National Parks facts
While investigating facts about National Parks Near Me and National Parks In India, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Washington Redskins' owner Dan Snyder once cut down trees along the Potomac River so that he could see it from his house. The trees were located in a national park, and a ranger who raised concern about the issue was raided by US Marshals
how national parks are in the us?
A plane carrying 6,000 pounds of pot crashed in Yosemite National Park. Climbers in Yosemite Valley heard news of the crash and sparked a miniature gold rush with up to 20 people searching the frozen crash site. Much of the weed was salvaged, smoked, or sold before park rangers caught on.
What national parks are in utah?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what national parks are in california. Here are 50 of the best facts about National Parks In California and National Parks Map I managed to collect.
what national parks are open?
The Italian government is offering all 18 year olds a €500 'culture bonus,' which can be spent on books, concert tickets, theatre tickets, cinema tickets, museum visits and even trips to the country’s national parks.
In 1903 after camping with John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt established Yosemite as a national park to preserve its "majestic beauty all unmarred." As President, TR signed into existence four other national parks, 18 national monuments, 55 national bird & wildlife refuges, and 150 national forests.
Grizzly Bear #122 of Banff National Park - he is the largest bear in the area, has eaten a couple black bears, has fathered 5 cubs, and was hit by a train and lived.
There is a government program called "Every Kid in a Park" that gives a free year-long national park pass to every fourth grade student that prints one out
In the 1970's, a plane carrying 6,000lbs. of marijuana crashed in a remote area of Yosemite National Park. Local mountaineers, rock climbers, hippies, and drug dealers made excursions to the area to take as much product as they could, all while the US government tried to secure the drugs.
The Italian government is offering all 18 year olds a €500 'culture bonus,' which can be spent on books, concert tickets, theatre tickets, cinema tickets, museum visits and even trips to the country’s national parks.
A man was fined $10,000 for illegally dumping in a national park after authorities matched the time stamp on a McDonalds receipt with CCTV footage of him ordering at the drive-thru.
A report found that, for every $1 invested in the US National Park Service, the American public receives $4 in economic value.
The outrage that ensued when gold miners cut down the “Mammoth Tree” at California’s (now) Calaveras Big Trees State Park inspired the national park system over 160 years ago.
In 1996, as a April Fool's Day prank, the Taco Bell Corporation took out a full-page ad that appeared in six major newspapers saying that it had bought the Liberty Bell and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. The National Historic Park in Philadelphia received hundreds of outraged calls.
National Parks data charts
For your convenience take a look at National Parks figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why national parks were created?
You can easily fact check why national parks are important in india by examining the linked well-known sources.
All fourth graders in the US have free admission to national parks
A law professor discovered a quirk in the law that makes murder technically legal in a 50 sq mile, remote section of Yellowstone National Park. He alerted Congress about the loophole and even wrote draft legislation to close the loophole. Congress has yet to act. - source
On October 23, 1999, BASE jumper and stuntwoman Jan Davis died while making an illegal protest jump from El Capitan intended to demonstrate the safety of BASE jumping at Yosemite National Park, after a ban on BASE jumping in the area regarding safety. - source
Junk mail destroys 100 million trees a year. The equivalent of deforesting all of Rocky Mountain National Park every four months.
Chimpanzees fight wars like humans. Happend 1974-1978 in Gombe National Park. It is called the “Four Year War of Gombe”. Two parties fought, and one party won the war by extermination of the other. Jane Goodall observed this war and was frightend by the brutality. - source
When national parks reopen?
Yellowstone National Park's geothermal hot springs are capable of dissolving a human body overnight
How national parks are created?
Yellowstone National Park suffered 50+ years of ecological damage due to eradication of the Gray Wolf. After re-introduction, the environment is slowly stabilizing.
The concept of national parks was called the greatest idea America ever had. The idea to protect natural wonders for the enjoyment of future generations was unprecedented worldwide before Yellowstone.
The least-visited national park in the U.S. is the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve in Alaska, which lies entirely north of the Arctic Circle and has "no established roads, trails, visitor facilities, or campgrounds."
On May 25th, 2015 a man discovered an orphaned baby moose in Yellowstone National Park in Montana. When he reported the calf to local authorities they shot the baby and blew up the carcasses of it, it's dead mother and sibling to prevent grizzly bears from being drawn to the area.
There is a 50 sq. mile area of the U.S. within Yellowstone National Park dubbed the "Zone of Death." Legal scholars assert that due to certain technicalities involving finding a suitable jury, a person could potentially murder someone and not have to stand trial.
National parks infographics
Beautiful visual representation of National Parks numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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