Rick Morty facts
While investigating facts about Rick Morty Season 4 and Rick Morty Episodes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Adult Swim put an entire episode of Rick and Morty (Rixty Minutes) on instagram using 109 15 second clips, in reverse order, so that viewers couldn't watch sequentially until the last clip was posted. "It's our latest frustrating excercise in audience engagement."
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Rick and Morty largely only exists because Bill Cosby's lawyers sent a cease and desist to Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon in 2005 over an internet series called 'House of Cosbys'.
What is rick and morty season 4 on?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can i watch rick and morty season 4 on. Here are 50 of the best facts about Rick Morty Netflix and Rick Morty Season 4 Netflix I managed to collect.
what is rick and morty on?
Rick and Morty only exists because Bill Cosby's lawyers sent a cease and desist to Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon in 2005 over an internet series called 'House of Cosbys'.
Rick and Morty started as The Adventures of Doc and Mharti, "a pornographic vandalization," of Back to the Future where "Doc Brown urges Mharti that the solution to all of his problems is to give him oral sex."
Justin Roiland who co-created and voices the parts of Rick and Morty, also voices the part of Lemongrab in Adventure Time.
"Gravity Falls" from Disney and "Rick and Morty" from Adult Swim had a subtle crossover- When Stan accidentaly throws some objects into a portal in the episode "Society of the Blind Eye", those objects come out of one of Rick's portals in "Close Rick-counters of the rick-kind"
Dan Harmon, the co-creator of Rick and Morty, distilled a storytelling framework from Joseph Campbell's Monomyth called the "story circle." It describes the basic structure of film and TV shows in 8 parts.
The Rick and Morty theme song is made up of a combination of Farscape's theme and Doctor Who's theme.
I learned Jermaine Clement from Flight of the Concords performed David Bowie-inspired songs on both Rick & Morty ("Moonmen") and Moana ("Shiny").
Rick and Morty has 100% on Rotten Tomato's
Rick & Morty 'Fart' singer & Moana's giant crab 'Tamatoa' singer is the same person, Jemaine Clement
In 2005, The Creator of Rick and Morty Created a Show Called House of Cosbys. This Show Only Aired for Four Episodes Before Bill Cosby's Lawyers Forced Him to Stop.
Rick Morty data charts
For your convenience take a look at Rick Morty figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why can't i watch rick and morty season 4 by examining the linked well-known sources.
Justin Roiland, co-creator and executive producer of Rick and Morty, who also voices both Rick and Morty, used method acting by getting drunk while recording Rick's lines for episode 0304.
Justin Roiland, the creator of the series Rick and Morty, played Abraham Lincoln in the short film "Tenacious D: Time Fixers" as one of his first major acting roles. - source
Spencer Grammer, who plays Summer Smith on Rick and Morty, is Kelsey Grammer's daughter - source
The middle finger gag in Rick and Morty was not a one off skit, in 1968 captured Americans abroad the USS Pueblo gave middle fingers to the North Koreans and they had no idea what they really meant for a while.
Rick and Morty" Rick voice actor actually gets drunk during recording sessions - source
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Rick and Morty"'s Justin Roiland hates burping. In the pilot of the show he had to drink beer and swallow air so much that he felt bad for the rest of the day.
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Justin Roland co-creator of Rick and Morty founded Squanchtendo in 2016 to develop games in VR.
The voice of Summer Smith from Rick and Morty is played by Spencer Grammer, Kelsey Grammer’s oldest daughter.
An alien with a pink tubular body and blue mouth has appeared in every interstellar episode of Rick and Morty
Rick‘s main catchphrase from Rick & Morty was inspired by Curly from the The Three Stooges. It was originally written into the script as Curly’s catchphrase, “Wub wub wub wub wub”, but Justin Roiland erroneously read the text aloud as “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub”. They loved the change, so they kept it
Tom Kenny, the guy who plays Spongebob, plays Mr. Jelly Bean in Rick and Morty.
Rick morty infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Rick Morty numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

I made a Rick & Morty word cloud out of the season 3 script...