Free Wifi facts
While investigating facts about Free Wifi Near Me and Free Wifi App, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There's a Nikola Tesla statue that radiates Free Wifi in Silicon Valley.
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Google has been providing free WiFi to its home city of Mountain View, CA since 2006. The entire city of 75,000!
What's free wifi?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is gosurf free wifi. Here are 21 of the best facts about Free Wifi Calling and Free Wifi Hotspot I managed to collect.
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In 2003 the Polynesian island country of Niue became the world's first "WiFi nation", offering free Internet access throughout the country.
A Mexican Internet portal created a machine called "Poo WiFi" that gives you free WiFi in exchange for dog poo
Starbucks followed McDonald's to offer free wifi, not the other way around. McDonald's started offering free wifi in some countries in 2007 and earlier, and throughout the USA in January 2010. Starbucks didn't start with free wifi until July 2010.
In 2014 six Londoners agreed to trade their firstborn for free wifi after signing an agreement with a "Herod's clause."
Those Comcast Xfinity Free Hotspots that let you connect to their network anywhere is done by piggybacking off of customers home router wifi to create a Hotspot, which also affects your bandwidth rate when public users are connected.
As of March 2015, there were 8,178 active pay phones in New York City, and this year they're being upgraded to have free high-speed wifi
Using WiFi Master Key App to connect free WiFi
The Link.NYC Free Public Phone and Wifi is going to generate 500M in ad revenue a year for NYC
In 2006 and 2007 Panera Bread was the largest provider of free wifi in The United States
In November 2014, a month after the contract for New York City's network of payphones expired, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the plan to replace them with LinkNYC kiosks providing free wifi. The plan was devised after the city held several competitions to "reinvent" the payphone system.
Free Wifi data charts
For your convenience take a look at Free Wifi figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't i get free wifi?
You can easily fact check why use free wifi by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is a company in Portugal that has created a moving free wifi network on their cities public transportation systems.
Denmarks central train system is offering free wifi for everyone. - source
the city of Minneapolis provides all residents and visitors with free wifi that blankets the whole city. - source
There is a statue of Nikola Tesla in Silicon Valley that emits free wifi.
Mt Everest has free wifi available at over 17,000 feet - source
When is free wifi safe?
There is a company in Portugal that has setup a free wifi network on their cities buses
How to use gosurf free wifi?
Curches in Berlin, Germany offer free wifi. It's called "godspot"
One beach in Peru gives free WiFi to sunbathers who sit in the shade in an attempt to reduce skin cancer