King Hill facts
While investigating facts about King Hill Idaho and King Hill Characters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Author Joe Hill, Stephen King's son, went ten years of successful independent writing before announcing his relationship to his dad - not even his agent knew.
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An angry caller left Mike Judge a voicemail during Beavis and Butt-Head‘s original run, ranting how much he hated his show it in an incomprehensible accent. Judge found the caller hilarious and used him as inspiration for Jeff Boomhauer and his distinctive speech patterns in King of the Hill.
What happened to king of the hill?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what channel is king of the hill on. Here are 50 of the best facts about King Hill Cast and King Hill Episodes I managed to collect.
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King of the Hill, despite having consistently great ratings even in its later seasons, was cancelled in order to make a spot for the Family Guy spin-off The Cleveland Show
Author Joe Hill was so determined to keep it a secret that he was Stephen King's son, his own agent didn't know for 10 years.
After South Park’s ‘Cartoon Wars: Part 1’ aired, the team received an appraising phone call from the ‘King of the Hill’ staff and and flowers from the ‘the Simpson’s’ staff for “ripping on Family Guy”.
In 'King of the Hill', Octavio, a "badass gangster" character who is basically a cartoon version of Danny Trejo, was voiced my Mike Judge, while Enrique, a "normal" everyday hispanic guy was voiced by Danny Trejo.
There are tens of giant pyramid hills in the province of Shaanxi, China and they are what you expect to be: they were built for the same reason as the Great Pyramids of Egypt: as a final resting place for ancient kings
During the second season of King of the Hill, it had more viewership than its lead-in The Simpsons
Brad Pitt joined the cast of King of the Hill for two episodes to play Boomhauer’s playboy brother.
Lucky from King of the Hill was voiced by Tom Petty and also was supposed to be a one-off character, but decided to voice the character as needed.
David Herman (Michael from Office Space), has voice acted for The Simpson's, Family Guy, American Dad, Beavis and Butthead, and King of the Hill. In addition to this he is also responsible for 23 different characters in Bob's Burgers, as well as more than 30 for Futurama.
Pamela Adlon from Louie/Californication voiced cartoon characters like Bobby Hill (King of the Hill), Pepper Ann (Pepper Ann), and Spinelli (Recess)
King Hill data charts
For your convenience take a look at King Hill figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was king of the hill cancelled?
You can easily fact check why did king of the hill get cancelled by examining the linked well-known sources.
Kathy Najimy, the actress who played the witch Mary in the Halloween classic "Hocus Pocus," is also the voice of Peggy Hill from King of the Hill.
South Korea is an animation creation hotspot. Many animated series considered very popular in English, such as Family Guy, King of the Hill, and Futurama, are animated in South Korea.
Pamela from "Louie" is the voice of Bobby from "King of the Hill" - source
The major battles of the war included The Battle of Lexington, The Battle of Concord, The Siege of Boston, Battle of Fort Ticonderoga, The Battle of Chelsea Creek, The Battle of Bunker Hill, The Battle of Quebec, The Battle of Sullivan's Island, The Battle of White Plains, The Battle of Fort Washington, The Battle of Trenton, The Battle of Princeton, The Battle of Oriskany, The Battle of Bennington, The Battle of Brandywine, The Battles of Saratoga, The Battle of Germantown, The Battle of Monmouth, The Siege of Savannah, The Siege of Charleston, The Battle of Camden, The Battle of King's Mountain, The Battle of Cowpens, Battle of Guilford Courthouse and The Battle Of Yorkton.
In the 1200s a wall was built around the hill to protect the king and inhabitants close to his own dwelling.
When did king of the hill end?
Successful author Joe Hill is the son of Stephen King and was originally named "Joe King".
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The theme song for King of the Hill, performed by The Refreshments, is named "Yahoos and Triangles".
The "Lu Ann Platter" a meal from the Texas Restaurant chain Luby's was the inspiration for the character name Luanne Platter from the animated Texas comedy/drama, King of the Hill.
Daphne du Maurier continued to write in the 1940s producing Happy Christmas (a short story, in 1940), Come Wind, Come Weather (a short story collection, in 1940), Frenchman's Creek (a novel, in 1941), Hungry Hill (a novel, in 1943), the play The Years Between in 1945, The King's General (a novel, in 1946), and The Parasites (a novel, in 1949).
The punk band members from the paintball episode of King of the Hill ("The Man Who Shot Cane Skretteburg") were voiced by the band Green Day
Tom petty voiced the character named Lucky on King of the hill