Nfl Players facts
While investigating facts about Nfl Players Arrested and Nfl Players By College, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Deland McCullough, former NFL player, and current RB coach for the Chiefs, was given up for adoption at birth in 1973. He found his birth mother in 2017. She told him the name of his father, who turned out to be his college coach and mentor throughout his adult life.
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Former NFL player James Brooks was found to be illiterate when he was unable to read court documents after admitting to not paying over $100k in child support. When the judge asked how he graduated from Auburn without being able to read, he said, "Didn't have to go to to class."
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what nfl players are in the aaf. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nfl Players Cupcake Shop and Nfl Players In Xfl I managed to collect.
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The NFL has no written rule against female players; women would in fact be allowed if they met the league's eligibility requirements.
Former NFL player Warrick Dunn raised his five siblings while attending college and then playing in the NFL, after his mom, a police officer, was shot dead while he was in high school. He built 145 houses for single moms, and also met and forgave the man who was convicted of killing his mother.
NFL player Tyrann Mathieu filmed a PSA on the dangers of leaving a dog in a hot car. It was 90 degrees outside and Tyrann gave up after 8 minutes when the inside temperature reached 120 degrees
78% of NFL players are broke within 2 years of retirement
The NFL uses tracking chips embedded in players shoulder pads to record a players every move on the field. They are also located inside footballs to track: velocity, rotation ,ball speed and location.
Terrell Owens is the only NFL player to score a touchdown against all 32 NFL teams. (actually has at least 2 for each team)
On examining the brain of 111 deceased NFL players, 110 of them were found to have Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) - a degenerative disease believed to be caused by repeated blows to the head.
In in the 1970s professional 10 pin bowlers made twice as much as NFL players.
A 2009 study found that two years after retirement, 78% of former NFL players are under financial stress or have gone completely bankrupt.
Two years after retirement, 78% of NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress. In the NBA, five years after retirement 60% of players are broke.
Nfl Players data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nfl Players figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why do nfl players have towels by examining the linked well-known sources.
Only one NFL player has died on the field: Chuck Hughes in 1971. The game continued with a silent crowd
NFL defensive tackle Amobi Okoye is the youngest player ever to play in the NFL. After testing into 9th grade at 12 and graduating at 16, he chose to play NCAA football at Louisville (though he was accepted to Harvard) before graduating early and being drafted by the Texans at the age of 19. - source
During WWII, the NFL lost a lot of players because they left for military service. As a result, by the 1943 NFL season, the Philadelphia Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers were forced to merge into one team called the Pennsylvania Steagles. - source
Out of 1.086 million high school football players, only 70,147 begin a college football career, out of which only 6500 get scouted by the NFL, 350 get invited to the combine, 256 get drafted and only 150 (0.01%) last at least four years in the NFL.
Kurt Warner was cut from the NFL and got a job at a grocery store in Iowa. Four years later, at 27, Warner would lead the St. Louis Rams to their only Super Bowl Championship, setting several league records, as well as being the only player in history to win the NFL MVP and Super Bowl MVP - source
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The average NFL career lasts about three years; nearly 80 percent of players are bankrupt within three years of retirement.
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World Cup referees run 6 to 8 miles per game. All while scrutinizing plays and communicating with players and other officials. Players run around 7 miles per game which dwarfs what NFL, NBA or MLB players run per game.
Turk Edwards, an NFL player on the Washington Redskins, suffered a career ending injury during a coin toss.
Byron White was a former star football player who became a Supreme Court Justice. He ruled in the case of Runyon v. McCrary in which a black student was rejected by a private school. That student, Michael McCrary would later become a NFL Linebacker and won the Byron White NFL Award in 2000.
When filing for bankruptcy, ex-NFL Player Mike Vick personally elected Chapter 11 Bankruptcy as opposed to Chapter 7, so he would be able to pay back his debt almost in full. Paying $17.4 million of the $17.6 million he owed. “I didn’t want to stiff people who never stiffed me”
The NFL players given the Wonderlic Test (a test given before entering the NFL Draft to measure intelligence) at least 19 in the last 37 years have scored below 10, meaning they are illiterate. 10 of those 19 graduated from a major university.
Nfl players infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Nfl Players numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

NFL Player Arrests Since 2000 (Interactive version in comments)