Pacific Northwest facts
While investigating facts about Pacific Northwest Ballet and Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Peter mayhew (Chewbacca) was required to be accompanied by crewmembers who wore brightly-colored vests while in the forests of the Pacific Northwest filming scenes set on Endor, so as not to be mistaken for Bigfoot and shot.
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Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca from Star Wars) had to be accompanied by people wearing brightly-colored vests while filming Endor scenes in the Pacific Northwest, as to not be mistaken for Bigfoot and shot.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is considered the pacific northwest. Here are 50 of the best facts about Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest Trail I managed to collect.
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While filming Return of the Jedi in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, crew members in bright-coloured vests stood near Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) so he wouldn't get shot by someone mistaken him for Bigfoot
The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus was a hoax designed by the U of Conn. to test 7th graders ability to decipher fake news on the internet presented as real. They all failed. Some even maintained it was real even after confronted with the hoax, a phenomenon called belief perseverance.
It is a matter of when, not if, the Casdadia subduction zone will destroy the Pacific Northwest with an earthquake followed by a tsunami.
Three Japanese sailors in 1832 were caught in a storm, stranded at sea for 14 months and shipwrecked on current day Cape Flattery. Making them the first Japanese people in the Pacific Northwest.
There is a growing independence movement which hopes to form a new country located in the the pacific northwest region of the US and Canada.
The now extinct Salish Wool Dog, sheared like sheep and prized for making the famous and rare "Salish" blankets, as the Salish peoples of the Pacific Northwest did not have sheep and wild mountain goat wool was difficult to gather.
As glaciers retreated at the end of the last Ice Age, a catastrophic flood in the Pacific Northwest created a waterfall with an estimated flow ten times a great as that of all current rivers in the world combined.
The Republic of Cascadia, a secession movement that proposes that the Pacific Northwest become it's own country.
Typhoons are a type of storm that includes strong wind, rain, and thunder. Typhoons occur in the Pacific Ocean's northwest region, These storms are also referred to as tropical cyclones.
Pacific Northwest data charts
For your convenience take a look at Pacific Northwest figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why visit the pacific northwest by examining the linked well-known sources.
The only difference between a hurricane and a typhoon is the location where the storm occurs... In the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific, the term hurricane is used. The same type of disturbance in the Northwest Pacific is called a typhoon.
Chuck Palahniuk has won a variety of awards for his writing including the 1997 Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award (for Fight Club), 1997 Oregon Book Award (for Fight Club), and the 2003 Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award (for Lullaby).
At least 16 severed feet, still in their shoes, have mysteriously washed up on the Pacific Northwest coast of North America since 2007. - source
The Pacific Northwest used to be home to a nearly 3 meter long, saber-toothed salmon... that ate plankton.
A large amount of the seasonal rain that lands on the southwestern US and the Pacific Northwest originates in the Gulf of Alaska.
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There are "Bikini Baristas"; Baristas that serve coffee while wearing Lingerie, Bikinis, Pasties and/or panties. Originating in the Pacific Northwest, there are “sexpresso” stands in California, Texas and North Dakota.
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Japan attempted attacks on the Pacific Northwest, the Oregon coast specifically, during World War II but were largely unsuccessful due in large part to the misty, wet climate.
Sheridan's first combat experience came in the 1850s when he fought against Indian tribes in the Pacific Northwest. His nose was grazed by a bullet in 1857.
The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, a (fictitious) species of octopus that was supposedly able to live on both land and water, and was native to Olympic National Forest. Its main predator was listed as Sasquatch.
The Salishan languages of the Pacific Northwest are famous for their lack of vowels; in the Nuxalk language, the word for "he had had a bunchberry plant" is "clhp'xwlhtlhplhhskwts'". It is pronounced exactly as it is spelled.
Hawaii is technically a part of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. They were all generated from the same hot spot in the Pacific Plate, but continental drift has caused the islands to move northwest.