John Muir facts
While investigating facts about John Muir Trail and John Muir Health, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1903 after camping with John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt established Yosemite as a national park to preserve its "majestic beauty all unmarred." As President, TR signed into existence four other national parks, 18 national monuments, 55 national bird & wildlife refuges, and 150 national forests.
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Environmentalist John Muir walked over 1000 miles from Indiana to Florida to see America, bringing with him only a comb, a towel, some soap, and 3 books.
Who was john muir and what did he do?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is john muir famous for. Here are 34 of the best facts about John Muir Urgent Care and John Muir Middle School I managed to collect.
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The conservationist, John Muir, was an avid inventor. He hooked up an alarm clock to his custom bed that would throw him onto the floor to ensure he got up on time.
After John Muir recovered from temporary blindness,caused by a factory accident that shot a piece of metal into his eye, he dedicated his life to the environment and help established Yosemite, Sequoia, Mount Rainer, and the Grand Canyon as National Parks.
America's conservation organization the Sierra Club was founded by John Muir.
In 1863 John's brother moved to Canada to avoid the U.S. Civil War draft and John followed in 1864, studying the woods and swamps around Georgian Bay for three seasons. He then worked south of Meaford until 1865.
John Muir built a small cabin in Yosemite along Yosemite Creek. He designed his cabin so that part of the creek flowed through a corner of the cabin.
A valley in the Sierra Nevada mountains that John Muir described as the equal of Yosemite in beauty and grandeur was dammed and flooded to provide water for San Francisco.
Jackie attended John Muir High School along with Ted Williams and Bob Lemons, both fellow future Baseball Hall of Famers. In high school all three played on the Pemona Annual Baseball Tournament All-Star Team.
John Muir was also an inventor. He created a clock with minutes, seconds, and days of the month.
In 1867 John Muir walked to Florida from Kentucky and took a job at Hodgson's sawmill. He almost died of malaria three days later.
In 2006, Conservation volunteers from the John Muir Trust discovered a piano during a clean-up operation on the 4,418ft Ben Nevis peak in the Highlands (Britain's highest mountain).
John Muir data charts
For your convenience take a look at John Muir figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is john muir famous?
You can easily fact check why did john muir die by examining the linked well-known sources.
There have been several places in the United States and Scotland named after John Muir including Muir Woods National Monument, Mount Muir, Muir Beach, and the John Muir Way.
John Muir left New York City for California and settled in San Francisco. He explored Yosemite where he was overwhelmed by the landscape.
America owes the existence of many of it's National Parks to one man. John Muir AKA “Father of the National Parks" writings on his adventures in nature were read by millions and helped save large tracts of land from development including Yosemite and Sequoia National Park. - source
John Muir died at the age of 76, on December 24, 1914.
John returned to the U.S. in 1866 and worked at a wagon wheel factory until an accident nearly caused him to lose his sight permanently. Once he regained his sight he was determined to spend his life studying plants.
When did john muir die?
The first name suggested for the national monument was Kent Monument but Kent preferred that it be named after John Muir instead.
How did john muir die?
In 1879 it was discovered by John Muir (a naturalist) that the ice had retreated by about 48 miles up the bay.
John Muir often traveled alone, carrying only a tin cup, a handful of tea, a loaf of bread, and a copy of Emerson. He was quoted just after rejecting a teaching position at Harvard, "I never for a moment thought of giving up God's big show for a mere profship!"
John Muir wrote a book about his time in Yosemite titled First Summer in the Sierra. He lived in the cabin for two years.
There is a wooden statue at the Muir Woods National Monument depicting John Muir.
John Muir worked for the United States Coast Survey as an officer.