Coastal Areas facts
While investigating facts about Coastal Areas In India and Coastal Areas Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
One of the few coastal areas to evacuate ahead of the 2004 tsunami was on the island of Simeulue. Due to island folklore recounting an earthquake/tsunami in 1907, the islanders fled inland following the initial shaking. Generational folklore saving the lives of the islanders 97 years later.
how coastal areas and mangroves are affected by human activities?
Around 3000BC a meteor crashed into the Indian Ocean, creating a 30km-wide crater. This caused a tsunami to hit coastal areas, including Mesopotamia, which be the origin of the flood myths (such as Noah's Ark)
What is the direction of air in coastal areas during the night?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what trees grow in coastal areas. Here are 19 of the best facts about Coastal Areas Of Pakistan and Coastal Areas Uk I managed to collect.
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Silphium, a plant from classic antiquity that was so valuable that it was supposedly overharvested to extinction. The plant only grew in a narrow coastal area in Cyrenaica (Libya). It was widely used as seasoning, perfume, as an aphrodisiac, and medicine.
Coastal Alaska (where most people live) is warmer than during the winter than Chicago or other parts of the US Midwest. The average winter temperature in Anchorage is 26°F, compared to 10°F in Minneapolis. Some areas are so warm that bears don't hibernate; they instead eat all winter.
Mating season of saw sharks takes place seasonally in the coastal areas. Females mate once every two years.
Over 14,000 miles of the United States’ 88,633 miles worth of tidal shoreline is fortified with concrete. These walls can bounce waves back into the ocean, destroy tidal marshes and hurt wildlife, and even make coastal areas more vulnerable to storms.
The coastal areas of the Persian Gulf are considered to be the largest source of crude oil in the world.
Red ironbark tolerates moderate salinity of the soil and it is often cultivated in coastal areas as a windbreak. Thanks to its decorative morphology, red ironbark is also frequently used in landscaping.
Name 'samphire" is derived from the French word 'sampiere", shortened version of 'saint Pierre", which is a patron of fishermen. Name of the plant refers to the fact that this plant grows in the coastal areas.
Galapagos penguin doesn"t have to swim long distances to find food because of the strong currents which ensure plenty of food in the coastal areas.
Banded sea krait leaves water once every 10 to 14 days. It can be found on the sandy beaches, in the caves and coastal areas covered with trees. Banded sea krait is good climber thanks to large scales on the belly.
Black tip sharks give birth to babies in nursery areas, close to the coast. Young sharks stay in the coastal waters until they grow big enough (shallow water keeps them safe from the large predators). Black tip sharks reach sexual maturity at age of 4 to 5 years.
Coastal Areas data charts
For your convenience take a look at Coastal Areas figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why coastal areas are humid?
You can easily fact check why coastal areas are hot by examining the linked well-known sources.
The United States is the only country to include coastal and territorial waters when measuring its area. Without these the US becomes smaller than China, even when excluding China's disputed territories.
Vinland was the name given to the areas of coastal North America (now part of Canada) by Norse Viking Leif Erikson, about 5 centuries prior to Christopher Columbus. - source
Thorium is especially common in the Tamil Nadu coastal areas of India, where residents may be exposed to a naturally occurring radiation dose ten times higher than the worldwide average. - source
The Russians are deploying Poseidon, a fleet of 30 nuclear-powered drone submarines which can detonate massive nuclear warheads underwater, destroying port cities or inundating vast coastal areas with 1000-ft tsunamis.
There is a 280-mile seawall that runs along much of Guyana's (South America) coastline to protect settlements in the coastal areas of Guyana, most of which are below sea level at high tide. An estimated 90% of population in Guyana lives below sea level. - source
When do coast redwood reproduce?
A 2,700 km (1,700 mi) sand wall separates the Moroccan-controlled coastal areas of Western Sahara from the Polisario-controlled areas in the interior of Western Sahara.
How coastal areas are affected by human activities?
Giant tsunamis wipe out everything close to the coastal area