Movie Release facts
While investigating facts about Movie Releases 2019 and Movie Releases 2020, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When released in France in 2007, Ratatouille was not only praised for its technical accuracy and attention to culinary detail, it also drew the 4th highest opening-day attendance in French movie history.
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When Ashton Kutcher’s film “Dude Where’s My Car” was released, a movie reviewer for USA Today wrote “Any civilization that can produce a movie this stupid deserves to be hit by famine and pestilence.”
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what movie releases this friday. Here are 50 of the best facts about Movie Releases and Movie Release Dates I managed to collect.
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The Monkees named their movie Head, so that if they ever released a second film they could use the tag line “from the people who gave you Head”
Whilst filming the movie Entebbe, about a plane being hijacked, a plane was hijacked and landed at the airport on the day of the filming. They then filmed the real hostages being released and edited it into the movie. The producer called it a "blessing from the sky on a day of bad acting."
The Film Board of India blocked Saving Private Ryan citing violence. The Board demanded cuts that Spielberg declined, instead, he decided not to release the movie in India. The Home Minister of India saw the movie himself and, impressed, ordered it to be released uncut.
The movie ”Moana” was released as ”Oceania” in Italy. They changed the name because a porn star named Moana was well known in the country.
There is a group of about 400 ultra powerful and wealthy individuals that see movies on release day in their own home theaters. It costs $100k to join and $4k/month membership. It is called the Bel Air Circuit.
A homeless heroin addict, James Bowen, got clean with the help of a stray cat, Bob, whom he found injured in 2007. James wrote a best-selling book, and in 2016 a movie was released starring Bob as himself.
The most successful Bond movie ever is Thunderball released back in 1965. The movie made over $141 million which amounts than $1 billion today when inflation is adjusted.
The first movie made about the sinking of the Titanic was released only 29 days after the event. The lead actress was an actual survivor, and suffered a mental breakdown after filming.
Mars, Inc. refused to let Universal use its M&M products for the 1982 movie "E.T." because they found the E.T. character to be terrifying and ugly. Hershey agree to have Reese’s Pieces be used in the film, which boosted company profits by an incredible 65% during the film's release.
A Star Wars fan has recreated the original three movie releases in high definition and without the special edition additions. This version is called the Despecialized Edition.
Movie Release data charts
For your convenience take a look at Movie Release figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
When Dungeons & Dragons was released, various groups believed it was a front for murderous Satanists. This lead to Tom Hanks’ first starring role in the TV propaganda movie Mazes and Monsters, in which he becomes his D&D character and stabs a hobo in Manhattan because he thought it was a goblin.
100 Years: The Movie You Will Never See, a secret film written by and starring John Malkovich. 100 Years is kept in a high-tech safe in bulletproof glass that will open automatically on 18 November 2115, the date of the films release. The plot remains a complete secret. - source
"Lego Star Wars the Video Game" contained the entire plot of Revenge of the sith despite being released a month before the movie's premiere.
Everytime a Saw movie would be released, a "Halloween Blood Drive" would be organized; mobile blood stations pop up around US where blood donators would receive a free movie ticket. A total of 120.000 pints of blood has been donated, resulting in over 360.000 lives being saved. - source
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"twin movies" - the phenomenon of oddly similar movies being released at the same time
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Vin Diesel voiced Groot in the movie series "Guardians of the Galaxy" in 16 languages for the worldwide release of each movie. Athough it was only three words, he had to learn each native accent of every language he voiced.
Since the movie "Beasts of No Nation" was released online the same time it was theatrically, AMC, Regal, Carmike, and Cinemark completely boycotted the movie, effectively downgrading the movie to a limited-release movie with a box office return of $90,777.
The super-rich can watch theatrically-released movies at home via a $35,000 streaming box for $500 each (if you own a 100+ inch screen and pass a background check first)
The first ever 3D movie was The Power Of Love, a silent film released in 1922. It was also the first film to have an alternative ending, and the viewer could choose between the happy and sad endings (both shot in 2D) by closing one eye or the other.
About the 1986 movie Troll, which is about a young wizard named Harry Potter Jr, and features an old woman who gives Harry advice and an evil villain who hides his essence in someone close to Harry – Over a decade before JK Rowling released her first Harry Potter book
Movie release infographics
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Top 50 domestic (USA) Movie Box Office breakdown by studio gross earning (release year 1995-2018)