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Parking Spaces facts

While investigating facts about Parking Spaces For Rent and Parking Spaces Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Houston has a program that allows citizens to give tickets to those who abuse handicap parking spaces, after taking a four hour course.

Rat Park. When given the choice between normal water and morphine water, the rats always chose the drugged water and died. When in Rat Park where they had space, friends and games, they rarely took the drug water and never became addicted or overdosed despite many attempts to trick them

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Parking Spaces For Rent Near Me and Parking Spaces Jersey I managed to collect.

  1. The one liner, "Why Do We Drive on Parkways and Park on Driveways?" seems ironic because the terms predate automobiles. Way means path, park means scenic natural space, and drive means short private road.

  2. Lottie Williams is the only person to have been hit by re-entering space debris. She was walking through a park in Tulsa Oklahoma in Jan 1997 at 3:30 am and felt a tapping on her shoulder. It was a piece of the fuel tank of a Delta II rocket launched in 1996. She was unhurt.

  3. In China some parking lots have spaces reserved for female parking. These spaces are wider and make parking easier and reduces accidents

  4. In 2007, a new parking garage in Germany ended up with two parking bays that had a peculiar shape and required a complicated parking maneuver in order to park there. Officials declared them Men's Parking Spaces to discourage unskilled drivers from attempting the maneuver.

  5. A Hong Kong couple earned a US$330,000 profit in nine months… by reselling a parking space.

  6. There are 5 so called "Lagrangian Points" wherein the gravitational effects from the Sun and Earth balance out. These points would act as a solar parking space for objects within their limits.

  7. There's a "virtual reality theme park" being built in Utah where players wear sensors on their head, hands, torso, and feet which allow them to play inside a VR game in a physical space in real time. Players can interact with physical objects and other people as well as digital objects.

  8. The difference between Hotel and Motel is that Motel's are "Motorist Hotels" in that they are designed to have large parking spaces, usually allow guests to park directly in front of their rooms and allow easy access to major roads.

  9. You have to have a parking space first, and get a "Proof of Parking Space Certificate" from the police station nearest to where the parking space is located, before you can buy a car in Japan.

  10. A subterranean space in Romania carved out centuries ago is now home to the world's largest salt mining museum and amusement park. Located 120 meters below the surface, it contains a lake with boats, sports arena, amphitheater, mini golf course and bowling lanes.

parking spaces facts
What are the best facts about Parking Spaces?

What is true about parking spaces?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There exist women's parking spaces. They are usually near exits to increase the safety of women, to facilitate the act of parking, or to facilitate walking to shopping or employment destinations.

A parking space in Hong Kong sold for a record $664,300.00. Car park cost more than some two-bedroom homes in the city. - source

According to statistics from Stockholm (capital of Sweden) the cars with the highest number of parking violations (weighted for number of cars) are Jeep, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and Lexus. Mercedes owners were the worst for parking in handicap spaces. - source

India's first butterfly enclosure was opened in Bannerghatta National Park in 2006. It contains the conservatory, an audio visual room, and a museum. It supports more than 20 butterfly species in 10,000 square feet of space.

If cars become driverless there will be an estimated 80% less emissions, 90% less accidents, as much as 40% less traffic congestion, and space saved in parking.

On a gated road past the summit of Haleakala Mountain is the Haleakala Observatory. This is where satellites and other debris that orbits the earth are tracked as part of the Maui Space Surveillance System.

Writer Harlan Ellison once worked for Disney for "more money than anyone had ever offered him for anything". Also, a private parking space, office and secretary. Bored, he joked with co-workers about doing a porn Disney flick and gave colorful details. Four hours later he had a pink slip.

7,000 acres in the Bronx is designated as parks and open space. New York Botanical Gardens, the Bronx Zoo, Van Cortland Park and Pelham Bay Park are all included in this area.

In 1989, 2 black toddlers vanished from the same play park in New York in the space of 2 months. Before both child disappeared, they were spotted playing with the same brother & sister.

South Korea has 'Women-Only' parking spaces which are bigger and marked by pink skirts

There have been at least 517 different bird species identified at Kruger National Park. Six species are of particular interest because of vulnerability to changes in habitat or their need for a lot of space. These are referred to as the ‘Big Six Birds".

Interesting facts about parking spaces

A Chinese man kicked a sleeping Dog out of his parking space and the Dog returned with 4 other Dogs and destroyed his car

The Free Parking rule in Monopoly that involves putting fees and taxes in the middle of the board in order to be collected by the person who lands on the Free Parking space is a House Rule, and not an official game rule.

The Lagrangian point a 'parking spot' between two large bodies in space where a smaller one can maintain a stable position. There are five between the Earth and the Sun, two of which are occupied by artificial satellites.

Gabon has a network of 13 newly created Parks that occupy 13% of its territory, making it the largest percentage of protected space in a country in the world. It has the densest and most untouched tropical jungle of Africa and more than 800 kilometers of coastline with endless pristine beaches

Many American shopping centers were created for women in mind in the 1950s. New added features included wider than usual parking spaces to make it easier for them to park, reassuring security guards, and fashion shows

In the US, parking spaces take up about 25,000 square miles of land nationwide, an area roughly the size of the state of West Virginia

In the early 20’s Westinghouse combined parking garages and ferris wheels to invent a parking space that while only ~2 cars wide, could fit at least 2 dozen automobiles.

Reversing into parking spaces (instead of reversing out of spaces) can save you money, estimated around £100 per year in 2008.

Scientists estimate that there are between 722 million and 2 billion parking spaces in the US alone.

Maps were printed on silk and hidden in Monopoly playing pieces. The boards were marked with a tiny red dot on the Free Parking space so the POW's knew to look for these maps and compasses. Many POW's used these to successfully escape during WWII.

There are 800 million parking spaces in the US

It isn't illegal to park in a parent and child parking space if you don't have a child. They are just helpful spaces, not something that people are entitled to because they have a child.

Those lights in car parks that indicate if a space is occupied or not are not just for convenience, they save energy for ventilation from people driving around less looking for spaces.

There were 157 public parks in Shanghai by 2012, with green space to break up the concrete jungle atmosphere.

Harlan Ellison worked for Disney, but was fired on his first day. He had joked about making a 'Disney porn flick', and impersonated some of the characters. Roy O Disney over-heard him. Ellison came back from lunch to find a pink-slip on his desk, and the name on his parking space whited out

There is a "hotel" with rooms made from repurposed concrete drain pipes. Located in a park, each tube room contains a bed, storage space, and power

Due to a legal loophole concerning federal and state jurisdictions, there's a 50 square mile space in Yellowstone National Park where you could get away with murder

There are multiple NYC developments with parking spaces that cost $1,000,000 or more

The architect Le Corbusier wanted to demolish two square miles of downtown Paris so he could replace it with 18 glass office towers placed on a rectangular grid in an enormous park-like green space

Shepherd Smith once struck another reporter with his car over a parking space

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Parking Spaces. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Parking Spaces so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor