Nfl Footballs facts
While investigating facts about Nfl Football Scores and Nfl Football Schedule, I found out little known, but curios details like:
EA bought out exclusive rights to be the sole producer of NFL games under the Madden Franchise. This is because its competitor, 2k, released NFL 2k5 for $19.99 and was considered one of the best football games of all time. EA ensured 2k could never make another football game again.
how nfl footballs are made?
The NFL uses tracking chips embedded in players shoulder pads to record a players every move on the field. They are also located inside footballs to track: velocity, rotation ,ball speed and location.
What are nfl footballs made of?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the nfl do with used footballs. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nfl Footballs Made and Nfl Footballs Made In Ohio I managed to collect.
what happens to used nfl footballs?
NFL defensive tackle Amobi Okoye is the youngest player ever to play in the NFL. After testing into 9th grade at 12 and graduating at 16, he chose to play NCAA football at Louisville (though he was accepted to Harvard) before graduating early and being drafted by the Texans at the age of 19.
When the NFL football team Seattle Seahawks invited a retired 4 star general to their facility, Seattles head coach Pete Carroll blitzed him with questions about whether the 9/11 attacks “had been planned or faked” by the government.
Out of 1.086 million high school football players, only 70,147 begin a college football career, out of which only 6500 get scouted by the NFL, 350 get invited to the combine, 256 get drafted and only 150 (0.01%) last at least four years in the NFL.
In 2011, tens of thousands of Detroiters petitioned to prevent Nickelback from playing at the NFL Thanksgiving Day football game halftime show
It takes 600 cows to make one full season's worth of NFL footballs.
Byron White was a former star football player who became a Supreme Court Justice. He ruled in the case of Runyon v. McCrary in which a black student was rejected by a private school. That student, Michael McCrary would later become a NFL Linebacker and won the Byron White NFL Award in 2000.
Rocky Bleier, an NFL football player with the Pittsburgh Steelers who was drafted into the US Army and served in Vietnam. Badly wounded in a leg and foot by a grenade, he needed four years to return to the team's roster, but became a star and helped the Steelers win four Super Bowls.
Brian Banks, a star football player with a promising NFL career, who was sent to prison at 17 after being accused of sexual violence. After serving 5 years in prison, the woman confessed she made it up. Although he was acquitted, his dream NFL career never happened and she never served time.
Former NFL player Dave Duerson killed himself, though he chose to shoot himself in the chest, and left a note specifically requesting his brain be used for research into a neurodegenerative disease (CTE) which can be caused by playing football. Researchers did later confirm he had the disease.
Marcus Allen is the only person to ever win a Heisman Trophy, College Footbal National Title, NFL MVP, a Super Bowl & Super Bowl MVP
Nfl Footballs data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nfl Footballs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why don't nfl footballs have stripes?
You can easily fact check why do nfl footballs not have stripes by examining the linked well-known sources.
52% of retired NFL players used prescription painkillers during football games, 3/4ths of that said they abused them. 63% said the pills came from a non-medical source.
The NFL stopped a $16 million study into the football and brain damage connection because they didn't approve of the doctor conducting it, despite giving an unrestricted $30 million to the NIH to fund the research - source
Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, NFL player on the Kansas City Chiefs, continues to study medicine while still playing professional football. - source
NFL official Ed Hochuli is actually a lawyer who referees football games as a side gig.
David Carr admitted in 2006 of deflated footballs and the NFL did nothing. - source
When did the nfl use white footballs?
Football players in the NFL will watch the stadium video screen on breakaway runs to watch defenders behind them without having to turn around
How many footballs are used in an nfl game?
The longest recorded field goals in college football (69 yards) and high school football (68 yards) are each longer than the NFL's professional record (64 yards).
NFL SuperPro, one of the worst superheros in Marvel Comics history. SuperPro was written as former football player who survived a freak accident and fought crime in an indestructible football uniform. The writer later admitted he wrote the series to gain free NFL tickets.
There are 32 teams in the NFL, each vying for the Super Bowl win at the end of the season.
Unlike in the NFL where excessive touchdown celebrations are prohibited, Canadian football teams will engage in elaborately choreographed end zone celebrations involving up to 6 players
As scouts began looking for NFL draftees Joe Montana was not a favorite but he was chosen in 1979 by the 49ers and went on to play in the NFL for 16 seasons and become a Pro Football Hall of Famer.
Nfl footballs infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Nfl Footballs numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.