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Moscow Metro facts

While investigating facts about Moscow Metro Map and Moscow Metro Stations, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Below the huge Moscow metro system, there is another secret system called Metro 2, closed off to the public and reportedly connects several giant bunkers and underground cities.

how to use moscow metro?

There are 20 dogs on the Moscow Metro that have learnt how to use the system as a means of commuting

What is known about moscow metro?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 22 of the best facts about Moscow Metro Tickets and Moscow Metro Map English I managed to collect.

what is the moscow metro?

  1. The Chinese city of Guangzhou had no subway whatsoever 20 years ago. Today, its subway system has 186 stations and is 191 miles/307 km long. It is today the world's fourth busiest metro system, beating New York's, London's, Moscow's and Paris' in terms of ridership.

  2. There are hundreds of dogs living in the Moscow Metro train station, and some of them have even learned how to commute using the metro system

  3. Approximately 20 street dogs in Moscow, Russia are believed to have learned how to use the Metro stations as a means of commuting between different areas of town

  4. Approximately 9 million people use the metro in Moscow every day.

  5. Moscow has a metro station named after Kiev that is filled with mosaics and artwork celebrating Russian-Ukrainian unity and friendship

  6. Moscow has many underground sites like bomb shelters or a speculated secret Metro system (parallel to the public one) used by the Russian Military and maybe an underground city as well.

  7. Nine million people ride the Moscow Metro every day, more than London and New York's combined.

  8. Moscow has a metro that opened in 1935, but many believe there is a secret branch of the system to connect the Kremlin and other buildings.

  9. There is supposedly a secret underground metro system that parallels the public Moscow metro, it is said to connect the Kremlin to the FSB headquarters as well as other locations of national importance

  10. Sections of the Moscow Metro were so deep that they would be used as shelter in case of a nuclear war.

moscow metro facts
What are the best facts about Moscow Metro?

Why moscow metro is so deep?

You can easily fact check why is the moscow metro so beautiful by examining the linked well-known sources.

During World War II the Moscow metro was used as a bomb shelter. 217 babies were born in the metro during the war.

Moscow may have a secret metro system which parallels the regular one. - source

British engineers where invited to design, route and plan construction for the Moscow Metro, but where arrested, tried and deported in 1933, by NKVD for espionage because they gained an in-depth knowledge of the city's physical layout. - source

The Vystavochnaya subway station in Moscow, accepts 30 squats in exchange for a free metro ticket

The Super Smart Dogs of the Moscow Metro who navigate the metro train network, manipulate people into dropping food and have mastered the art of living in a city - source

When was moscow metro built?

In 2013, as a way to promote both the Olympic Games in Sochi and active lifestyles, Moscow Metro installed a vending machine that gives commuters a free ticket in exchange for doing 30 squats.

How deep is moscow metro?

Wild dogs ride the trains in the Moscow Metro.

ISS has a fixed time zone (U.T.C +03:00) just so that it can match the Moscow Metro scheduling.

Moscow has incredibly beautiful, palace-like metro stations.

This year the queue to the relics of Saint Nikolas in Moscow varies between Park Kultury metro station and Frunzenskaya, and reached 5.2 km

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Moscow Metro. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Moscow Metro so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor