Mechanical Engineer facts
While investigating facts about Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Slinky was invented by accident, when a Mechanical Engineer was working to devise springs that could keep sensitive ship equipment steady at sea. After accidentally knocking some samples off a shelf, he watched in amazement as they gracefully “walked” down instead of falling.
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Tom Scholz, founder of the band Boston, received bachelor's and master's degrees in mechanical engineering from MIT, and got a job at Polaroid. He used the money to make a studio in his basement, which he used to record 'Boston' by himself. The band was just for touring and vocals.
What's mechanical engineering?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what mechanical engineering is all about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mechanical Engineer Salary and Mechanical Engineering Courses I managed to collect.
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A Georgia Tech student was accidentally sent 2 enrollment forms, he filled out both, creating a fictional man named George P. Burdell. The student did work for George and George graduated with a mechanical engineering degree.
Charles Babbage lost 2 games of chess to the Mechanical Turk, an automaton with a chess player hidden inside that fooled people that a machine could play chess. He knew it was a hoax but it inspired his work on the Difference Engine and then the Analytical Engine, the world's first computer.
Dorian Leigh, one of the first supermodels, was a mechanical engineer who designed airplane wings during WWII
During WWII 18-year-old Princess - later Queen - Elizabeth joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service and worked as a mechanical engineer to help British forces.
A blind mechanical engineer named Ralph Teetor invented cruise control in 1945 after riding with his lawyer, who had a nasty habit of speeding up and slowing down too frequently. It was originally called "Speedostat".
Two families escaped over the Berlin Wall by building a hot air balloon. A mechanic and a mason, used their mechanical know-how to build a hot air balloon engine out of old propane cylinders. Their wives pieced together a makeshift balloon from scraps of canvas and old bed sheets.
Whilst boarding a plane, an elderly passenger threw coins into one of the engines to ensure “good luck”. Plane mechanics later found nine coins at the site, including one inside the engine. The flight ended up taking off more than 5 hours late.
In a 2014 study of LSAT scores, Liberal Arts graduates outperformed mechanical engineering students in critical thinking and reasoning.
Gene Wolfe, a mechanical engineer turned author known for science fiction and fantasy novels, developed the frying device that cooks Pringles potato chips.
Three Stanford "rocket scientist" mechanical engineering PhD students invented a disease-detecting breath analyzer and were approved to test their prototype on human patients -- all in under one year, an almost unfathomable feat in the medical device realm
Mechanical Engineer data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mechanical Engineer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why mechanical engineering is a good career?
You can easily fact check why mechanical engineering interview questions by examining the linked well-known sources.
The highest degree held by Bill Nye, The Science Guy, is a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
Bill Nye's only science degree is a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering - source
On November 1886 he opened the "Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering" in Stuttgart, Germany.
He had to halt his education in chemical and mechanical engineering, but he managed to continue to study part-time after securing employment of his own.
In 1911 he earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell University.
When is the mechanical engineering board exam?
Over the next twenty years, he was involved in many things: engineering - structural, fortifications, soil mechanics, as well as many other fields of engineering.
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In 1880 he was awarded the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts for "having established, after most laborious research, the true relation between heat, electricity and mechanical work thus affording to the engineer a sure guide in the application of science to industrial pursuits."
Machines such as steam engines can convert mechanical energy into other forms of energy.
Al-Jazari, a 12th-century Kurdish polymath, invented the crankshaft, piston engine, valve, cam, mechanical clock, combination lock, hydropower driven water supply system, and the first programmable humanoid robot. Leonardo Da Vinci was inspired by his work.
Bill Nye only has a BS in mechanical engineering.
In 1865 he entered the University of Utrecht but transferred to the Polytechnic at Zurich to study mechanical engineering.