Dairy Milk facts
While investigating facts about Dairy Milk, I found out little known, but curios details like:
“The Milk”. In 1994, a student at MIT bought a carton of milk but forgot to use it, and rediscovered it 10 months later. Instead of binning it he threw a ‘birthday’ for it. A cult following developed for this legendary expired dairy product. In 2015 it celebrated its 21st birthday.
There are dairy farms with cows trained to use automatic milking machines, which will milk the cows automatically whenever the cow feels like it. The machines will even remember each cow individually, and push them out if they've been there too recently.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Dairy Milk I managed to collect.
Scientists aren't just working on lab-grown meat, but lab-grown milk as well, which will yield vegan-friendly cheese, butter, and ice cream, and also reduce the carbon footprint of the dairy industry.
Most Asians suffer from lactose intolerance and that humans in general become lactose intolerant after weaning. It’s only with the advent of agriculture that some races were able to properly digest milk and other dairy products even if they’re already adults.
As a result of Breyers adding excessive amounts of additives in their ice cream to cut costs, Canada has determined their product no longer contains enough milk and cream to meet labeling requirements for ice cream, and must be labeled "Frozen Dairy Dessert",or "Frozen Dessert."
In 2008, melamine added to milk in China caused kidney stones in thousands of Chinese children. To show his confidence in Chinese dairy products, Peter Mandelson MP drank a glass of Chinese yoghurt in front of reporters. The following week, he was hospitalised for a kidney stone.
A dairy farm in Hong Kong, despite having no cattle on site, has been churning out some 4000 bottles of “fresh milk” made of formula everyday since 2008 without the public's knowledge
Supermarkets often sell milk for cheaper than they paid for it, hoping you'll graze the aisles on the way to the store fridge. This causes beef with the dairy industry, which claims that the practice mooves milk towards being undervalued by the public.
Due to overproduction, American dairy farmers dumped more than 43 million gallons of milk into their fields in the first eight months of 2016. Enough to fill 66 Olympic swimming pools. Part of the problem is people are turning to dairy-free alternatives like almond milk and coconut milk.
Fidel Castro had a strange dairy obsession, and would craft elaborate schemes such as a "race of super cows" and tiny cows to keep as house pets. He even bred a cow that produced over 100 liters of milk in a day
The U.S. government used to buy the dairy industry’s excess cheese and butter in order to maintain the industry as a vital national resource. At its peak in 1983, the stockpile of excess milk fat, stored in cool caves in Missouri, grew to a value of more than $4 billion.
According to a poll by the "Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy", 7% of American adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
Dairy Milk data charts
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What is true about dairy milk?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Many NZ farms are converting from cow milk to sheep's milk. Due to the rising cost of land and the fact sheep are more economical than cows, you can expect to see sheep dairy in your food store.
The US has 1.39 billion pounds of surplus cheese, which equates to 4.6 pounds of cheese per person. Due to dairy producers regularly overproducing milk, the excess is typically turned into cheese because of the shelf life. - source
Ants farm another species of insect called aphids similarly to how humans farm dairy cows. The aphids secrete a sugary substance from their skin, which the ants “milk” by stroking the aphids with their antennae - source
In the US in 1944 there were 25.6 million dairy cows which produced 53.0 billion kg of milk. In 2007 there were only 9.8 million dairy cows (38% of previous population) yet they produced 84.2 billion kg of milk (59% more).
US "government cheese" was created to maintain the price of dairy when dairy industry subsidies artificially increased the supply of milk and created a surplus that was then converted into cheese, butter, or dehydrated powder. The cheese was stored in over 150 warehouses across 35 states. - source
During World War II Cadbury had to change their recipe and remove dairy milk from the shelves. They were not allowed to use fresh milk and had to use skim milk powder. The chocolate bar was called Ration chocolate.
Fidel Castros obsession with dairy, from eating 10+ scoops of ice cream a meal, to creating a new breed of cow that could produce milk in Cubas tropical climate.
Some individuals are unable to digest lactose which is found in milk and as a result will experience cramps, bloating and diarrhea if they consume milk. The dairy industry now manufacturers many products that are lactose-reduced and there are also pills that an individual can eat prior to consuming dairy to aid in its digestion.
Some people are not able to consume dairy products because they lack the enzyme necessary to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance is not the same as having an allergy to cow's milk.
Minnesota's major agriculture includes soybeans, sugar beets, wheat, dairy, and corn. The state beverage is milk and the state muffin is the blueberry muffin.
Only 5% of milk crates are stolen for personal use, with the biggest problem being organized theft, causing dairy farmers $80 million annually