3 wrote a scrapped live action Phineas and Ferb movie - source
Alyson Stoner is the voice actress of Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb, and she came up with Isabella's catchphrase, "Whatcha Doin?" - source
The song "I Ain't Got Rhythm" from Phineas and Ferb was nominated for an Emmy in 2008
When they originally pitched the "I Ain't Got Rhythm" episode of Phineas and Ferb, they hadn't written all the lyrics yet, so in the demo version they just looped other lyrics. - source
When did phineas and ferb end?
There is a second part to phineas and ferb's theme
How many episodes of phineas and ferb are there?
Most of the writers of Rockos Modern Life, went on to write the shows for SpongeBob and Phineas and Ferb
The "Phineas and Ferb Effect" that is theorized by Baljeet to explain that the two seem to be surrounded by positive probality ion fields that allow them to change luck in their favor.
British comedian David Mitchell voiced the Phineas & Ferb villain Mitch.
The writer of the Rocky Horror Show was Phineas and Ferb's dad