Negative Reviews facts
While investigating facts about Negative Reviews Of Where The Crawdads Sing and Negative Reviews Of Magic Sleek, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When Rockstar first released Grand Theft Auto, they actually paid reviewers to negatively review the game in order to keep it controversial, and therefore popular. They targeted right wing news papers to ensure moral outrage and drive the game to success.
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An author was angered by a negative online review of his book, so he tracked down the person who wrote the review, travelled to Scotland where she lived, and hit her over the head with a wine bottle
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is negative reviews. Here are 45 of the best facts about Negative Reviews Of Becoming and Negative Reviews On Perfectio I managed to collect.
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The French duo Daft Punk got their name from a negative review they received from MelodyMaker magazine for a trio they were in before. A journalist wrote that the band Darlin's music was "a daft punky thrash". They found it funny, creating one of the most influential music acts of 90s & 00s
The Wizard of Oz received one negative review, from the New Yorker, whose film critic despised the film's "Vulgarity [of] raw, eye-straining Technicolor" and "Singer Midgets"
In a review of clinical drug trials, almost all negative studies were unpublished, leading to the false impression that 93% of antidepressant trials had positive results. When unpublished studies were included, 51% of all clinical trials were positive and 49% were negative.
After it was reported that a guesthouse in Hudson, NY charged guests $500 for giving negative online critiques, Yelpers gave it hundreds of one-star reviews
The Writer of "Caddyshack" fell off a cliff and died a month after the movie's release, after becoming depressed due to negative reviews. His co-writer joked that he "probably fell while looking for a place to jump." The film is now a cult classic.
A couple was charged $177 by a Hotel for posting a negative review on TripAdvisor
Comcast has the worst customer service reviews of any company, with 54.4% of those surveyed claimed that their overall customer experience was negative. This is Comcast’s seventh consecutive year on the Customer Service Hall of Shame, and its first year at the top.
An Italian restaurant owner boosted business by asking for tons of negative reviews to get around Yelp's positive review blocking practices
The band Daft Punk got it's name from a negative review dubbing their music in a previous band: "A daft punky thrash".
Negative Reviews data charts
For your convenience take a look at Negative Reviews figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are most reviews negative?
You can easily fact check why are most apartment reviews negative by examining the linked well-known sources.
Legendary western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (as well as the other two films in Dolar trilogy) received quite negative reviews from critics upon release
The Union Street Guest House, located in Hudson Valley, New York, was flagged on Google Maps as permanently closed and received a one-star review from Adolf H., after the hotel was revealed to have a policy of charging wedding parties $500 for each negative online review - source
Rolling Stone once fired a writer for writing a negative review of Hootie and the Blowfish - source
Katie Holmes turned down the reprise of her role as Rachele in The Dark Knight in order to star in Mad Money. The Dark Knight ended up grossing $1b from a $185m budget while Mad Money only grossed $26m from a $22m budget and received mixed to negative reviews.
Universal Studios was so horrified of Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses (which they were set to distribute) that they shelved the film for several months. The film was eventually purchased by Zombie who made a deal with Lionsgate to release the movie that later received negative reviews. - source
When to respond to negative reviews?
The German director Uwe Boll challenged five harsh critics each to a 10-round boxing match. To qualify, critics had to have written two extremely negative reviews of Boll. He won every match.
How to respond to negative reviews?
James Gunn, writer and director of "Guardians of the Galaxy," also wrote the screenplay for "Scooby-Doo." It was his first major Hollywood movie. He was asked to do the sequel despite negative reviews.
The 1985 film "Return to Oz" was given negative reviews by critics for being too dark and scary for children. As one reviewer put it, the movie was "...bleak, creepy, and occasionally terrifying."
British Author Richard Brittain hunted down a Scottish Teenager who had written a negative review of his self published novel and shattered a bottle of wine on the back of her neck.
There have been reports of businesses posting negative reviews of competitors' products or companies that pay users to write reviews, a practice known as cyber-shilling. 5 percent of the reviews, "significantly more negative" than the others, were written by customers with no record of purchase.
The FTC allows removal of negative reviews as long as it is not part of a written "terms and conditions", just the company's written internal policy