Crude Oil facts
While investigating facts about Crude Oil Price and Crude Oil Price Chart, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers has a “Fort Knox” vault of Maple Syrup. A barrel is worth about $1,200 or $2.88 per pound which is 10-18 times the value of U.S. crude oil.
how crude oil is formed?
Refining a 42 gallon barrel of crude oil yields 20gal gasoline, 7gal diesel, and 17gal of petroleum byproducts such as propane, ammonia and plastic material, totaling 44 gallons; a net gain of 2 gallons.
What crude oil stock to buy?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what crude oil is used for. Here are 50 of the best facts about Crude Oil News and Crude Oil Stock I managed to collect.
what's crude oil?
Crude oil comes chiefly from dead microorganisms, not dinosaurs
After Crude Oil, Coffee is the most sought commodity in the World.
Canada has a crude oil reserve over 4x the size of America's. North Korea has none.
In oil-rich Azerbaijan people bathe in crude oil believing it improves their health
Bunker fuel is the generic term given to any fuel poured into a ship’s bunkers to power its engines. Deep sea cargo ships typically burn the heavy, residual oil left over after gasoline, diesel and other light hydrocarbons are extracted from crude oil during the refining process. It's very toxic
Due to "processing gains" we get nearly 45 gallons of refined petroleum products from one 42-gallon barrel of crude oil, because refined products have a lower specific gravity than crude oil.
About an oil thriving mosquito that has a pupa stage entirely in naturally occurring petroleum pools. It's guts are filled with crude oil and bacteria that can process it!
As a result of processing crude oil in Canada, oil refiner Syncrude has created a ziggurat of waste sulfur that is over 100ft high and covers 25 acres...
Venezuela has the world's 2nd largest oil reserve. It is also one of the top crude exporters in the world.
The coastal areas of the Persian Gulf are considered to be the largest source of crude oil in the world.
Crude Oil data charts
For your convenience take a look at Crude Oil figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why crude oil prices are falling?
You can easily fact check why crude oil is going down by examining the linked well-known sources.
There are five oil fields owned by the Cantarell Complex in the Bay of Campeche. By 2003 it was the world's second most productive oil field but it began to decline steeply afterwards. Up until then it had been supplying 2/3rds of the crude oil output in Mexico.
There are "sweet" and "sour" crude oil. The less sulfur content, the sweeter it is. Prospectors in the 1800's would actually taste a small quantity to differentiate the two. - source
In 1866 oil producers in Pennsylvania agreed upon a standard measurement for sales. The 40 gallon whisky barrel was the most common sized used but they went with the 42 gallon English wine barrel instead. 150 years later crude oil is still priced and sold by the 42 gallon barrel. - source
Helaeomyia petrolei, the Petroleum Fly, spends the first phase of its life swimming in crude oil
In 2017 Canada was the largest exporter of crude oil to the US and exported more crude to the US than every OPEC country combined - source
When crude oil was discovered?
An oil trader who went into his office and bought 7 million barrels of crude oil while blackout drunk, the volume of the trade caused the price of Brennt oil to rise sharply for a short moment.
How crude oil is extracted?
One man, while black out drunk,caused the price of Brent Crude oil to rise by over $1.50 a barrel within a short period of time, a trend generally associated with major geopolitical events.
A process that uses super-heated water to turn anything- usually waste products such as such garbage and leftover processed animal parts to convert biomass to light crude oil, called Thermal depolymerization.
The US imports 84% of their seafood, a $9 billion trade deficit 2nd only to crude oil.
The third largest unintentional oil spill in the world's history occurred in the Bay of Campeche in 1979. A massive explosion occurred after an exploratory oil well had a blowout. It is estimated that 300,000 barrels of crude oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the accident.
The Taylor oil spill, an ongoing oil spill in Louisiana that has been around since 2004, dumping hundreds of gallons of crude oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico
Crude oil infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Crude Oil numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Import/Export statistics of crude oil and petroleum products. Data Source: PPAC, Gov. Of India. Period: 2018-2019.