Market Cap facts
While investigating facts about Market Capitalization and Market Cap Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2008, 4chan made Apple's market cap drop nearly $5 billion with a prank of Steve Jobs death
how market cap is calculated?
A company called Excite turned down the opportunity to buy Google in 1999 for $1 million. Google's founders then said they would take $750,000 only for Excite to pass a second time. Google now was a market cap of $167 billion.
What market cap means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's market cap in stocks. Here are 13 of the best facts about Market Cap Meaning and Market Capitalization Formula I managed to collect.
what's market cap?
Dogecoin once had a higher market cap than Bitcoin
The largest company in history, the Dutch East India Co., had a market cap more than 12x larger than Apple's (adj. for inflation)
The New York Stock Exchange is far-and-away the largest equity market in the world followed by the NASDAQ. These two US exchanges together have a larger market cap than the next ten exchanges combined.
The market cap of just 7 San Francisco bay area tech companies is close to 2 trillion $ - Apple, Google, Facebook, IBM, Oracle, Intel, Cisco. Add another bay area company - Chevron, and it tops 2 tril $ - combined, they would be one of a top 10 nation by GDP(nominal).
RadioShack's Market cap is $38 Million but CEO gets paid $8 Million despite a negative 24% profit margin
For several hours on October 28, 2008, Volkswagen was the world's most valuable company, with a stock price at $1,275/share and market cap of $370 Billion
Saudi Aramco is worth $10 TRILLION while Apple is worth $660 Billion, making it the largest company (by market cap) on Earth.
Apple is $1.50/share away from being the first company to hit a trillion dollar market cap
Ron Wayne, Apple Co-founder, sold his apple stock today in 1976 for $800, with the market cap today, he could've profited an estimated $94 billion.
U.S. Steel, in 1901, was the first company to reach a $1 billion market cap. (and TIL Apple, in 2018 , is the first company to hit $1T MC)
Market Cap data charts
For your convenience take a look at Market Cap figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why capital market?
You can easily fact check why capital market is efficient by examining the linked well-known sources.
Apple's market cap is closing in on $1 Trillion USD. If you had a trillion dollars, you could literally buy every single NFL, NBA and MLS team, Ford, NASA AND 100,000 Teslas and still have $$$ leftover. But you couldn't buy Apple
Market cap infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Market Cap numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Biggest Banks in the U.S. by Market Cap