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Toilet Seats facts

While investigating facts about Toilet Seats B&q and Toilet Seats Argos, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Paper toilet seat covers are permeable and offer no protection against germs and bacteria

how toilet seats are made?

The paper toilet seat covers, found in public restrooms, pretty much do nothing and do not actually have any health benefits.

What is the impact of toilet seats on the spread of communicable disease?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can you catch from toilet seats. Here are 50 of the best facts about Toilet Seats Bunnings and Toilet Seats Home Depot I managed to collect.

what are toilet seats made of?

  1. A woman whose skin grew around a toilet seat she had ben sitting on for 2 years. Her boyfriend gave her food and water until calling authorities to say there was "something wrong" with his girlfriend. Her legs had atrophied and she had to be removed with the seat.

  2. Paper seat liners in public restrooms are essentially just placebos to make people feel less anxious; it's virtually impossible to catch something from a toilet seat and nearly every other surface is far dirtier

  3. A woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for 2 years. Paramedics had to remove the seat, which accommpanied her to hospital, from the toilet as her skin had grown around it. Her boyfriend brought food and water and asked her to come out of the bathroom daily. She would reply "maybe tomorrow"

  4. Disposable toilet seat covers are meant to have the flap fall in the front of the bowl. This is to prevent penis to porcelain contact or urine splash back.

  5. During the filming of Game of Thrones, Emilia Clarke (the actress who plays Daenerys Targaryen) was doused in so much fake blood during one scene that she got stuck to a toilet seat during a break.

  6. The reason public toilet seats have a gap in the front is to aid women. Leaving a space allows them to wipe without touching a "dirty surface."

  7. In 1989 murderer Michael Godwin had his sentence reduced to life imprisonment after five years awaiting the electric chair but was electrocuted accidentally while sitting naked on a steel toilet seat in his cell. While trying to fix his television set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted.

  8. Bill Withers wrote the song "Ain't No Sunshine" while working at a factory making toilet seats for the 747

  9. A study at the University of Birmingham found twice as many bacteria on the average kid's car seat than on a toilet seat.

  10. Madonna demands a brand new toilet seat at every concert she plays. The seat has to be with an "unbroken seal".

toilet seats facts
What type of paint is used on wooden toilet seats?

Toilet Seats data charts

For your convenience take a look at Toilet Seats figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

toilet seats fact data chart about Put the toilet seat down after use or leave it as used?
Put the toilet seat down after use or leave it as used?

toilet seats fact data chart about Disgusting: The average car steering wheel is four times dir
Disgusting: The average car steering wheel is four times dirtier than a public toilet seat

Why toilet seats should be put down?

You can easily fact check why toilet seats are small by examining the linked well-known sources.

A woman who sat on a toilet for two years and that was enough time for her skin to get fused with the toilet seat. Emergency workers had to use a pry bar to remove the seat from the toilet. She was taken to the hospital with the seat still attached.

In 2008 a woman was found living on her toilet seat for over 2 years. Her body eventually grew around the seat requiring surgical removal - source

The U-shaped toilet seats found in public restrooms were originally designed "to give ladies plenty of room to wipe without having to stand up or touch the seat directly." - source

The problem of how to leave the toilet seat (up or down) has been analyzed from a game theory perspective. The best strategy to minimize seat moves is just to leave it how you used it.

The reason almost all public restrooms have what are called open front toilet seats, (u-shaped), is to “allow women to wipe the perineal area after using the toilet without contacting the seat". - source

When to replace toilet seats?

A kitchen sponge is 200,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat, and a dishcloth is 20,000 times dirtier.

How toilet seats are measured?

Covering the toilet seat with paper in public restrooms doesn't do anything to protect your cheeks from germs

It is not possible to get HIV by touching someone's hand or touching a doorknob, or toilet seat, or through insect bites or in the air.

A woman was stuck to a toilet seat for almost 2 years and to the point her skin had started growing around it.

A woman once got "glued" to an airplane toilet seat as she "became the cork that maintained cabin pressure" after a valve failed in a Lockheed Constellation

There is a published paper on whether or not a toilet seat should be always left up or down

Interesting facts about toilet seats

A woman in Kansas refused to leave her boyfriend's bathroom for two years. When authorities discovered her in 2008, her skin had adhered itself to his toilet seat. That same year, her boyfriend won $20,000 in the state lottery- twice.

King Henry VIII built a giant toilet called the Great House of Easement. It was 2 stories tall and could seat 28 people at a time.

Wood of marula was used for the manufacture of toilet seats and tomato boxes during the colonial times. Today, wood is mainly used for carving. Inner bark is used for the manufacture of ropes.

Why many public restrooms in Italy have either broken or missing toilet seats - with over 50 different toilet seat styles and sizes, replacing one is a near impossible task.

The US Office of Naval Research has a vessel that is designed to be capsized vertically. As a result, it has specially designed interiors: toilet seats can flip 90 degrees, and lights on a ceiling become part of a wall and vice versa.

How do soft close toilet seats work?

There have not been any documented cases of HPV transmission through contact with a toilet seat.

The average beauty tester has almost 200 times the bacteria as the average toilet seat.

The gap in the front of a toilet seat (horse shoe shaped seat), is there to make it easier for women to wipe.

Standard Japanese toilets include heated seats, ass showers, bidet and automatic flushing. Some have a noise feature that will make a flushing sound to cover up your noisy bowel movements.

Robert De Niro almost abandoned 'Once Upon a Time in America' because the director peed on his toilet seat.

When actor Nicolas Cage was four, he would have this recurring dream in which “I was on the toilet and this giant blonde genie woman in a gold bikini would reach into the bathroom window like King Kong and pluck me off of the toilet seat and laugh at me.”

The "flap" on a toilet seat cover is supposed to go in the front to protect guys junk from touching the toilet, in addition to making the cover go down upon flushing.

For 400 years, the investiture ceremony for new Popes involved them sitting on an old Roman toilet seat, which they confused for a throne.

Lining The Toilet Seat Will Not Prevent Bacteria From Entering Your Body [3:45]

A commercial flight in Pakistan carried two passengers in the plane's toilet due to non-availability of seats

Your smartphone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat

Toilet Seat Covers don't do much besides just give you peace of mind

Adjustable urinals that attach to the toilet seat are actually a thing so that men and women don't have to fight about leaving the toilet seat up.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Toilet Seats. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Toilet Seats so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor