Incredible and fun facts to explore

Accidental Invention facts

While investigating facts about Accidental Inventions and Accidental Inventions That Changed The World, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The tea-bag was an accidental invention. This occurred in 1908 when tea merchant Thomas Sullivan distributed his tea samples in small, silken bags. His customers, not understanding that these were samples, dunked them and suddenly Sullivan was swamped with orders for his ‘tea bags’!

how was the slinky accidental invention?

The Slinky was invented by accident, when a Mechanical Engineer was working to devise springs that could keep sensitive ship equipment steady at sea. After accidentally knocking some samples off a shelf, he watched in amazement as they gracefully “walked” down instead of falling.

What are some accidental inventions?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are 10 accidental inventions. Here are 50 of the best facts about Accidental Inventions List and Accidental Inventions Ppt I managed to collect.

what accidental inventions?

  1. The Popsicle was invented when 11 year old Frank Epperson accidentally left sugary soda water outdoor on a frigid night in 1905. His kids later made him rename the Epsicle (Epperson's icicle) to Pop's 'Sicle.

  2. Matches weren't invented until 1826. As John Walker stirred a pot of chemicals, a lump formed on the end of the mixing stick. He tried scraping the dried chemicals off, igniting the stick and accidentally inventing matches.

  3. Australian scientists accidentally invented Wi-Fi while searching for black holes.

  4. A marine scientist accidentally invented a way to make corrals grow 25-40 times faster, making large scale reef restoration a possibility

  5. People originally used bread to erase pencil marks. In 1770, Edward Naine accidentally picked up a piece of rubber and found it to be very effective at erasing pencil marks, which prompted him to begin selling rubber erasers. Erasers exist to correct mistakes, and was invented because of one.

  6. In 1968, a chemist for the 3M Company attempted to make a super strong adhesive, hoping to compete against Super Glue. Instead, he accidentally created a low-tack, reusable adhesive, which led to the invention of the Post-it note.

  7. In 1856, the color mauve was invented accidentally in a young chemist's attempt to cure malaria. Instead of curing the disease, the ink was picked up by the Queen and took Victorian fashion by storm.

  8. Thomas Midgley Jr, inventor of CFC and leaded gasoline, who is regarded as having the greatest impact on the atmosphere of any single organism in history also accidentally strangled himself to death with his final invention.

  9. In 1904, tea bags were invented accidentally. The inventor, Thomas Sullivan, decided that it was cheaper to send small samples to potential customers in silk bags instead of boxes. The recipients believed they were meant to be dunked and soon Sullivan was flooded with orders for his “tea bags”.

  10. Bubble wrap was invented accidentally after failed attempts to create plastic, 3-D wallpaper.

accidental invention facts
What are the best facts about Accidental Invention?

What is true about accidental invention?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Fiberglass was invented in 1932 when a researcher at Owens-Illinois accidentally directed a jet of compressed air at a stream of molten glass and produced fibers.

Super glue was accidentally invented twice, and was largely utilized during the Vietnam War for medical purposes. - source

Super glue was accidentally invented by Dr. Harry Coover during World War II. In 1942, he was in search of materials for making clear plastic gun sights to be used by Allied soldiers in the war against the Axis. Later super glue was used in Vietnam to seal up soldier's wounds. - source

Gunpowder was accidentally invented when the Chinese were trying to create a potion of immortality.

In 1956, the pacemaker was accidentally invented when Wilson Greatbatch was building a device to monitor heart sounds and used a transistor that was 100 times more powerful than the ones he usually used. This resulted in electrical pulses that were similar to the rhythm of the human heart. - source

When to report aviation accident?

The high five was accidentally invented by Glenn Burke, the first and only active MLB player to come out as gay. After he quit baseball the high five became a symbol of gay pride and identification in San Francisco's Castro district

How play-doh was an accidental invention?

ICEE was invented accidentally by Omar Knedlik, former owner of a Dairy Queen, by putting the soda bottles to the freezer to keep them cold because the soda machine was broken.

Tea bags were accidentally invented in America in 1908

The stethoscope was accidentally invented by Dr.Rene Laennec in 1816 to avoid touching a female patient's chest directly.

The Super Soaker was accidentally invented by an aerospace engineer trying to invent a refrigeration system that ran on water instead of Freon.

The pacemaker was invented due to a mistake. Wilson Greatbatch accidentally inserted the wrong resistor, but it ended up perfectly mimicking the heart’s rhythm and thus gave birth to the first implantable pacemaker.

Interesting facts about accidental invention

Teflon was accidentally invented in 1938 and promptly used by the military. In 1954 it's use in cooking equipment was suggested by an engineer's wife.

An eleven year old boy invented the ice lolly accidentally after leaving a soft drink with a mixing stick to freeze on his porch.

"Bubble Wrap" is a trademark owned by "Sealed Air Corporation" (and was an accidental invention by two engineers trying to create a plastic wallpaper)

The invention of frosted light bulbs (more pleasant lightning) was requested as a practical joke since it was deemed impossible without making the bulbs too brittle. However, chemist Marvin Pipkin didn't get the joke and accidentally succeeded, revolutionizing light bulbs.

William A. Mitchell, a research chemist who worked for General Foods invented Pop Rocks. By accident. He was working on an instant soft drink when he accidentally mixed the first Pop Rocks prototype. General Mills was not impressed, but Mitchell patented Pop Rocks in 1956.

The microwave oven was an accidental invention by researcher Percy Spencer.

Thomas Midgley, the man who invented both leaded gasoline and CFCs, accidentally strangled himself to death with the mechanism he had built to help others get him out of bed for he had become severely disabled from polio.

Eisbock ("ice beer"), a German strong beer specialty, may have been invented accidentally when some casks of beer left outside by a brewer's apprentice froze during a winter night

The electric chair was invented by Alfred Southwick, a dentist and professor at the University of Buffalo. He conceived the idea after hearing about the accidental electrocution of a drunk. Southwick considered the electric chair a humane alternative to hanging.

In 1957 a Greek sales rep couldn't find any hot water, so he put his instant coffee in a shaker he was using to sell a children's drink, with ice cubes and cold water, thereby accidentally inventing the Frappé, the most popular coffee drink in Greece today.

Cornflakes were accidentally invented from stale boiled wheat.

The Girl Who Accidentally Invented Live-Streaming (Always wondered who was the first).

Popsicles were accidentally invented by an 11 year old!

Frappé coffee was accidentally invented by Nescafe representative, Dimitris Vakondios. During a break, Dimitris wanted his regular instant coffee but couldn't find hot water so he mixed coffee with cold water.

Frank Epperson, the boy who accidentally invented the Popsicle.

What have you accidentally "invented" in your mind before you realized it

Jimi Heselden, the inventor of Segways, died after accidentally riding his invention off of a cliff.

Chimichanga (deep-fried burrito) was accidentally invented by dropping a pastry into the deep fat fryer in 1922

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Accidental Invention. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Accidental Invention so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor